
Chapter Five

* Nick *


I opened my eyes at the sound of my name being called out by a female voice, blinking twice while placing my hand on the space beside me. She called out again making me realize that it was Riza. Then my hand caught something, or rather someone. My head immediately turns to the right and sees the face of an unknown woman in bed with me. "What the!?"

I gritted my teeth before I could utter a series of explicit. Catching my head with both my hands I recalled what happened last night. We had too much to drink and I remember this beautiful wolf approaching me to give me her greetings. But her eyes scream wild sex and she is more than willing to follow me, wearing a very short dress that fits her body like a second skin. Any male species would be happy to take her out that evening and I haven't dated for a while since my father declared that we have to find our mate. So I didn't say no when she employed we continue drinking over at my place.

"Hey, wake up babe!"

I could not remember her name, he stirred but did not wake up. Riza knocked another time on the door so I have to answer her before she panics and took the spare key to my room. This is not my room, I suddenly realize it when I get down and place my feet on the cold floor. Or this is mine as I recently bought a new place?

"Riza, I am coming out in a few seconds stop banging the door like it's a matter of life and death!"

I muttered a series of curse words making the woman in my bed wake. She has a to-die-for body but her face is not the kind you easily remember. Some females are unrecognizable after removing a bunch of makeup from their faces. My nakedness causes her to gaze at me with wide eyes. Must be pleasant for her to see naked early in the morning.


She smiled and removed the sheets completely showing herself but I groaned and manage to put on some pants and a t-shirt. "You must get dressed and get out of here as soon as you can, my mother's assistant is here and I don't want her to report back to my mother with bad news."

"Oh!, but."

She stops in mid-sentence when I pick up her only piece of clothing on the floor. Just a mini short dress that only a hooker would wear. I lost my patience when she did not move however I need to stay calm or it would alert Riza who is just waiting outside the condo where I am staying in the city.

I threw the dress in front of her and did nothing with the scowl on her face. Her eyes change when she looks at my body, I wonder how we did it last night as I was so drunk.

"You can fix yourself in the bathroom while I talk to the my mother's assistant outside."

"Oh, alright my prince."

I slowly open the door when she got out of bed and get in the bathroom.

"Riza, what's up? You are early."

I meet her gaze pretending to be surprised by her presence. She frowned and tried to look behind me but I am taller and I did not open the door wide. She can't peek inside the apartment.

"Yes, Nick. Your mother wants you in the palace now! It is very important that you did not forget the event this evening."

I sighed. "I see, then wait for me in the car while I fix myself and get some things to take with me."

She shut her mouth and look at me up and down. "I know what you've been up to Nick, I am not going to say anything to your mother but you need not do this again."

She turned her back on me just like the mean assistant that she always is. I should thank her for keeping this to my mother, or she would get mad and talk to the Alpha King. It wasn't my plan to take this woman here but I was drunk and I guess she took advantage. I couldn't even remember having sex with her.

The toilet made a noise and she came out after a few seconds. I took my wallet on top of the glass table beside my bed. I choose to pick the higher bills and counted five then showed her.

"This is for a taxi, and please don't say any word about this to anyone. You know who I am, and I know who you are. My father will not be pleased to hear about any scandal involving his sons."

Her face lit up and her hands accepted the cash immediately.

"I will not say anything to anyone at all. Thank you, my love!"

She put her arms around my neck and tiptoed to give me a kiss. My head automatically turned the other way so her lips touch my right jawline. Then my hand removed his arms.

"Take care and go around the back exit. I need to close this apartment and fix a few things."

She nodded. "Bye Nick! See you when you get the time alright? It was a very pleasant evening we had together."

Her smile turned wider as she look at the bunch of cash in her hand. Then she opened the door and left, leaving me with an irritable feeling as I look at the bed and realized that I have to ditch this place and here a better one. Or she will keep coming and ask for me. It's not like I can just hurt the women whom I accidentally sleep with because they get obsessed with following me around.

"What took you so long Nick?"

Riza is standing beside the black BMW and looking at me with a deep frown on her face.

"Come on Riza, I am here and we need to leave now if my mother wants to see me urgently."

She rolled her eyes upward and opens the door on the passenger's side for me. Still making sure that I won't get away and that I am going with her.

"Well, it is not just you who needs to be in the palace right now and we have trouble looking where he could be."

She sighed and get in the front seat besides the driver. The traffic is smooth when we get to the main road, I am sure that my mother have instructed Riza to come and pick me up. I groaned realizing that there is no secret between her and my mother. She chooses to send her to me because she will never cover up for anything. I let out a heavy breath and look outside the window.

I probably know what this event is going to be, and it is not about me. It's about my brother Brad, Maleficus had discussed his recent vision of my brother's mate. After that, he will be declared the heir to my father's throne. I wonder where that would place me, am I going to be just a backup in case my brother screwed up? Or I would be the head of the council for his advisors.

"Did my brother come back Riza?"

I thought about him being away in the palace just like me as well. Riza looks at the rearview mirror and then meets my gaze.

"He is still out, however, Beta Derek is already out looking for him. Everyone is busy with the event tonight but you two are busy with something else and your mother is not happy about it."

"Oh! But did father know about all this?"

Riza shakes his head. "All he knows is that Brad was still on a mission while you are celebrating with your friends."

I almost rolled my eyes upward. Then we arrived at the huge gates separating the Langston lands from the rest of the wolves. My brother is lucky to find his mates first, I guess it is as expected since he is older than me. Older by just a few minutes but still it is valid enough for the people in the palace to recognize him as the oldest son of the Alpha King.

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