
Ch 2 - Something Is Happening In The Background

“They’re still in hiding. I imagine it should be easy to call them out, however, where would we take them? Do we bring them into the royal pack, or do we add onto Killian and Cally’s problems?” Cassidy asked.

“The Dark Moon pack went from being one pack, to taking on three more packs. What’s one more going to do?” Cain argued.

“Except it’s too much. If anything, I’m all for you guys bringing them into the royal pack, especially when you consider that the White Star Pack was originally the royal pack,” Calypso suggested.

“I agree. You need the numbers, especially considering the amount of damage Phillip caused here. Without a strong royal pack, you stand to come across as weak,” Killian pointed out.

“So, do you think we should get the White Star Pack and the Twilight Moon Pack and merge them with the royal pack?” Nathan asked.

Calypso nodded. “Hunter’s allegiance is to the crown, and I’m sure the rest of the White Star Pack members feel the same. The fact that you’re dad’s kid means you automatically have their allegiance, and I don’t think anyone else is going to help you build a royal pack better than them. They know what it means to be the royal pack. Jordan’s people are without an Alpha, and I’m sure they’d appreciate the upgrade from Jordan to royalty.”

“That actually sounds like a great idea. It will also show the people that you’re intent on undoing Phillip’s mistakes,” Vera stated.

Nathan nodded. “Can I ask you to facilitate that for me while I deal with Marriott?”

Killian smiled. “We’ve got you.”

With this new plan in place, it meant that the remainder of Calypso’s werewolf pack would be made of the pack she took over, Alpha McCall’s pack, Channing’s pack, and the werewolves from Killian’s pack who chose to be werewolves and not Lycans.

It offered silent relief to the mates, who weren’t truly communicating just how much stress they were under. While they’d played it off jokingly with their family, they’d discussed how overwhelmed they were just the night before.

So, they were most appreciative of the new plan in place.

“What’s the latest with the vampires?” Cassidy asked the Vampire Prince.

Zen shrugged. “Things are oddly quiet from the castle. Our intel states that my father isn’t making any new moves. He’s apparently ruling as normal.”

“Shouldn’t we be concerned?” Calypso questioned.

“We’re keeping an eye on the situation. Uncle Frazier’s out running his own investigations closer to home since he also doesn’t believe that my father would just sit back and not attack,” Zen responded.

“Well, we managed to avoid one war, so it would be great to avoid another, except something tells me that there’s another mystery brewing,” Nathan noted.

“What do you mean?” Killian asked him.

He sighed. “I don’t know. Call it a hunch, but I feel like something is happening in the background that we’re not aware of.”

“Something is always happening in the background. I mean, we’ve still got my mom to save, and she’s apparently being held by a powerful creature,” Calypso reminded.

“I’m guessing Frazier’s still running point on that?” Cain checked.

Calypso nodded. “He told us not to interfere for now, especially with my dad also saying the same thing.”

“We will find her, that much we know. It’s just a matter of when,” Zen stated.

“True,” they agreed.

Dinner finally rolled around and once they’d eaten, they retreated to their rooms. It was the last night that they were spending together for a while since they all had business to attend to.

Killian and Calypso reached their room, opting to cuddle. “I’m glad things turned out the way they have. At least a weight’s been lifted off our shoulders.”

“Right? Why didn’t we think of what was proposed earlier?” she asked him.

He sighed. “We’ve been overwhelmed with trying to keep everything under control and helping everyone. We haven’t exactly been at our best.”

“Well, at least this one thing is solved. Have you thought about the Alpha situation?” she questioned.

He was running his fingers down her arm. “I’ve taken in everything you said, but I’m still thinking about it. There’s a lot to consider. The job is a massive one, and it will alter that person’s bloodline. I need to make sure that I’ve chosen correctly, so I’m choosing to take my time with it. I’m not under any pressure to make a decision right now, and I therefore won’t.”

She laughed a little. “You already know who you want. You just don’t know how that decision will bode well with everyone else.”

He smirked. “I plead the fifth.”

“Of course, you do,” she teased before kissing him.

In Nathan and Cassidy’s new room, the new royals were changing for bed. “We still haven’t discussed the inauguration.”

