
Being In a Play

Waiting for Daniel's answer made Audrey bite her lip. Fortunately, the man's heavy voice was heard shortly.

"All right, I'm going home," he replied.

Although his tone sounded forced, Audrey didn't care and developed a smile. Then she disconnected the phone and prepared to cook a special dinner.

At exactly seven in the evening, Daniel came home. He appeared with a tired-looking face.

Suddenly, Audrey's heart was tight. She just looked at her husband sadly.

For the sake of Patricia, Daniel was willing to reduce his sleep hours just to look after the evil woman.

While Daniel himself was surprised by his wife's current treatment.

His wife had dressed up and served his favorite food, but Daniel decided not to care.

No matter what the woman did, she would not be able to repay Daniel's disappointment with her.

Daniel ate his food with no enthusiasm. Audrey just looked at him while giving a small smile. After a while, she picked up a small box and handed it to Daniel.

"Open it," Audrey pleaded. Daniel still frowned, feeling strange.

He clucked once, feeling reluctant, but eventually took the box and opened it.

An ultrasound photo was inside. Daniel didn't realize what it was at first, but after he picked it up and looked at it, he knew what he was holding.

Daniel was silent as he continued to stare at the ultrasound photo.

Audrey's eyes flickered between staring at Daniel and the ultrasound photo. Feeling impatient with her husband's reaction, Audrey then explained it.

"You're going to be a father," Audrey said, holding back the tremors in her voice.

Daniel looked at Audrey. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Nor the photo in his hand.

He was going to be a father?

Audrey came closer and took Daniel's hand. She then looked at Daniel, giving her full focus to the man.

"Daniel.... I want this child. I'm really happy with this pregnancy." She took a breath. "Can we forget what happened in the past and start a new life happily with this baby?"

 Daniel was silent for a moment. His face looked thoughtful. Audrey herself looked on unblinkingly with a heart full of anxious expectation.

A baby? Daniel never expected that there would be a baby in the middle of his and Audrey's relationship. His mind immediately envisioned the tiny innocent figure in his arms. A smile almost broke out on his face.

Daniel then looked at Audrey, seeing the happy twinkle in her eyes. Perhaps the presence of this baby could soften Audrey's heart and forget her problems with Patricia. Thoughtfully, Daniel nodded in agreement. Audrey couldn't hide her wide smile as she breathed a sigh of relief.

Structuring the current relationship to be better in the future.

The presence of the fetus in her womb brought many changes to Daniel and Audrey. They both lowered their egos for the sake of the soon-to-be-born child. Every night, Daniel always makes milk for his wife before bed.

Daniel also never fails to accompany Audrey to visit the gynecologist. To make Audrey the happiest, she often caught Daniel secretly touching her stomach when she was asleep.

Audrey is now nine months pregnant. Everything is still fine.

Today, Daniel promised to come home early so that he could have dinner with Audrey at home, but too much work due to handling a new project caused Daniel to break his promise.

It was already nine o'clock in the evening, even though Daniel had promised to be home by seven. He clucked as he entered the car accompanied by small raindrops, making his suit wet.

As he was preparing to start the car engine. His cell phone rang.

Patricia's name was on it.

Indeed, since Daniel and Audrey tried to reconcile and start a new future, Daniel reduced the intensity of his meetings with Patricia, although he often still communicated with her.

"Sorry, Patricia. I can't at the moment." That was Daniel's answer when Patricia invited him to go out together.

"Why, it's been so hard to see you lately," Patricia complained. Expressing what she felt to Daniel lately.

Patricia realized that Daniel was slowly alienating her.

Since the last time he and Audrey promised to organize their lives better in the future, Daniel slowly felt a real change in their lives. Their home life was running normally like a happy married couple in general. There were no arguments, doubts, and... a third person.

There was only Audrey, his wife.

"I hope you understand. Audrey is heavily pregnant. I can't leave her for too long."

Patricia was silent. Daniel could only hear Patricia's rapid breathing.

Without Daniel realizing it, Patricia was currently racing with her heart, regulating the rhythm of her racing breath.

"Patricia, sorry. I have to go now. I'll turn off the phone, bye!"

Daniel hung up the phone, then started the car engine and drove home.

After half an hour of traveling, Daniel finally arrived home. Luckily the roads were less crowded and smooth tonight, so he didn't have to linger on the road any longer.

His feet swung into the interior of the house. Arriving in the living room, his eyes were immediately drawn to the figure on the sofa.

Audrey. She seemed to be fast asleep there. Daniel took careful and slow steps, so as not to wake the woman with a bulging stomach.

He squatted down, aligning himself with Audrey's body. His eyes gazed at the delicate, white face. Audrey was sleeping peacefully. Then he turned to his wife's growing belly. Daniel gave a small smile.

Daniel shifted his body closer to Audrey's stomach, directing his hand to gently rub the large stomach, then he was surprised to find a response from inside Audrey's stomach. The baby inside seemed to be greeting him. It made him smile happily. He tried again to get the same response. Daniel chuckled, causing Audrey to slowly wake up.

"Daniel..." she called softly.

Daniel turned around with laughter remaining on his face. "She kicked me earlier," he said, looking so happy.

Audrey nodded with the same smile. Then she touched Daniel's hand that was still on her stomach. Their eyes gazed at each other intently for a long time. The silence of the night supported the romantic atmosphere between them, until who knows who started first their lips were now intertwined with tenderness.

Until the ringing sound of Daniel's cell phone broke the moment between them. Both of them pulled away from each other and threw a wrong face.

Daniel's face wrinkled in surprise as Bryan's name appeared on the cell phone screen calling him. Daniel answered the phone hesitantly, but his face immediately hardened after hearing what Bryan said.

Daniel stood up tensely, and then Audrey approached Daniel to find out what happened. After Daniel disconnected his cell phone, he began to tell Audrey that Patricia had attempted suicide again.

Audrey shook her head in disbelief that Daniel was so easily deceived by Patricia.

Daniel immediately rushed to the hospital and Audrey deliberately went with him. She tried to open Daniel's mind, but he was too anxious to listen to anything and just drove at full speed.

Audrey gently caressed her growing belly, then took a deep breath. Until they arrived at the hospital, Audrey was still trying to talk to Daniel.

"Daniel, we'd better go home. Patricia is just acting! She's just pretending to die!"

Right in front of Patricia's room, Daniel stopped his body and immediately turned to Audrey with a look full of disappointment.

"I thought you had changed, but I was wrong. You're still the heartless woman you used to be." There was a bitter tone in Daniel's sentence mixed with disappointment.

Hearing that, Audrey was surprised. Didn't expect it. She shook her head with tears welling up. "No Daniel. You have to"

"Audrey is like that!"

The voice cut off Audrey's sentence. They turned around and found Lidya, Audrey's biological mother, standing near the entrance of the room.

The middle-aged woman walked toward them. "Audrey never thought about Patricia. She never cared about her sister."

Audrey choked up. She stared wide-eyed at her mother.

Hearing Lidya's confession, Daniel shook his head in disappointment. After that, he went straight into Patricia's room and left Audrey in front of the room.

Lidya and Audrey were still staring at each other. Audrey did not understand why her biological mother could slander her so easily.

Not wanting to make a fuss with her mother, Audrey chose to follow Daniel and entered the room.

There she saw Patricia who was lying with an IV in her hand and an oxygen tube in her nose.

Audrey frowned, it was too dramatic for her. She saw Bryan standing on the other side of the bed, while on the other side, Daniel was holding Patricia's hand.

"She loves you very much, Daniel. Patricia can't live without you." Bryan said.

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