
Chapter 5

Nathan barked furiously on the other side of the glass, his eyes going dark again and saliva sprinkling on the clear wall separating us.

He jumped up on his hind legs and firmly placed both paws on the glass, leaning up against it as he barked again.

He looked humongous leaned up against the glass like that. On all four paws he was the size of a small horse, but on his hind legs he was taller than a tree.

“So you're communicating with him... interesting...” Jackson murmured to himself and jotted something down on a nearby piece of paper. He held his pen tightly in his hand and pressed it to his thin lips, thinking over something.

Nathan had calmed down a little, but he looked panicked.

Which was worse than if he was trying to rip his head off.

That meant Dr. Jackson was making progress and he might try something else.

I let in a sharp gasp, the pain in my chest getting even stronger, if that was possible. I held my breath, trying to lessen the tole on my body and trying to eliminate any possible pain.

When that didn't help, I released a shaky breath, but the pain stabbed and made a tear fall down my face.

The doctor's assistant appeared behind Nathan. Well, kind of. He was behind another layer of the glass that separated Nathan from the rest of us.

He had a gun raised, pointed directly at Nathan.

No, Nathan! Behind you! I screamed.

Fear and worry pumped through my veins, making my heart pick up speed and the pain pulsed though my body even quicker.

I thought I had just said it in my mind, but when Dr. Jackson pulled the pen from his lips to look at me, I know I've slipped up.

He stared at me for just a moment until he pressed a button on the wall next to him.

“Hold up, Lewis. Let me try something first,” he said without breaking eye contact with me. He spoke slowly into the room before he released the button.

He looked at me like I was the key to solving world hunger. Like I was a precious little thing that would make him famous.

I decided I didn't like that look.

I squirmed under his gaze and tried to shift in the chair before remembering I was attached to my bed. He stalked closer again, heading right for me.

Nathan barked furiously again, forgetting all about the man behind him with a gun. His protests were dark and loud, holding a firm threat in his tone.

If I didn't know better, I would be terrified he was going to kill me.

Dr. Jackson went around my bed. He didn't lay a finger on me.

Didn't even try to do anything.

He walked past my bed and headed over to the door, shutting it firmly behind him. I stared in awe at the door, completely confused.

Why did he just leave me?

Apparently Nathan was shocked too, because his noises stopped. I looked over and saw him just as confused as I was.

I felt some tears run down my cheeks from the pain still trying to eat me from the inside out. I gave Nathan a small smile, trying to reassure him.

My lips fell back down as I realized the man with the gun was still behind him.

Nathan, don't forget about the guy behind you. I almost didn't think he heard me because he didn't move.

But I felt it l**k to his mind so I knew he heard me, but had chosen to ignore me.

Please, Nathan. Be safe.

He sobered up and realized the situation when he heard my desperate plea. He turned to the side, careful to keep me in his view, and snarled at the man, Lewis, with the gun. Lewis didn't move or change his posture, determined to keep an impassive look on his face.

They stayed like that for what felt like forever before Dr. Jackson barged back into the room tailed by more body guards.

They grabbed at my restraints and tore my limp body from the leather straps. Two of the men held me up by my forearms again as they marched back out of the room.

The motion caused my heart to explode with more fear and tears streamed steadily down my cheeks.

The pain was becoming too overwhelming.

I dully recalled vicious barking before they yanked me from the room.

To my amazement, we didn't go back to the cell. The guards took an immediate left and went down to the next door. One of the men not holding me pressed something to his ear.

“Let me know when you want her in there, sir,” he grumbled into his hand. It took me a moment to realize he had a blue tooth attached to his ear.

It seemed so normal to them. And I hated it.

The only way I could live with some of this stuff is because it was so inhumane. It was so monster-like.

These people weren't actually real people. This was really the first thing that had been done out of normalcy.

How could someone do this for a job? How could they stand coming to work everyday knowing all they did was torture people out of their innocence?

To destroy their spirit without another glance, because these men might not be sticking the needle in me, but they had been as much of a part of this as Dr. Jackson.

I was yanked from my revolting thoughts as the man in front of me yanked the door open and the men holding me tossed my body in the chamber without so much as a second thought.

My limp legs refused to hold my weight and I collapsed to the ground in a heap. The cold, linoleum floor greeted my face as I was slammed to the ground and stars burst from behind my eyelids.

My limbs burned with pain from my weak heart trying to keep up with my motions. The poison-filled blood pumped through my veins and burned all the way to my fingertips, filling every square inch of my body.

I took deep, settling breaths as tears continued to stream from my eyes.

I finally got my breathing controlled, but the pain was definitely still palpable. I rolled over, looking up at the white ceiling as my labored breathing steadied again.

Sudden pain came from the motion, but it easily subsided this time with the measured breathing until just the ache remained.

I stayed there for a while, focusing on the pain that coursed through my body.

Until I felt motion around me. There was motion right above my head.

I tilted my head back, still lying on the floor, and saw a big, black wolf. It was angrily snarling and pacing the room, looking like it was hunting prey.

I jumped up from my spot on the floor, wincing at the pain that shocked my body at my sudden movements. I ran over to Nathan when I realized there was a clear wall between us.

Confused, I looked around. The rest of the walls around me were solid black, except for this one, which allowed me to see Nathan.

A familiar sense of deja vu washed over me and I mind-linked Nathan again.

Nathan, I'm in the room next to you again.

He stopped pacing immediately and stood to face one of the walls, glaring angrily at it.

What's wrong?

He continued to glare at one of his own black walls and I realized my flaw. He couldn't tell me anything.

No, the next wall on your left.

I know his ability had to be blocked somehow, because there is no way a man able to see through walls can miss knowing where his mate was.

He turned to the wall I was at and glared angrily at it as well. I scooted over until I was in front of him.

I reached my aching hand up and placed it on the glass by his face, trying to test the barrier between us.

I needed to touch him. That's all it took to make this pain go away. My hand touched the cold, clear wall and I sighed in disappointment. Retracting my hand, I decided to focus solely on him instead.

I don't know that much about wolves, so maybe I was wrong, but he looked completely exhausted. But then I realized I probably wasn't wrong due to all the destroying I've been seeing him do lately.

He probably hasn't gotten as much sleep as I have.

I sighed again, for him this time. You're not okay, are you? If I don't get another chance to say this... I'm sorry.

Nathan looked furious as he glared at me through the glass. I was still convinced he couldn't see me, but it didn't make a difference.

What he said to me earlier hit home.

I brought us here. And for what? A promise that will never happen?

Not once have I seen anybody but guards, doctors, and Nathan. I wouldn't even know if Liam was here.

And it was all my fault we were stuck in here. I foolishly gave up my freedom for an empty promise.

He raised his paws from the ground and placed them on the thick barrier. He placed his full weight on his raised paws, each one the size of my head. He pounced on the glass, pushing on it even more and scratching the glass to make deep crevices in the clear wall.

I realized what he was doing and scooted back, waiting for him to break thorough the wall like he did the bricks earlier.

Pain spread through my limbs again. I tucked my head in and curled my arms around my bent knees to block it out. It did nothing, but that didn't mean I wanted to move from my position again. Now it was too painful.

A loud 'crash' reverberated through the room and my head jerked up instinctively. Nathan stood in the center of a hole in the glass-line.


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