“We can’t have an inauguration in the middle of chaos,” she reminded him.

“True, but shouldn’t we at least discuss how we want things to go down?” he asked.

She got into bed, watching him. “Do you have any ideas for what you want? I’m not the most prim and proper person, and I have no clue what goes on at an inauguration, so I’ll take your lead here.”

He chuckled. “And that’s why there are books written about these things, because I have no clue either.”

“Just as well it’s been suggested that we get Hunter and Wayne on our side. Those two know a whole lot about this life than we do,” she commented.

She squeaked when he grabbed her by her foot, dragging her towards him. “I just can’t wait to have you as my Queen.”

“Is being your mate not enough?” she joked.

He smirked, kissing her calf. “It is, but I want you to be mine in every way.”

Her breathing had changed as he kissed lower and lower. “Then aren’t you missing something besides having me as your Queen?”

He kissed past where he knew she wanted him, earning a whine. “Then marry me.”

She was disoriented, high strung. “What?”

She hadn’t even noticed him slip the ring onto her finger as he brought it up to show her. “Marry me. Be mine in all ways.”

The ruby caught the softest light as tears filled her eyes. “When did you even get this?”

“I got it from Hunter. It apparently belonged to my mom. He got it from my dad’s stuff,” he explained, kissing down her arm.

“It’s beautiful,” she whispered.

“So? Will you marry me?” he asked.

She brought him in for a deep kiss. “Make me yours in all ways and spend the rest of my life with me.”

“It would be my honour.”

By the time morning rolled around, the couples had some kind of peace of mind about going their separate ways. Killian and Calypso were headed to the Dark Shadow Pack, Cain and Ivy were headed to the Dark Moon Pack, Zen and Vera were headed to their house where their friends were waiting, and Nathan and Cassidy had decided to make their inauguration their wedding day as well.

“As soon as we have Marriott on board, and the Alphas are settled, we’ll start planning your inauguration,” Calypso told her werewolf brother.

“Cass and I were discussing it last night. We don’t really know much about what goes into it,” he admitted.

“Then we’d better get you in touch with Hunter and Wayne even quicker,” Killian noted.

“You look suspicious,” Ivy told Cassidy.

Cassidy waved her hand, making sure the ring was visible. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

While the guys missed it, the girls surely caught it as their shrieks took off. “Is that what I think it is?”

“Nate proposed last night. We’re getting married on the same day as our inauguration,” Cassidy giddily informed.

“What? Congratulations man!” Zen patted his brother on the back.

“This is so exciting! I have so many ideas!” Vera squealed.

The girls knew that they couldn’t fight her since decorating is her thing. “Go wild. You know I don’t like these kinds of things.”

“We need to celebrate this, but we can’t do that now without coming off as pretentious, especially given how everything stands,” Calypso noted.

Nathan smiled at her. “It’s ok sis. We’ll get around to celebrating just amongst ourselves. It needn’t be a big thing for now. If anything, it’s just a formality for us, so it’s fine if we don’t celebrate it.”

Killian chuckled. “You don’t know your sister if you think you’re going to get away with not celebrating this.”

“We’ll wait for everything to settle down before we celebrate anything. For now, let’s get the setting up of the royal pack under way, as well as getting Marriott on board,” Zen suggested.

“What are you guys going to be doing in the meantime?” Calypso asked him.

“I’m looking into our family’s past, particularly mom’s side of the family. Uncle Frazier said there isn’t much on their side of the family, so I figured it would do me some good to at least look into that history,” Zen responded.

“It’s always good to be knowledgeable on as much as you can be when it comes to your kind. You never know what you’ll find through your research,” Killian noted.

“Exactly!” Zen agreed.

“Well then, we’ll keep in touch as time goes. I’m not sure when we’ll be together like this again though,” Nathan admitted.

“We don’t need to plan it out. Let’s just go with everything and see how things play out,” Calypso suggested.

They were all on board with that, before heading out to their destinations. Zen and Vera were the only ones teleporting back to their place, while Cain and Ivy, and Killian and Calypso, were heading out in their cars.

Both couples had wanted to make a road trip out of things, so they refused to have Zen teleport them to the castle.

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