
Rain boy

In the big colorless city many people did not have much money. Boys who were naughty with their parents would end up like the rain boy. It was said that the rain boy had been very bad with his parents and one day his parents left him outside on a stormy day. No one offered shelter to the evil boy. In order not to freeze, the boy moved his arms and legs. Moved throughout the night, but the storm continued throughout the day and no one sheltered him. He continued to move, jump, and shake. Until his arms and legs fell. When his head fell, he also died.

But don't be afraid! This is just a little story to scare children! I will tell you how it happened. In the city of this story nobody smiled or played games, all the children studied all day. In the colorless city, adults worked all day and the older ones taught the younger ones how to work until the day they died. On the day that no one remembers the exact date, very heavy rain arrived in the city followed by a floating sea of ​​heavy rain clouds. And with the rain came the boy with a bluebird in his arms. The boy happily hopped around the dark city streets, not caring about the strange looks the boy was humming; "Can someone offer me a place under your roof?" nobody answered." Can someone offer me dry clothes and a soft bed to spend the night?" Still no answer, the boy continues to walk.  Can someone in this beautiful city, keep me company, in my song?" The silence is still broken only by the heavy raindrops that hit the ground. Until when the boy was about to start singing again, a door open From inside the door, a voice says: "I will dry you, feed you, and give you a place to sleep, just please stop singing, people trying to work." Answered a cold hoarse female voice. Without hesitation, the boy entered the house happily. An old woman in a gray dress welcomes him with a towel in his hand to dry him and new clothes, so he can change. As soon as the boy enters the house, the storm seems to calm down and turn into the usual light rain. The boy dried himself and dried his bird too. When it was over and changed, and it was hot again he was invited to join the dinner table, on the table were three children, a boy, and two girls, besides the old woman, probably only a year younger than the boy. They eat in silence until the boy cannot take any more curiosity and asks:

- What's on your shoulder?

- A bluebird. - Replied the boy.

- Blue? What is this? - Asked the boy again.

- Blue is one of the most beautiful colors in the world. - Answered the boy.

- What is ... - Before the boy could finish his next question the lady proclaimed.

- Don't waste your time on stupid things like colors and eat! Rain boy, if you pronounce the word color again, I'll leave you with your bird in the rain where I found you!

The children spent the rest of the meal in silence when they finished, they washed their dishes and went to their rooms, the old lady let the rain boy share a bed with the boy and after fixing things he turned off the light and left the room. As soon as she left the room the rain boy got up from his bed and asked the children:

- Very well! Now, what are we going to play?

- Play? Are you crazy? Go back to sleep before the old woman hears you! - One of the girls replied.

- Don't you know how to play or what colors are? That is sad!

- Actually ... - started another girl - I would love to learn to play.

- Me too! - Completed the boy.

- Very well! It's decided! Come closer, and I'll show you how it works!

They played games, invented stories, make-believe, and many other things that the children of that city never had the opportunity to experience. With each new game that the rain boy taught them, the children became happier and consequently taller. By this time the rain had almost stopped and there was only a thin drizzle left. Until they started laughing so loudly that the old woman woke up from her sleep and ran with heavy steps to the children's room, all of them were having fun who didn't hear her coming.

- I gave you shelter, clothes, food, and a place to spend the night and that's how you pays off! Destroying my children's minds! Making them laugh! You and the smelly bird!

- But we're just having fun and being happy! - Claim the boy.

The rain falls again. But it's no use. The boy has his clothes removed from his body and is obliged to put on his old wet clothes. Before closing the door in the boy's face, the old woman proclaims:

- And never speak of happiness in this city again!

The rain turns into a storm again. So, the boy started walking around the city as if nothing had happened. Of course, this was because no one saw his tears that were mixed with raindrops. But when he sang the same song again, you could see that his voice was shaking.

"Can someone offer me a place under your roof?"

Nobody answered.

"Can someone offer me dry clothes and a soft bed to spend the night?"

The boy continues to walk.

It was said that each spoken word made the rain to get stronger in response to the boy's sadness.

"Can someone show a little empathy and maybe a warm smile, a little joy?"

Even with the heavy rain, you could still clearly hear the boy's words as if they were said by the rain itself.

"Can someone in this beautiful city, keep me company, in my song?"

He no longer expected any response, so I continue to sing;

"Can anyone in this grumpy city see the beautiful bluebird that flies beside me?"

The boy's tone was so melancholic that you could hear thunder accompanying his plea. The lyrics of the song change when the storm gets stronger and more dramatic than any other that passed through the city.

"Does anyone want to join me? Let's play in the puddles and sing along!"

Rain flooded the streets and pulled roofs off, but the boy continued to skip the water up to his knees, but instead of singing it was more like shouting:

"We are going to fly like bluebirds on a stormy night."

"Follow the raindrop until it touches the ground."

After repeating the entire song two to four times through the city streets, the sun began to rise on the horizon and the sun's rays began to slowly sweep the city storm. And the boy's voice got lower and lower.

Until the storm embrace the rain boy on its arms with the bluebird flying at his side and take them away vanishing as the morning arrives.

The ones who rejected him didn't know that the storm had taken the boy away.

They swore that they could still hear his angry voice singing:

"Can someone offer me a place under your roof?"

Nobody answered.

"Can anyone see the bluebird that flies beside me?"

"Can someone join me ...?"

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