
Advisors/ Protectors of Lord Davis.

Annie led the way to the Mansion, which was not that far ahead from where they were now. She suddenly came to a halt as she complained, "I have been walking for over an hour! That Mansion is just too far!. Don't these damn vampires have any means of transportation?! I can't go on anymore!". Annie finally gave up on walking and then sat down on the ground, not minding all the eyes that were focused on her.

"Em, My Lady, are you alright?". Amelia asked and walked over to help Annie back to her feet again, but Annie just gestured her hand up in the air, indicating that Amelia should just leave her be.

"But My Lady, we have to get out of here immediately". Amelia was nervous as she announced to Annie. She further continued to talk, "This isn't a good environment for us to be in. All the vampires staring at us only have bad intentions. Nothing good comes out from those gazes of theirs. They might hurt us".

"I'd like to see them try. They can all stare at me all they want, I don't care". "You know what, Amelia? Maybe I will consider you and get up, but that's only if there's another easy way of getting to the Mansion, other than walking".

'Huh? My Lady hasn't behaved like this before. What had happened to her and the sudden change in her? I clearly remember that she hasn't ever complained before, even if her legs were injured'. Amelia thought. The Lady Annie she knew had never for once in her lifetime complained about anything. Why then the sudden change in her?. Amelia couldn't help but wonder.

Meanwhile, from a far distance, they were two guys, Bernard and Arnold, who were both spying at Annie.

"I think she'd do and is fit for the job. Don't you think so, Arnold?". Bernard suggested to Arnold who simply nodded his head in approval.

"She'll definitely suit Lord Davis in the meantime. Plus, She's such a beauty to behold. I hate to confirm this, but she's the prettiest vampire I have ever seen. Do you even think she'd be favoured by Lord Davis because of her beauty?". Arnold said to Bernard.

Bernard sighed deeply. He massaged his temple as he replied to Arnold, his comrade, "I don't know if she'd be favoured by Lord Davis, but considering how beautiful she is, I think she might have a chance. But we have to get her to Lord Davis immediately. You know Lord Davis' right hand maid was greatly injured by him because of her mistake. Now the right hand maid's spot is empty, and we have to get this young vampire to replace that spot right away, so that she'd attend to Lord Davis".

"You're right Bernard. I just hope she's good enough for the job because, I can't even sense any energy force coming from her". Arnold admitted and added, "In that case, she's just a weakling and a low ranked vampire. Do you think she can handle Lord Davis' power force?". Arnold was concerned as he asked Bernard.

"You know we shouldn't really care about such a thing like this. We're not in the position to know about that. Come on, Arnold, we should get done with this already". Bernard concluded.

Arnold and Bernard then journeyed to Annie who was still sitting comfortably on the ground. All the other vampires who had bad intentions of approaching Annie, all backed down immediately after seeing the two high ranked vampires they shouldn't ever dare to mess with in their entire lifetime.

"Oh no!". Amelia saw the two high ranked vampires approaching her and Annie, so she panicked and forcefully helped Annie to stand up.

Amelia totally recognized Arnold and Bernard as the right hand advisor and left hand advisor to Lord Davis, the overall unbeaten king of all vampires!.

Amelia was also aware that wherever these two particular high ranked vampires head to, nothing good comes out of it.

"Come on, My lady! We're not safe here!". Amelia announced in a whispering voice. She dragged Annie along with her and didn't mind at the moment that her actions were disrespectful. But she had no other choice but to do this, since keeping Annie safe was her top priority.

"Hey, Amelia slow down! Where are you dragging me to like this? I recently told you that my legs were already tired!". Annie quarrelled with Amelia in a harsh voice tone as she wasn't pleased. To Annie's surprise, the crybaby she had imagined Amelia to be, didn't surface now because Amelia kept on running with her and didn't even bother to stop. 'What's this? I actually thought that she'd end up sobbing again since I yelled at her'. Annie thought.

"My lady, those two vampires behind us are really dangerous! No one dares to mess with them! Every vampire, even low and high ranked, avoids those particular two vampires behind us. Plus, those two vampires are the advisor and protector of Lord Davis, the one and only unbeatable vampire King of all time". Amelia explained and didn't stop running with Annie.

Annie laughed out loud after listening to everything Amelia explained to her. She said, "This is so hilarious to me, Amelia. So if there's a King here, does that mean there's also a Queen? What era are we? In the 1800s?". All these explanations just don't make any sense at all to Annie who was finding everything funny. Although Annie was already certain that she had transmigrated to another world, she was still imagining that maybe, all of these would just turn out to be a long nightmare, and just maybe, she might actually wake up from her sleep someday.

"Oh no. This is really bad…. What do they want with us? We didn't do anything wrong to offend Lord Davis". Amelia muttered and stopped running with Annie. Her heart started to beat rapidly after the two high ranked vampires who were behind them, suddenly appeared and stood in front of them. 'How did they get to us so quickly?!'. Amelia thought and was shivering in fear.

‘Strange. Why is Amelia's heart beating this fast? Why did she even stop running with me?'. Annie wondered before her eyes met with Arnold and Bernard. 'Oh, are these two vampires the reason why Amelia was panicking? These two just look like a nuisance to me though". Annie thought to herself once more as she continued to glare at both Arnold and Bernard.

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