

The loud blow horn of the ship explodes in my ear as I and all the passengers walk off. As I walk, I never let my eyes off Hugo and Sully. 

I look down at my watch and flick my finger on the GPS tracker before I drop my arm to the side. 

"Terry!" my voice booms behind me as I turn my head and body to find Seth beelining his way to me. "Man, there are many people here in a hurry." He breathes. "So, where are we staying at?" He asks as I call out for a cab before I can give him a deadpan expression.

"We?" I repeated the word.

"Yeah, we." He smiles, followed by the dimple on the right side of his cheek. I suck in air to keep myself from falling. He and his damn brothers have those dimples that no one can resist. That is why Effie, Lily, Claire, and Thea all ended up with one brother, and the only one is the joker of the bunch. And I'm stuck with him on this trip.

Nope, I won't fall into his trap by flashing his smile. I need to concentrate on his mission. 

A few young girls around the age range of high school to college all caught a glimpse of Seth, giggled, and even as try to sneak a picture to worship him like some fucking god. 

"We aren't staying together. I am." I point to him and then direct my finger at him. "You will do whatever you want and have fun."

"Aw, come on, Terry." He whines and pouts, puckering his lips. "I can't be alone."

"Seth, this isn't some vacation trip," I could hear my voice rising and take glances at the people around me still waiting in their cab. Before I could continue to argue, the cab driver said something in Spanish, gesturing if I would get in because he had places to go and people to drive. I answer him as he mutters the word 'Americans.' 

I groan as I sigh, rubbing my face and looking at Seth's pitiful face. With one duffle bag, I throw it inside and stick my head inside, followed by Seth, who gets excited. Once he closed the cab door, I leaned forward, speaking in his language to take me to this address. 

On the way, I never take my eyes off the window while Seth scans the city of Barcelona. "Wow, it's beautiful here." He gasps and takes pictures off his phone.

I snort at his behavior like a little kid. I've been here occasionally but took a private jet instead of a cruise. My purpose in taking the cruise line was to keep an eye on Hugo and Sully. 

My phone chimes as I unlock the screen to see a text from Kendall. 

Kendall: Cap, They moved the auction to tonight.

My brows furrow as I type.

Me: What?! I thought it would be in less than three days. I already have Hugo on the tracker.

Kendall: That was the plan, but Madam Red won't appear in Barcelona. According to our sources, she heard someone was after her and ran.

What the fuck is going on?!

I let out a growl, irritated and pissed. I type the keyboard on the screen. 

Me: Someone in our agency is a rat. Which is why she isn't here to attend the auction.

Now I know why Hugo tagged along with Sully. He is her representative in the auction. Hugo never leaves his master's side. 

Me: Do all that you can to find the mole. Somebody within our agency is doing this for her.

Kendall: I'll see what I can, but it will take time. It's like finding a needle in a haystack. 

Me: Take your time and report back to me—Also, contact Ghost. I need him to come to Barcelona now.

When the cab stopped because there was traffic ahead, the driver was shouting curse words to keep it moving. On the other hand, Seth had his head out the window and catcalled at the women, who shied away and giggled.

I groan, and at the same time, Kendall texts back.

Kendall: Right now, he is in Ghana dealing with the bandits terrorizing the village and the water supply there. But why do you need him?

Me: I need him to be my date.

The cab finally stops in front of the hotel. I grabbed my things and paid for the taxi with Seth behind me. We walked inside to stand in front of the receptionist. 

"Hello, welcome to Hotel Art Barcelona," A young man greets us with a smile. "May I take your name, please."

"Hi, last name Romanoff, first name Nicolai," I say in my most Russian accent.

"What? but your name is- OW!" Seth screeched, bending down to his feet where I stepped on. I glare at him to keep his mouth shut.

The young man types something on his computer and looks up at us. "Ah, yes, Mr. Romanoff. Presidential Suite." He looks down, and once he returns, he hands me the card key. "Here are your keys and room number. There is information about room service and connection to the wi-fi. If you have any questions, please call the front desk. Have a good stay, Mr. Romanoff, and welcome to Barcelona."

Of course, a presidential suite. Odin must have changed it to the last minute, knowing Seth is with me. I couldn't argue nor complain, but a suite? 

"Thank you," I smile and walk away, dragging Seth, struggling to walk.

"What the hell was that for?" He asks once I ring the elevator. The doors slid, and we both went inside. I push the number to the presidential suite. "Why is the reservation of your room under a different name?"

"Like I said, Seth, I'm not here for a beach summer vacation." I look up at him sternly. "I'm here on a job, and hiding under an alias is one step. I don't want my enemies to know I am here."

"Well, you don't look like a Nicolai," He states. "You are more of an Alex or Dimitri or-"

"Can you please shut up," I growl, and at the same time, the doors open to a hall. 

Walking down the hall and halt in front of the room. I use the card key to open it. 

"Holy fuck!" Seth smiles. "Look at this room." 

He makes his way touring the whole suite. It's a beautiful suite with wide-open windows to see the view of Barcelona, a place for gathering, a kitchen, a laundry area, and two bedrooms. I open the door on the right and enter the master bedroom. Drop my bag. I hear a chime from my back pocket, pulling out my phone. There needs to be a text message from Kendall. 

Kendall: A date? For the auction?

Kendall: Are you finally going to wear the dress I had packed for you?!!

I could imagine her screaming and squealing through my ear. Having an IQ of a genius, Kendall loves to take risks outside her box, full of computer equipment covered with pink and glitters and unicorns. She reminds me of Penelope Garcia from Criminal Minds but much perkier and bubbly.

Reading the text over, I gasped. 

Me: You packed what? 

In distress, I open up my duffle bag and dig through and, with wide eyes, horrified a black velvet dress with glitter materials. I pull it out and study the design. It's a strapless, even gown dress with flower lace material. 

Kendall: I got you matching shoes, and they should be there in your hotel room now.

As I read, I turn to the fancy white box on the bed. I reach for it and open it to find black four-inch heel pumps. I quickly shut it back. 

Me: Kendall.

I shove the dress back as I look over my shoulder, ensuring Seth isn't creeping behind me. I groan. 

I grab my phone and start to type.

Me: I am not wearing the dress. Are you insane?!

Kendall: You wanted to dress female for the auction because you had a plan, and since it's tonight, I don't think you can find another outfit. Besides, you will look hot, like smoking hot. With a body like yours, I would fall for you if I were male. 

Kendall: Please don't say anything to Gunner. He's worried that since I have female celebrity crushes each day of the week, he thinks I will become a lesbian. But I shouldn't be the one talking when he only talks about his precious Kylie Jenner. Seriously, what does he see in her?

I let out a snort. Kylie Jenner is pretty hot. No lie. 

I groan even louder. 

Me: Kendall, back to the dress. I can't wear something that will reveal the tattoo. You remember, don't

Kendall: I got that all covered. Someone will deliver a box in a few minutes, and inside is what you will hide the tattoo.

Kendall: Also, I heard from Odin that a particular hot male specimen followed you on the cruise. 

She adds winking emojis to her message.

Oh god, please kill me.

Kendall: Why can't you ask him to be your date?

Me: Seth doesn't know I'm a woman.

Kendall: Oh...yeah.

Me: Plus, I don't want him involved. 

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