
Chapter 3- Hospital

The sun was setting in the far horizon when Aria finally woke up and opened her eyes. She looked at the bandages on her arm and the drips in her hand,

“You’re awake” Adrian said quietly from the far end of the room, getting all her attention. Aria felt her heart skip a beat as she looked up into his grey eyes,

“What are you doing here?” She asked before she looked down at what she was wearing, thinking she was wearing the ugliest gown she had ever seen.

Adrian walked over to the bed and looked down at her with a hand on his chin,

“How are you feeling?” He asked, not bothering to answer her simple yet curious question. Aria sat up slightly and looked up at him with a small frown,

“Not good, my arm feels numb, and I have a headache” she said truthfully. Adrian listened to her quietly,

“Anything I can do to make you feel better?” He asked as he stood by the side of the bed. Aria looked at him,

“Yes, can you tell me what happened” she said as she leaned back against her pillow. Adrian looked at her,

“Well if you don’t already know you got shot” he said quietly yet clearly as he looked down into her eyes.

Aria looked down at her bandaged arm and then up at him, thinking she had never been a target before why now.

“Thanks for bringing me here” she said with a small smile as he opened a bottle of water and held it to her lips.

“You don’t have to thank me; now get some rest and we’ll talk later” Adrian said before he took his ringing phone out of his pocket and walked out of the room.

Adrian answered his phone and walked over to his bodyguard Jared who was standing nearby,

“It’s not safe to leave her here alone” he said about Aria. Jared looked at him with a serious look,

“If it’s not safe for her then its not safe for you either” he said with his arms folded. Adrian listened quietly,

“As soon as shes a little better we’ll leave” he said as he didn’t want to risk putting her life in danger again.

Jared gave him a small nod and told him that was fine.

“Did you do what I told you to?” Adrian asked with a serious look as he slipped a hand into his pocket.

“Yes, consider it done” Jared said quietly, not wanting anyone to hear their conversation. Adrian listened,

“Good and any luck with contacting her family?” He asked. Jared looked over at him,

“As of yet they’ve got nothing, but I’ll tell them to keep looking” he said about his men. Adrian gave him a small nod before he turned and walked back inside.

The next few days passed by quickly and Aria was slowly starting to feel more like herself. She had been discharged from the hospital and was given all clear to travel.

“Where are we going?” She asked Adrian who hadn’t left her side. Adrian looked down at her,

“Somewhere safe” he said quietly, not wanting to put her at risk of getting hurt again. Aria looked up at him,

“I just want to go home” she said quietly as she knew her family were probably worried.

Adrian leaned back against his seat and looked at her,

“I’ll take you home but just not yet” he said he took his phone out of his pocket. Aria listened quietly,

“Why not now?” She asked quickly. Adrian turned slightly and looked at her pretty face,

“Since you’ve been targeted once there’s a good chance it could happen again beautiful” he said in sexy deep voice.

Aria rolled her eyes and looked at him with a small frown, wondering if he had just called her beautiful or was she hearing things.

“Who are you?” She asked as she looked right back into his sharp grey eyes, thinking she had fucked him yet didn’t even know who he was exactly.

Adrian took out a cigarette from the inside of his jacket pocket and looked at her with a serious look,

“The names Adrian, glad you asked” he said quietly, with his tone sounding a little mocking. Aria listened,

“And what do you do?” She asked asked, thinking he had a nice name to match his good-looking sexy face.

“I do a bit of everything, depends on what you want to know” Adrian said with a small smirk.

Aria tied all her open hair back in a high ponytail and looked at him,

“Why were you targeted?” She asked, thinking he looked effortlessly sexy as he sat there all relaxed.

Adrian drank some water from his bottle and looked at her as his personal driver drove them to the airport.

“You’ll find out soon enough” he said quietly, not giving away too many details.

The local time in Istanbul was just after midnight when Adrian’s private jet landed there at a small airport. Aria had not slept the whole flight, no matter how hard she had tried.

“How are you feeling?” Adrian asked her as he put on his jacket and pulled up the collars. Aria took of her seatbelt looked over at him,

“I’m ok” she said as she got all her stuff together and followed him out of the small plane. It was only when she stepped out, she realised how powerful he really was as crowds of security waited for them both.

