
Chapter 2

After the shock was over, Tinh Ngoc tried to calm down, she did some brainstorming to remember the time.

She looks aimlessly out the window, a few memories pouring into her head, followed by a sad sigh.

Isn't this the time when she was injured because she was kidnapped by Dinh Quan's opponent? And the source of this is also because she wanted to escape from Dinh Quan to reveal her whereabouts and give the other guys a chance to take action. The other people used her to threaten him to do something, fortunately he had a way to make the other people unhappy and save her. Come to think of it, if it wasn't for him this time, this little life would have been lost, let alone five years later.

However, this time she made Dinh Quan very angry, but when he was angry, he was really scared. Remembering what will happen next, Tinh Ngoc is scared to death.

Waiting for her to return from the hospital, Dinh Quan did not say no, but dragged her into a locked room and detained her for more than three months. It must be said that before that, even though he forced her to be with him, he never forbade her from doing anything, he could go wherever he wanted, as long as he returned on time. Strictly speaking, when she was wanted with him, she got whatever she wanted. Thinking about it again, she didn't understand what was in her mind at that time that kept refusing a man like that. It is also because of her stubbornness that everything later becomes and there is no way to save it.

But that's okay, now God has given her a chance, which is for her to correct the mistakes of her previous life, and she will definitely not let things go to a dead end like her previous life.

Consciousness was still drifting along the stream of thoughts, so that Tinh Ngoc did not realize when the door of the ward had been pushed open, until she heard a low sound, startled and raised her head.

"Are you awake?"

Tinh Ngoc startled and raised her eyes, opposite her was the figure of a man. Tall figure, firm face, around him as if there is a separate pressure, making others afraid to approach. This person, besides Dinh Quan, who else could it be?

Tinh Ngoc looked at her in a daze, she didn't know how to describe the emotions in her heart at this time. For Dinh Quan, she just woke up from a long dream, only she herself understood, she had just experienced a human life. She suddenly remembered all the things this man had done for her before and after her death, from beginning to end, only she had betrayed him. Now, even though she knew that she had been given another chance by God, she herself could not afford to miss this man, but inwardly she was still a little afraid of him. She didn't know how to face him, so how to live with him so that he wouldn't notice her abnormality.

The girl on the bed didn't answer, didn't even look up at her, making the man's face even more gloomy. He'd always known she didn't like his attention and closeness, but knowing that didn't mean he'd accept it. Although she holds a grudge against him, Dinh Quan still wants to have a place in her heart, this stubbornness is already deeply rooted in his bones.

Dinh Quan walked up to the hospital bed, raised his hand to raise Tinh Ngoc's small face, so that she could face him.

"Will you run away again next time?"

Facing the gleam in his eyes, Tinh Ngoc returned to her senses, her small white face flushed with fear.

Although he did whatever he wanted in his previous life to her, his anger was really no joke. Someone like him, being used to being obeyed by others, was already considered very patient with her.

Tinh Ngoc swallowed a mouthful of saliva, tried to calm down, and spoke weakly.

"No… I don't dare anymore."

Dinh Quan was a bit surprised, but this time she was not stubborn anymore. Moreover, the girl's soft and weak voice reached his ears, making even the slightest bit of anger fly away. Looking at her scared sick face, he couldn't bear to scold her. After all, having experienced a terrifying experience, she must have not calmed down yet, he shouldn't scare her anymore. Indeed, in this world, she was the only one who made him worry so much.

Hearing her compromise, of course Dinh Quan's face softened. As long as she obeys a little bit, he will also pick stars in the sky for her.

Realizing that the person in front of him was no longer angry, Tinh Ngoc dared to talk a little more with him.

"This time... thank you..."

After all, it's her stupidity to cause trouble, when it comes to talking about it, she can't help but feel a little embarrassed.

The man raised his bushy eyebrows slightly, obviously surprised by her attitude. The girl who was suddenly so obedient both satisfied him and made him a little suspicious.

"In the past, it was because I didn't understand, and in the future, I won't make you angry anymore."

As if afraid Dinh Quan would not see his sincerity, Tinh Ngoc continued.

"You are so kind to me, it is because I have no eyes to oppose you, in the future, I will only be loyal to you."

Dinh Quan tilted his head to look at her thoughtfully, indeed he would be very happy if she could think clearly. But she just fell asleep, and when she woke up, it was like a different person, so he couldn't help but suspect.

The man's black eyes were locked on Tinh Ngoc's body, and he spoke slowly.

"If you really think so, that's fine, but I hope this isn't some sort of plan with you to leave me."

Saying this, he paused for a moment and then lowered his head again, reaching out to lift Tinh Ngoc's chin.

"Tinh Ngoc, I don't have much patience, if you continue to provoke me, I'm afraid I won't be able to control myself and lock you up, no matter how you protest."

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