
Witch castle


We were all dressed up in our normal witch uniform as we exist the witch castle and landed on human world? "Gosh I can't really believe I'll be attending human school for the time being. Our castle are far behind humans world? It just located in the forest? So no humans can come to our world. No, not again? Why is human always like this,they like bullying. "Please let's me go? I tried removing my thoughts from the young girl voice who seems to get beaten by her follow mate. "Let's ignore them? We can't interfere in a human affair "Remember!! we're here on a mission and not to play. Rosalie shrugged at me as I was quickly awaken? It seems like I was lost listening to humans thought.

"Right, she's right? We need to focus so we could get the girl? So I could have my parents back.

I quickly went to Bentley class as Rosalie and Skylar went to our class. I needed to seduce him first, in order for our plans to be successful.

""I entered the class and charmed all the boys and so was bentley? "Hi pretty? you're so beautiful? Can I have a taste of you? They utter as I smirked at them. It seems like they've completely fallen under my spell.

""hi hottie, met me up after class? I looked into his eyes and was enchanted him. As he sweetly smile at me? "Okay boo, love you? He replied as I wended out...Enchanting the boys back....but except him.

I needed his favour first, before I could let him go.



Ember: pov

After the lecture period was over,I waited for bentley? He said he was gonna come to my class.

As I was waiting patiently for him? My eyes suddenly catch the new girls? I totally forget what I was gonna do to them.

I got to their seat and was stunned to see her moving something? It was actually the pen she was holding? She flinched at the sight of me and the unconcentrated pen landed on the floor. It was just only two of them that was th

Sited, I wonder where paisley could have gone to.

""can't believe you practice Magic in the class are you a witch or..... "Where do you see me practicing magic? Skylar rasped in as I scoff.

I understand who you may call or represent yourself? But you should watch your mouth?

One of them utter and I feel like smacking her mouth at that moment as I held myself in?

I didn't want what happened yesterday to repeat itself? I don't want to be made a laughing stock? "So where's paisley.

You girls still have to pay for what you did to me? I utter as they'll keep muttering like they aren't with me.

These girls are just so strange? I wish I had magic power. I could have sent them back to where they belong.

I gulped hard and exited the classroom, walking straight to Bentley class? I don't know what's keeping him there so long

I got there and was surprised to see Bentley with the new girl? Especially; paisley" who seem to be seducing him.

I nearly went there and separated their two? "Why are they together.

""Bentley, what are you doing with her? I ask as he scoffs? "Ember I'm sorry but you're no longer my girlfriend? We have broken up.

You see this girl, she's the one after my heart? He uttered as I flinched speechlessly. "Did I just hear those words from his mouth?

The boy that I talked to this morning before going to school, did I hear him say, he's breaking up with me. I gulped hard as I swallowed my tears which threatened to drop at that moment... But I held it back? I can't show my weakness to her.

A girl that just came in, two days ago? She already has my boyfriend, she took everything away from me and now she's my big challenge in this school? It seems like she's competing against me.

Then let's see who's gonna win? I exit his class as I leave them alone? He will surely come back after his senses have returned back to him. He will, but this time..... I wouldn't think twice.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't know when I suddenly bumped into a guy? His hazel blue eyes almost made me forget myself as I quickly... jerk off from his gripped on my waist.

""are you okay? He spoke in a cold voice as I put on a feign smile? "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were coming? I apologise and before I could turn? I didn't see him again.

"What,what could he have run out to? He is a superman or flash.



Paisley: pov

We were all in the class when a teacher came in. I have an important announcement to make to you guys before we'll proceed home.

Tomorrow, you'll be selected in a category way? Science students will be placed in one category, while art students will also be placed. So this excursion is very important because you're gonna go and do experiments on the animals.

So if you know you're a science student, get yourself ready for tomorrow because this experiment is full of your exam marks. With them, she walked away and we walked to a private place before disappearing at the school.

I opened the gate and disappeared into the queen chamber? "Good afternoon my queen? Was this your plan?

Yes my dear and I need you guys to focus on this mission? I don't want us to fail... Because we do? You won't be able to have your parents back.

I had created the plans and everything that is about to happen tomorrow? Once it reaches the full moon time? Keep Your eyes on "ember, because she'll certainly Change to wolves immediately. And then, trap her in this net and bring her to me? She uttered as we all nodded? "Yes, my queen? Go and rest, you've all done enough.




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