

Teen Sneaks on horny dad....

Warm liquid slipped past Kate’s throat down to her churning stomach. Hell,

this is apparently her first time

visiting a porn site. Back at the bar which we resigned from before moving to

Sin city, her colleagues, girls precisely

takes every chance they get to watch porn.

Worst of all, they don’t bother to hide it. Watching porn

was a norm for them all and their boss was no exception. Sometimes, he practiced

with the girls too.

Back at the bar, they only had one Male and he has

little interest in that lifestyle maybe

because of his girlfriend. Yeah, the

guy, Greg, by name had told Kate about his girlfriend a lot and because of their close affinity, he deviated from the

wild activities at the bar.

Actually, Greg and Kate are disciplined whereas the others

are too brazen to give a shit. When the bar is empty, especially during the

day, the girls entertained themselves

with porn. Needless to say, they end up eating their cunt and masturbating,

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