
Strange things

Dressed in a black cloak, Hazel an average lady known to be a powerful sorcerer walked through the cold night with little Axel in her arms.

Entering into a beautiful house which looked oddly different from the rest of the witches houses around, she placed Axel in a cradle.

Taking off her cloak, she picked him but was hit with a disgusting smell.

"I saved your life and this is how you be thank me" she wiped his buttocks clean off his poop,

"Such a cute little boy and they immediately thought of ending his life" she said staring at him as he smiled at her.

Hazel visited her sister in the Blackmoon pack when she heard of the prophecy and the said death of the Alpha's heir, she couldn't let such a thing happen, her conscience disturbed her greatly, taking her cloak, she made an invisible spell and took him away from the guards distracting them with a bright light.

"I will get you cleaned up in a second" she chanted her magic and he was fully dressed.

"The prophecy may be true but you do not have to suffer for what isn't your fault" she whispered.

From the next house, the cries of another baby echoed, she peeped through the window and found a cute little babygirl with green eyes holding a wizard's hand.

"She looks beautiful" she could hear the man say.

"Atleast, they have a happy family. Don't worry Axel, I will take proper care of you" she made him giggle as she played with him.

Being a stranger in the witches world, it wouldn't be long for them to notice that they had a wolf amongst them, she made a cloaking spell to hide her house from them making it look as if it was deserted to avoid interference.

Five years later, Axel had grown into a handsome young boy, he looked out the window watching other kids play with their magic and wondered why he had none.He was always locked up in the house and even when he waved at other kids, they couldn't see him. All they could see was an old deserted house.

"Hazel" he pulled his seat in front of her,

"Yes my pumpkin" she answered with a loveable smile.

"Why can't I play with other kids" he asked concerned, he was eager to join them.

"You are not yet ready" Hazel knew that those kids weren't ordinary kids and they were actual witches, she couldn't let them figure out who he was when she hadn't taught him to protect himself against them.

"When will I be ready" he asked,

"When you are fifteen" she said squeezing his cheeks.

"Why fifteen?"

"Because that is a special age for you my dear" she said.

Fifteen was mostly the age that boys earned their wolves while girls were eighteen.

Sitting back by the window, a young girl with green eyes waved at him, he was skeptic if she was waving at him,

He pointed at himself to verify and she nodded, he waved back and she smiled.

"Who are you waving at" Sean asked Claire who was smiling widely.

"At the boy up there" Claire answered,

"What boy" Sean couldn't see Axel.

"There" she pointed but Sean still couldn't see anything.

"You are hallucinating" he smacked her head and walked away.

Claire was curious why only her could see the boy and Sean couldn't.

She waved again to be sure that she wasn't dreaming and he waved back.

"Strange" she shaked her head.

Axel was very happy that he had made a friend, he slept joyfully that night hoping to see her again.

Ten years later, on Axel birthday, he woke up with a bright spirit to prepare breakfast.

Hazel held a cake in her hands and sang to him, "You realize that I will be eating your magic because you didn't make this" he bluntly said,

"I don't know how to bake cakes, I am terrible at it" Hazel expressed her frustration.

"Now do me a favour and blow out the candles" Axel did as she said.

"What's your wish" she asked.

"To be free" he gave her cute puppy eyes hoping that she could grant his request.

"Your request is granted" She unraveled her cloaking spell and the house became visible.

Watching the once deserted house turn into a clean and well painted house, the young witches practicing outside marveled.

A handsome young boy with a perfect jaw line, brown eyes, pink lips and an indifferent face stepped out the house.

Axel watched the other kids without giving the slightest hint of expression, he began strolling to explore the strange place that he was when a fire ball was thrown at his feet.

"Who are you" Sean cockily said standing close to the girl with green eyes and a beautiful face, their eyes met for a second but he retracted his gaze.

Ignoring them, he walked away to continue exploring, nothing seemed quite interesting to him apart from that cloudy wall seperating them from the forest.

"We call it the Invisible wall" A soft still voice spoke.

Axel didn't bother to look at her at first.

"My name is Claire" she stretched her hand for an handshake and he looked at her.

"Axel" He reciprocated, he felt a spark erupting from his body as he touched her, he immediately retracted his hand.

"Hi Axel" A voice said in his head.

Axel almost freaked out, he turned around but didn't see anyone else except her,

"Don't freak out, I am your wolf" Luther said,

"You are my what!" Axel gritted his teeth,

"What did you say" Claire asked,

"Nothing" he replied,

"There is a lake around, excuse yourself and we can talk properly" Luther said,

"Could you excuse me" Axel requested and abruptly left.

"Okay, show yourself" Axel said finally getting to the lake.

"I am inside you" Luther replied,

"How is that possible" he almost screamed,

"Okay, close your eyes, you might feel some pain but don't panic" Luther advised.

"Okay" After series of bone cracking a black big wolf stood tall looking at it's reflecting by the lake.

"Holy shit, What is that" Axel panicked.

"That's me, I mean us. This is your wolf form but there is something worse" Luther added.

"What is that" Axel asked,

"When we get mad, we turn into something more hideous" Luther stressed,

"Like what" He asked again,

"Like a Lycan" Luther grumbled.

"Okay, this is a lot, how do I change back"

"Just imagine yourself in your human form and you will change" Luther said,

"Sweet" Axel returned back to his human form.

"There are so many things that I am excited about" Luther jumped happily wagging his tail.

"Like what again"

"When we turn 18, we will find out mate" Luther informed,

"Mate, what is that" 

Axel asked oblivious,

"Someone we are meant to be with" Luther explained,

"Soulmate" Axel suggested,

"You can call it like that" Luther agreed,

"I am not really excited about that" Axel returned back home.

Taking small and steady steps to the house.

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