Adrian walked behind her quietly and made sure no one got too close to her as he escorted her to the nearest car and waited for her to climb in, trying his best to not stare at her very noticeable ass.

“Why are you smirking?” Aria asked after she had made herself comfortable. Adrian climbed in after her and looked at her as she took off the jacket she was wearing.

“No reason” he said quietly, trying his best to not glance at her chest. Aria looked at him and frowned,

“Is it because I look a mess?” she asked as she took out her phone from her bag. Adrian leaned back against his seat lazily and looked at her,

“Far from it” he said as he rested his arm on the armrest. Aria looked at his nice long legs, thinking she liked the way he was sitting back lazily.

The driver drove them both to the hotel where they were going to be staying for a few nights. It was the one of many hotels owned by Adrian.

“Wow” Aria said quietly the moment she stepped out of the car and looked up at the huge building that was nicely lit up in the night. Adrian followed her eyes and smirked,

“Never seen a hotel before?” he asked quietly with his tone sounding slightly mocking. Aria looked up at him,

“I have, but this one is just beautiful” she said as she admired all the tiny details. Adrian led her inside and watched her pretty eyes sparkle with every step she took,

“Not as beautiful as you” he said quietly yet clearly, making her heart skip a beat and stomach flutter. Aria smiled,

“Why don’t you check us in and ill wait for you here” she said as she looked up at the beautiful chandeliers that were hung on the tall ceiling of the lobby. Adrian looked at her with a serious look,

“Right but make sure you stay in my view” he said before he glanced at Jared who gave him a small nod that said don’t worry, I’ll keep my eyes on her for you.

Aria walked around the huge lobby and took pictures of everything she liked. She was busy taking a picture of a huge vase with flowers when Adrian approached her from behind.

“I told you to stay in my view” he said with a small frown. Aria rolled her eyes and looked up at him,

“And I did, not my fault you couldn’t keep up” she said with a small smile. Adrian looked down at her phone,

“May I ask what exactly caught your attention here that couldn’t wait until I was done?” he asked mockingly.

Aria held up her phone and showed him the few pictures she had taken,

“All was going well until you decided to ruin the moment” she said before she walked over to something else that had caught her eye in the distance. Adrian shook his head lightly, thinking she was a handful.

It was a good fifteen minutes later when they finally arrived at their luxurious presidential suite, which came with two bedrooms, a lounge, bathroom and kitchen. Aria looked up at Adrian a little confused,

“Wait a minute are we sharing?” she asked after she realised that he had also followed her inside. Adrian closed the door after him and looked at her with a small smirk,

“We are indeed” he said before he took of his jacket. Aria looked up at him with her pretty eyes wide,

“This is bad” she said quietly, although they had both been sleeping in the same room for the last few nights whilst she was in hospital. Adrian unbuttoned a few buttons of his shirt and looked down at her,

“Relax you’ll have your own room” he said before he walked towards the kitchen and helped himself to a cold bottle of water from the mini fridge. Aria felt relieved but at the same time a little scared as she didn’t trust him, not after what happened the other day on the flight to London.

Adrian poured water into two glasses and passed her one. Aria took it from him and smiled,

“Thank you” she said before she took a small sip. Adrian walked over to the glass door that led out to the balcony and looked back at her from over his shoulder,

“Come, I’ll show you what a good view looks like” he said with a small smirk on the corner of his lips. Aria felt her heart skip a beat,

“Wow” she said the moment she followed him out and looked down at the nicely lit up city below them.

Adrian took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it up sexily,

“It’s good, isn’t it?” He said as he took a nice quick picture of her looking out from behind. Aria looked back at him,

“It’s amazing” she said quietly as she watched him smoke, thinking he looked effortlessly sexy.

“You haven’t seen anything yet” Adrian said quietly as he sat down on one of the two chairs that were there.

Aria looked back out at the glittering city, thinking she felt at home even though she had never been here before.

“Its quiet warm isn’t it” she said as the slightly humid air hit her face.

“A little” Adrian said quietly before he took another puff of his cigarette. Aria looked back at him,

“I’ll let you carry on as I need to go change my bandages” she said as the wound was starting to feel itchy.

Adrian took hold of her wrist before she could walk away,

“Wait I’ll help you” he said quietly as he looked up into her pretty eyes deeply, not missing her sexy chest rising and falling with each little breath she took.

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