
Chapter 14: Saving Me

"So, are you having fun living together?" Alpha Raven asked them, and Stella looked at Brandon. "Answer your father!" Stella whispered at him, and Brandon smirked at her. "We still are not used to living with each other!" Brandon answered, which made Stella glare at him. "It is given to be like that, it will take time but I know you will learn—

"I don't like her, Dad!" Brandon cut what his father was saying. Stella froze in her seat and when she realised what Brandon said, she moved away from him. "What did you say, Brandon?" Alpha Raven asked his son, and Brandon just looked at his father. "You heard it, Dad!" Brandon answered and looked at Stella.

"She doesn't like me too, right?" Brandon added while looking at Stella. Their attention went to her, Stella looked at them awkwardly when Theo stood up. "You need to respect your mate, Brandon!" Theo said and stopped in front of their father. "I need to go! It is so embarrassing to witness how your youngest child acts in front of his mate." Theo added and looked at Stella. "Thank you for welcoming me!" He told her, and Stella smiled at him.

Theo left the house and that's when Alpha Raven stood up, "I also need to go! You better fix yourself, Brandon!" Alpha Raven warned his son, and Brandon just looked at him. Stella also stood up and went to her room. She couldn't believe that she would hear those kinds of words from Brandon.

Night came and Stella decided to skip dinner with Brandon. She didn't have the strength to meet him after what happened earlier.

"If you want to eat just eat later, I'm going out tonight!" Brandon yelled from outside but he didn't receive any answer from Stella. 

She heard the noise from the door and waited for a couple of minutes before going outside her room. She looked around and Brandon was not there anymore. She went to the kitchen and got some food. That's when she started eating alone without thinking about Brandon. She also did the dishes so Brandon wouldn't see that she ate dinner. 

After a couple of days, Stella didn't waste her time talking to Brandon. She made herself busy with the house chores and meeting Flora inside the woods. She got her ball cap and went outside her room. "Are you going out again?" Brandon was sitting on the couch when he saw Stella leaving her room. "Yeah, I need to go somewhere!" Stella answered and walked towards the main door. "Okay, just knock if you want to enter—

"I have my keys!" Stella cut what Brandon was saying and left their house. She walked towards the woods and immediately saw Flora waiting for her. "You look annoyed!" Flora told her, and Stella nodded her head. "Brandon did this!" Stella answered and started massaging her face.

They sat on the bench that Sky made for them to sit on whenever they wanted to stay inside the woods. "Your brother did a great job with this bench!" Stella said while patting the bench. "You just like him that's why you are complimenting him a lot!"  Flora teased her, and Stella couldn't stop herself from rolling her eyes at Flora.

"What's with you today, huh? Who hurt you?" Stella also teased her, and Flora glared at Stella. "Let's start drinking!" Flora said and gave her a glass. They started drinking until dawn, Stella noticed that Flora couldn't handle alcohol anymore so they stopped drinking. "I should call your brother!" Stella said and got her phone from her pocket.

"No, don't call him!" Flora said and tried to grab Stella's phone. Stella stopped her and they went back to sitting on the bench. "Fine, I won't!" Stella answered and put her phone back in her pocket.

They watched the night and the moon shines so beautifully. "How's your life there?" Flora asked her, and Stella looked at her. Stella started crying, which made Flora sober. "Hey, what's wrong?" Flora asked her and sat beside her. 

Flora was caressing Stella's hair and let Stella cry on her shoulders. "I know this idea will be a mess but it still hurts me." Stella said while crying on Flora's shoulder. "Are you expecting something from him?" Flora asked her, which made Stella stop crying. 

She wiped her tears and looked at Flora. "Am I expecting something from him?" Stella asked Flora, and they looked at each other. "Come on, Stella?" Flora asked her but she didn't get any answer from Stella.

They stayed in the woods for a while until they decided to go home. Flora helped Stella to stand up and walked towards her home. "What happened?" Flora immediately saw Brandon outside their house.

Brandon looked at Stella, who was avoiding his stares. "I will sleep now. Thank you, Flora!" Stella said and went inside the house. Flora and Brandon were left outside the house. "What—

"Just ask her! I need to go!" Flora answered and started walking away. Brandon nodded his head and went inside their house. He was sitting on the couch while looking at Stella's room. "Should I talk to her?" Brandon asked himself while looking at the door. 

Brandon decided not to interrupt her so he went to sleep. The next morning came and Stella didn't leave her room. She knew what happened yesterday and she didn't want to meet him. "Are you going to stay in your room, huh?" Stella was startled when she heard her father's voice outside her room. 

She didn't have a choice but to leave her bed and open the door. "What are you doing here?" Stella asked her father, and Remus looked around. "You are alone here?" Remus asked his daughter again, "I don't know, maybe!" Stella answered. 

"You should know his whereabouts, Stella!" Remus said, and Stella just nodded her head. Her father looked at her and tried to scan her appearance. "Did you drink?" Remus asked her, which made Stella terrified towards her father.

