
Chapter 2 - Ungrateful

And three months later, after they first met, they met again in Seoul, Korea.

That day, roaming around Seoul, Jade felt tired and came back to her hotel suite. It’s her last night in Korea and she will be flying back to Austria as her holiday is over and she will be back to her grueling work as a surgeon. 

Jade just came out of the bathroom after freshening up when she came face to face with the man she saw in the private room at a bar three months ago.  

Tyler grabbed her neck and growled, "Why are you here, slut?" 

"This is my room," Jade said with much difficulty, prying open his hand that was clutching her neck. 

Tears gathered around her eyes as she was struggling to get some air. 

This woman followed him to Korea. Is she the one who drugged his drink just now? What is she doing in my suite? Tyler had a series of questions in his mind while she strangled her. 

"Ugh!!!" Tyler groaned in pain and released Jade. She managed to kick him on the groin. He lay on the floor writhing in pain. 

Jade wore her robe in a hurry, took her phone, then rushed outside. 

She was startled when she saw two men guarding outside. However, she recollected herself quickly. 

"Your boss entered the wrong room," she spoke sternly to them so she could conceal her fear. "I will call the police if you don't take him out." 

"Madam, this is our boss's suite," the guard explained to clear any misunderstanding. 

Jade was about to refute them when the hotel manager just came in and said, "She's right, this suite is madam's suite. The front desk made a mistake, she initially thought that Ms. Leitner had checked out and wasn't informed that she extended for another night." 

The manager explained and turned to look at Jade. "I'm sorry, Ms. Leitner." 

"It's okay," Jade said as she didn't want to make a fuss. She just wanted the man out so she could have her needed rest. 

Jade went inside followed by the bodyguards. 

They saw Tyler on the bed, struggling to remove his tie. 

"Call a doctor, my drink has been spiked," Tyler barked to the bodyguards, he could feel that the drug used to spike his drink is powerful and the urge for release makes him want to touch any available woman but he wouldn't do it. 

Jade overheard Tyler and said to the other guard. "I can help." 

The guards looked at each other and they both stared at Jade. 

Knowing what was in their minds, Jade explained to them. 

Tyler heard the first three words she said but didn't understand the rest of the explanation she told the bodyguards. 

The drug was starting to overpower his rationale, he wanted to pounce on Jade and see her writhing beneath him. 

Jade could see the passion in his eyes and cringed. She walked away from him and took her bag. 

Taking out a syringe and a vial, she went near Tyler. 

She had this antidote on her handbag ready in case someone drugged her. 

Tyler was already hallucinating when Jade injected the antidote to him. 

Seeing that Jade was a good Samaritan, the bodyguards pleaded with her to let Tyler stay in her suite.  The hotel was already fully booked and there was no available room until the next day. 

Being a compassionate person she is, Jade agreed and let Tyler stay in her suite. 

Early in the morning, Jade was jolted up from sleep because of lack of oxygen. She opened her eyes and saw Tyler ferocious eyes, his hands wrapped around her neck, strangling her. 

"Sir, no!" The bodyguards who just came into the suite panicked when they saw Tyler strangling Jade. 

"Sir, she helped you last night," said the other bodyguard while they tried to free Jade's neck from his grip. 

What he said made Tyler a lot more furious, misunderstanding the meaning behind the bodyguard's statement. Tyler thought that Jade slept with him. 

"You whore, you drugged me so I would sleep with you," Tyler roared, Jade's tears slid down her temple as she was trying to gasp for air. 

"She injected an antidote to you," the guard worriedly said. 

As if struck by a thunder, Tyler released Jade right away.  

"Take him away from my suite otherwise, I'll call the police," Jade said in between coughing and gasping for air. 

'This is what I get for helping him?' remorseful that she gave a helping hand to an ungrateful person. 

Despite knowing that she helped him, Tyler's bad impression of Jade didn't change. He was still suspicious of her motive.  

Remaining long under the thick veil, Max couldn't help but roar in amazement, causing the couple to be jarred back from their reverie. "Come out! You can have a longer kiss afterwards." 

An eruption of laughter filled the hall following Max's statement. 

Tyler lifted the veil and put it at the back of Jade's head revealing his stunning bride. 

Jaws dropped when they saw how beautiful she was. 

"The rumored ugly duckling turns out to be a beautiful swan," they whispered as they looked at Jade who was standing beside Tyler. 

While the guests were singing her praise on the other hand Tyler gave off an icy and aloof aura making Jade quiver. 

In his chest was a simmering anger as he was being deceived by his cousin. 

It was clear to him that even his cousin was against Sophia and set him up. But he wouldn't let him have the last laugh.

He will divorce this woman as soon as the mission is over. 

After the wedding banquet Tyler brought Jade to his mansion that was located in the heart of an affluent district of the city. 

Just like any other newly wedded man, Tyler picked his new bride up in his arms and carried her bridal style. 

He hated to do it but he had to act like they're in love. There might be a traitor working in the mansion and he couldn't afford to screw up the mission. 

Jade was tongue tied and couldn't utter a single word to refuse him. Her face turned from pink to red the longer she was in his arms. 

"Hold me if you don't want to fall," Tyler whispered in her ear, his warm breath fanning on her neck. 

Jade's face was now likened to a beetroot. She never had been this close to any man all her life. 

She slowly and hesitatingly lifted her arms, and wrapped her hands on his neck. Her cold hands came in contact with his warm skin, shooting  shivers up her spine.

Tyler could not feel her hands around his neck as his mind was filled with rage and wanted to throw this woman he was carrying in his arms.  

The walk up the stairs towards his bedroom was the longest and hardest walk he had ever had, harder than the walk he had when he was training as a soldier. 

He carried heavier things during his training but he found this woman so heavy not that she's big. Actually she has a slender physique, but because he didn't like this marriage, carrying her was hell. 

He put her down as soon as they entered his bedroom and closed the door behind him. 

Jade breathed a sigh of relief silently afraid that she would offend Tyler. 

She turned to look at him and clamped her hands over her mouth and whimpered when she saw Tyler pointing a gun at her. 

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goodnovel comment avatar
Levy Q
Can't find the first story about Zachary & Serenity. I'm on 105 chapter and list it!
goodnovel comment avatar
Levy Q
Where is the first book. ? I haven't finished reading it yet!!
goodnovel comment avatar
Julie Board
This is not the book I was reading what has happened where is the one I was reading

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