
Chapter Two

Two hours before midnight, the almost quiet huge castle became bubbling with noises. Carriages trooped in, led by horsemen. Men and women of noble classes dressed in noble clothes. From her room, Evie could feel the liveliness of the ball herself. After picking out her dresses with her mother, she had spent the rest of the day doing nothing but looking outside the window, waiting to catch sight of the first set of guests that would come trooping in. When she finally caught sight of them after hours passed, a smile graced her face, and she paced around the room, practicing her dance steps.

A knock on the door interrupted her. “Your Highness. Time to get dressed.”

Of course, she was willing. Standing there in the middle of the room while the maids helped her into her dress; the first dress for the night. The other one would come after midnight; when her first shift was to take place. It was a gold, shimmering dress that reflected the rays of the moon perfectly. 

After her fitting, she remained in her room till her personal maid came to lead her to the hall.

Her entrance was grand; very befitting of a princess who was about to shift into her wolf for the very first time. The princess stood at the top of the grand staircase, her heart pounding with excitement. She had been planning this ball for months, and now the moment had finally arrived. She took a deep breath and began her descent down the stairs.

As she stepped onto the ballroom floor, the room fell silent. All eyes were on her, and she felt a rush of pride and confidence. She wore a stunning gown of shimmering gold with a long train that trailed behind her. Her hair was swept up in an elegant bun, and she wore a sparkling tiara on her head.

The orchestra began to play, and the princess glided across the dance floor, her eyes sparkling with joy. She greeted her guests with a warm smile, and they all bowed and curtsied in respect. Their gaze made her much more confident. She couldn’t stop smiling, even if she wanted to. It was definitely going to be the best night of her life.

Or maybe not.

Evie had barely made it to the center of the ball when the murmurs began to reach her ears. The guests seemed to no longer be looking at her. She swallowed her, fiddling with her fingers. It was all she could do to keep herself from bursting out in anger and reminding them why they had gathered in the first place. Her eyes searched for her mother quickly, waiting to see her reassuring smile. However, when she did meet her mother’s gaze, the woman’s attention wasn’t fixed on her. It was on something behind her.

Or rather, someone.

  “A lovely ball you have here, Alpha Jerek.” A strange, yet familiar voice filtered to her ears.

The voice was cold; cold enough to send a chill down her spine. Before she turned around, she prayed to the moon goddess it wouldn’t be who her mind already thought it was. But alas! It was him.

Alpha Ronan of the Blue Moon pack; ruler of one of the strongest clans and sworn enemy to her clan.

Her heart sank. What the hell was he doing here? She could swear her mother would never give this man an invite to the ball but then, everybody knew him to be a heartless man who went even where he was not wanted.

  “Princess!” His cold hands touched the small of her back, causing more shivers to run down her spine. “Look at you, all grown up. The last time I saw you, you were still a baby in your mother’s arms.”

That’s right. The last time he had stepped feet into her clan was on the day she was presented to the clan when she was a baby.

Evie stifled a smile, barely muttering a ‘Thank you.’ But he had already strode past her, leaving her with only a view of his broad shoulders and back that was covered in black. Although it was her first time laying eyes on him, it didn’t make him any less popular in her clan. The enmity between her clan and his was deep, running past the veins and nerves. It was bone deep.

She couldn’t tell how it had all started; neither did any other person have a single idea. They all knew both he and his clan were enemies to the throne and their entire clan. In fact, it was told as a bedtime story to every single child in the clan. The Blue Moon Pack was a no-no. 

  “Ol’ Jerek!” She heard him speak again, slapping her father’s reluctant palm. “It’s been ages. Didn’t you miss me?”

Evie looked on at the dread in her father’s eyes. The once lively hall had turned to a silent graveyard. Nobody dared to breathe the same air as him. That was Ronan; evil and ruthless. The complete opposite of her father.

  “I didn’t see your name on the guest list, Ronan.” Her father spoke in a low tone. From where Evie stood, she saw her mother squeeze her father’s hand gently. Even if they hated his presence, they still had to avoid a war with him. At least, not at their daughter’s important night. 

The next instant, she saw the guard checking in the guest wheezing past her. Ronan took the fountain pen from his hand and sighed his name in a lazy, yet appealing manner. “There! My name is on the guest list.”

Laughing coldly, he walked to the side of the hall to sit. “Is this some funeral or what?” He yelled at the still frozen people and the next minute; the orchestra continued. All eyes returned to Evie’s direction but this time, she could feel the fear in her eyes. Even the orchestra kept missing a beat or two. 

Evie clenched her fist and looked in the direction of the man who had caused the entire disruption. Wait until my wolf is strong enough. I’ll see if you can still repeat this nonsense

As if sensing her glare, Ronan turned to look at her with a mocking smile. how could he not know what was running through her mind? It wasn’t the first time someone threatened him, was it? 

  “You look so beautiful, darling.” Her mother complimented, receiving her as she finally got to them.

Evie managed a smile. One that looked forced. “Thank you, mother. You look amazing too.”

Next, her father made a little speech. It was a speech she had long been waiting for. However, now it came, she barely paid attention. Her entire attention had been stolen by the man who had disrupted her celebration. In truth, she couldn’t tell if she was glaring at him in hate or if she as admiring the beautiful contrast of his blue eyes against his black clothes. The area he sat had been long vacated by its occupants. Nobody would dare sit close to him nor earn his wrath. From behind, her father rubbed her shoulders in silent reassurance. 

The dance began first while the ritual for the shifting began. It was nothing much. Evie would stand by the large window awaiting the full moon and once midnight struck, the transformation would begin. After the dance finally ended, she took her place by the window, her heart racing. She turned to meet her parent’s gaze, her eyes subconsciously moving towards the man who was still seated on his chair, sipping a glass of wine. She swallowed the lump in her throat before turning her gaze back towards the window and just then, it began.

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