"No!" Stella answered and tried to walk away. Remus held her arm to stop her from walking away. "You need to collect yourself and be a better person, Stella!" Remus warned his daughter. "You should tell that to yourself!" Stella answered and removed her father's hand from her arm.

Stella went back inside her room and made sure that the door was locked. She took a bath to lessen the hangover she had. Cold water hung on her body, which made her calm and composed. After taking a bath, she dried her hair using a blower and combed it to make it straight. 

She went outside of her room and found out that she was alone there. She started cleaning their house and cooked her late breakfast. She was busy in the kitchen when Brandon came from his father's mansion.

He smelled something delicious from the kitchen and he knew that it was Stella. Stella forgot the glass in the living room so she decided to get it so she could wash it. She was walking towards the living room when she saw Brandon sitting on the couch.

"Is that for our lunch?" Brandon asked her, and Stella just nodded her head. She got the glass and walked away. Brandon stood up from the couch and followed Stella into the living room. 

"Why are you mad at me?" Brandon asked her as soon as he entered the kitchen. "I am not mad at you!" Stella answered and washed the glass. "Then what's with the attitude?" Brandon asked her again, "Don't mind me!" Stella answered and served their food on the table.

"If you want to eat then eat!" Stella told him and started eating her food. Brandon shook his in disbelief and got a plate. 

They started eating together but no one tried to break the silence between them. As soon as Stella finished eating, she went to the living room to wait for Brandon to finish his food. "I can do the dishes!" Brandon yelled from the kitchen so Stella stood up and went to her room. She went to the bathroom and brushed her teeth.

After preparing herself, she left her room and saw Brandon again. "I will just meet Flora!" Stella said and opened the main door. "Are you going to drink again?" Brandon followed her into the main door. "That is out of your concern." Stella answered and started walking away.

Stella reached Flora's house and immediately saw Sky repairing his car outside. "Hey!" Stella greeted him, and Sky looked at her right away. "Oh! Can you leave your house?" Sky asked her and cleaned his hands. "Of course, I can! I am not a princess to be jailed inside a house and wait to be saved by a charming prince." Stella answered and smirked at Sky. "Then I will be that charming prince!" Sky told her, which made Stella freeze for a moment.

"Stella!" Flora came and immediately hugged Stella. "How are you?" Flora asked her again and scanned her body. "I am fine, you don't need to overreact!" Stella answered and stopped Flora from what she was doing. "Let's go inside!" Flora said and held Stella's hand.

They went inside the house, and Stella sat on the couch. "Where is your father, Flora?" Stella asked her, and Flora sat in front of Stella. "Alpha Raven called for an urgent meeting so my father is there." Flora answered, and Stella nodded her head. 

"What did Brandon tell you?" Flora asked her, and Stella became serious. "Nothing!" Stella answered, and Flora looked at her to make sure that she was telling the truth. "What are you doing, huh?" Stella asked while smirking at Flora. "Nothing!" Flora answered and smiled at Stella.

"Why don't you grab some snacks?" Sky came inside the house after fixing his car, "I will get some snacks!" Flora said and went to the kitchen.

Stella was left with Sky in the living room, "How's your life now?" Sky asked her, and Stella looked at him. "Doing just fine!" Stella answered sarcastically, which made Sky laugh at her. "Are you sure about that?" Sky asked her, and Stella nodded her head.

Flora came back with their snacks, and Sky let them hang out without him. Stella was eating some crackers when the main door opened. "Oh! I didn't know that you would be here!" Beta Helias came and greeted Stella. "How's the meeting, Dad?" Flora asked her father, "Alpha Raven wants us to strengthen our force inside our land. They had some cases where rogues were trying to enter our land." Beta Helias answered, and they were listening to him attentively. 

"Brandon will be busy for the next few weeks." Beta Helias added and looked at Stella. "I will go to my room now. Have fun here, Stella!" Beta Helias said, and Stella nodded her head. "Thank you, Beta Helias!" Stella said, and they watched Beta Helias walk away.

"You will be alone in your house then." Flora told her, which made Stella smile. "I can't wait for that!" Stella answered, and they sat again on the couch. 

They caught up until dark came, Stella decided to go home so she bid her goodbyes to Flora. "Should I go with you?" Flora asked her, and Stella shook her head. "I can go home alone!" Stella told her and smiled at her.

Stella walked away and the only light she had was the moon. She was on the sidewalk when she felt that someone was following her. She didn't make it obvious and just walked peacefully. 

She stopped walking when she saw the path that she would take, it was inside the woods so she needed to calm herself. "I can defend myself!" Stella told herself and started walking again.

She was in the middle of the woods when the footsteps became faster. She turned around and saw a huge wolf running towards her.

Stella shifted into her wolf form and ran away. The wolf was following her until Brandon showed up. "Go home, now!" Brandon told her, and Stella nodded her head.

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