
Chapter 4

“Miss Campbell?”, Asked the young lanky man who stood at the edge of the hallway, close to the elevator, where the chairs were arranged.

Melanie nervously nodded and her motioned for her to take a seat. She glanced at the other men and women that sat there waiting and she could feel her anxiety worsening. They all looked so prepared and we’ll dressed with their ramrod straight backs and polite smiles. She took a seat beside the last person and whispered to her, “Hi. Good morning”.

The girl turned towards her with a finely arched eyebrow raised as she gave her a cool, superior look. “You’re not Linda Thorne”, She stated with a deliberately sardonic expression.

“No, I’m not. My name is Melanie…”, She paused when she saw the lady turn away from like there was nothing more to see. She shut up immediately and glanced nervously at the others that minded their own business as they were each called into a room to get interviewed.

Almost an hour later, the mean girl before her came out of the rooms and Melanie studied her face to see if she could tell what had gone on inside. The girl strutted out with a smug smile on her face as she threw Melanie a look. Before Melanie could react, the man walked out and called on her.

“You can come in now, Miss Campbell” .

Melanie wringed her fingers and took deep breaths to prevent her self from stuttering and making a fool out of herself to the interviewers. She thought about what was at stake if she couldn’t get the job and squared her shoulders, she had to get hired. It probably wouldn’t be her last and only chance but she had to get this job, she thought.

She took her seat in front of the four interviewers who looked to be important people in the company and she waited with bated breath for their questions. They reviewed her curriculum vitae and all the other germane documents she had in her file again even though she had attached a soft copy of all of them in the email she sent previously. One of the interviewers cleared her throat and then questions began, coming in quick successions and Melanie had to do her very best not to stumble over her answers or ramble about unnecessary information. She responded to the questions with practiced ease as she had already rehearsed the answers before and with as much confidence and professionalism and she could muster without seeming loquacious or obnoxious.

At the end of the interview that barely took up twenty minutes, Melanie glanced at the faces of the people that sat before her and they had no telling expression and so she didn’t know whether to go home joyful or upset. She didn’t feel enthusiastic though, especially how they seemed to turn up their noses at the fact that hadn’t gone to college yet and she had heard two of them whispering to each other in a volume they thought was quiet, about how the young lady before her had impressive results on her résumé from the four years she had spent getting a good college degree.

“We'll give you a call”, One if the male interviewers told her and she knew this was her cue to take her leave.

“Thank you” , She said, with a polite smile as she made her way out of the room.

She waved goodbye to the young man who stood in the hallway as she walked into the elevator and she could feel tears welling up in her eyes as she swallowed, forcing down the huge lump that had appeared in her throat. She rubbed her tears away violently with the sleeve of her shirt, she didn’t need to look pathetic and stupid as she left, announcing to everyone that saw her that she had failed.

When the elevator reached the ground floor, she stepped out into the lobby and walked towards the receptionist's desk. She saw the lady at the front desk gently chiding a tiny teenager who spoke to her in a small voice who looked incredibly fragile.

“Melanie Campbell?” , Someone called behind her and she turned around curiously.

“It is you. Erin told me you were coming in today for an interview”, The beautiful red haired young lady said with a wide smile.

“Oh, hello”, Melanie said, with an answering smile, remembering who she was. “You must be Leila Hudgens, Erin has said so much about you. It’s nice to finally meet you”.

“Same here. She called yesterday and I was expecting to get a call from the receptionist about your arrival but I didn’t get anything so I completely forgot. She should have just given you my phone number or something”.

“I’m sorry, it’s my fault. I was really nervous and I didn’t think it was right to bother you so I didn’t say anything to the receptionist. Thanks for coming out though. How did you know it was me?”.

“Oh, that!”, Leila said with a laugh, “Erin told me to look for a girl that has a slight resemblance to Linda Thorne”.

This Linda person again. Why does everyone keep talking to me about her?, Melanie thought.

Seeing her confused expression, Leila held a hand to her lips with an exaggerated gasp, “You don’t know who Linda Thorne is? Have you been living beneath a rock?”.

Melanie frowned slightly, “Is she some kind of a celebrity? That would be why I don’t know her. I have way too much to do and think about to bother myself with thoughts of wealthy privileged people who have nothing to offer me for my love and support”.

Leila looked stumped. “That’s… Anyway”, She continued, clearing her throat. “How was the interview? Do you think it went in your favor?”.

Melanie sighed. “I wouldn’t know. I’m not very optimistic about it to be honest”.

“I’m sure it’ll be fine.”, Leila said, moving closer and giving Melanie a motherly smile. Melanie nodded, relishing the sweet smell of peach blossoms that wafted from her.

“Where are you heading to after this?” .

Melanie shrugged. “I work at a small restaurant a few minutes drive from here as a waitress. Richie’s”.

“Oh, I think I know that place. I'll come over during my lunch break to see you. You don’t have to feel sad or anything. If I hear anything about the interviews beforehand, I’ll be sure to let you know and in case it doesn’t work out here, I have a in another place I can recommend you to”, Leila stated with a lofty expression.

“Thanks, Leila. Really. It’s very kind of you to offer but you don’t have to worry about me”, Melanie said with a small smile, trying her best to be cheery especially when Leila was doing her best to make her feel better.

Melanie waved goodbye to her and walked up to her car feeling emptier than when she entered the building.

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