
Chapter 2

Maria's face immediately fell. She knew that it wasn't something that she could fix.

"Oh, my! I thought the doctor said he would not be needing the surgery soonest," Maria said helplessly.

"I thought so too not until I got a call from the hospital stating that he needs the surgery before the end of tomorrow or he will die. I am not sure how I will get $20k in just one day. I don't want my kid brother to die," Selena's voice cracked at the end of her statement. She heard a few tears in her eyes.

"This is not good. How are we going to get the money? I don't even have up to that amount and Jack would not listen to me."

"I just wished there was anything that could be done. I mean, anything. I will do it to get the money," Selena persisted hoping for a miracle.

A light bulb clicked on Maria's head and her eyes lit up but she was hesitant to let out what she thought might be the solution. It's not a nice offer but it will be the best they can get.

"I think there is a way but I am not sure you can do it," Maria said, suddenly bringing Selena out of her thoughts. Selena looked up in excitement and drew closer to Maria"

"What is it?" she questioned impatiently.

Maria sighed before explaining" I think all you have to do is sleep with some rich guy to get the money."

Selena's hope fell the moment she heard the type of offer Maria had in mind. How in the world is she going to sleep with someone and he will give her $20k in one night? It's not possible and why is she even considering the offer in the first place?

"yikes!" Selena spat and stood up from the bed, "I am going to do anything to save my brother, no doubt, and if sleeping with some guy is the solution then I am in but my question is, Who would give me $20k in one night?"

Maria gave her a sympathetic nod," I know, Sel but what else can we do? We will just try. If we are lucky enough, we see someone kind enough to give us close to it. We can look elsewhere for the rest but let's try this first. I am sorry that this has to be the only thing I can think off."

Selena nodded and sighed again in defeat.

Maria pulled Selena into a hug which comforted Selena a lot.

"It's not your fault. It's not a big thing, this is not the first time I am doing this anyway. I will close my eyes and do it one last time. If my brother gets his surgery then nothing matters again," Selena reassured herself trying to convince herself more than Maria.

They released their embrace. Maria stood up and offered her hand to Selena, "Come on we will start from the top and work our way down, we should be able to get you at least half of the money before tomorrow."

Maria said and took a step towards Selena's closet but stopped."For us to get a rich man, you need to dress gorgeously and I know no dress of yours will be good enough so we are going shopping,"

Maria stated making a happy face at Selena and Selena ended up laughing.


"Sir, the lady has been taken care of. She won't dare come near the suite again," one of Robert's men said, bowing his head. Robert said nothing but stared at the cigarettes in between his second and third fingers.

He felt like whatever his man is saying is noise to his ears yet he is doing or saying nothing. Since he discharged Helen he had not moved nor said a word, in fact, it looked like he woke up at the wrong side of the bed this morning because he has been grumpy since morning not that he likes to smile anyway.


"Eli we are going out tonight, prepare the convoy,"

Robert suddenly said, cutting Eli short. Eli gulped then swallowed and shifted on his feet uncomfortably.

"Sir but you have a family emergency tonight," Eli said fearfully. He needed to remind his boss that he can't miss his family meeting or else the week will not be favorable for all of them, not that Robert will listen. He always does what he wants regardless of what the consequences will be but as one of his men and his Butler, Eli knows it's his duty to put Robert in order.

"I am sure you don't want me to remind you of what I can do, Eli. Get the convey ready, we leave by 9 tonight," Robert said, standing up and crashing the cigarettes with his big foot then walking towards the door. Eli couldn't help but feel a twinge of hurt in his heart knowing that despite him doing everything in his power, all he got was a cold shoulder from his boss, it was so disheartening but there is nothing he can do about it.

Robert stopped for a moment before Eli, "don't you ever question my orders again."

His last words were cold, harsh like ice as he disappeared outside the lounge. The lounge is still silent except for the faint sound of the ticking clock that's hanging over the fireplace. Eli sighed softly before turning to face the fireplace.

He can hear his own heartbeat in his ear as he stands in front of the roaring fire. It's a strange feeling, being in the presence of such flames when in actuality it's just another cold day in this cold house with a cold boss. He thought to himself as he watches the flickering flames. He could almost imagine he was home, safe and warm under a quilt while listening to his mother singing some old lullaby.

When he was tired of staring, he turned and walked out of his boss's lounge.

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