
Chapter 7


“Wake up…wake up.” Jason, Damian’s friend, kept on tapping him, trying to wake Damian who fell unconscious after he shift back to his human self.

Damian slowly opened his eyes surprised to see Jason, he looked around only to find himself in a strange room, naked, his clothes were on the floor torn into shreds.

“Man why were you moaning, and screaming take my dick I’m going fuck you like crazy,” Jason said staring directly to Damian, who still have a confused look on his face.

“Wait man don’t tell me you, were having sex in your dreams.” Jason said laughing.

“What do you mean, why am i here, were is the lady with big boobs and butty.” Damian asked staring at Jason who couldn’t help but burst into laughter again.

"Oh, Damian, my dear friend," Jason chimed in with a teasing tone, "seems like you had quite the adventurous dream! Big boobs and a bountiful booty, huh? You must have been having the time of your life!"

Damian, still trying to shake off the confusion, managed a sheepish grin. "Wait! It was a Dream?, well, dreams can be wild, right? But seriously, where are we and why am I naked?"

Jason continued to tease, unable to contain his laughter. "Oh, you're in for a treat, my friend! Looks like you had a sleepwalking escapade. And as for the clothes, well, let's just say your transformation was a tad too rough on them."

Damian's face flushed with embarrassment as he realized the situation he was in. "Great, just great," he muttered, feeling a mix of amusement and chagrin.

Jason clapped him on the shoulder, still grinning. "Don't worry, mate. We'll get you sorted out. But first, let's find you something to wear that's not in tatters. And maybe next time, try to keep the dream antics to a minimum, eh?"

“Can you be serious for once and tell me what happened.” Damien asked with a serious tone.

“Well you suddenly left the party, I was looking everywhere for you, then I noticed it was a full moon, I guess you transformed into a wolf again, so I came here and I saw you pass out on the floor, I brought clothes for you to wear.” Jason said handily him the clothes he was holding.

In his 350 years of his life Jason was the only human friend he made who he trusted with his life.

Though he meant Jason a few years ago, Jason has been a true and the best friend he ever had, he was more like a brother to him, and also Jason was the only one or knew his secret of him being a werewolf.

Damian nodded, processing the information. “Thanks, Jason. I appreciate it.” He quickly dressed himself, still feeling a bit disoriented from the whole ordeal.

Jason grinned, his usual jovial demeanor returning. “No problem, mate! That’s what friends are for, right? Now, let’s get you home before anyone else stumbles upon our little naked escapade!”

As they made their way out of the strange room and back into the familiar surroundings of the party, Damian couldn’t help but reflect on the bizarre twists and turns of the night.

“What’s the time?” Damien asked Jason, who immediately check the time on his phone.

“It’s 11pm.” Jason replied

“Okay I will be heading home now.” Damien said, heading outside, leaving Jason at the party, Jason wasn’t ready to go home yet, he wanted to have more fun.

Damien ride home, only to be welcome back by his butler.

“Welcome back sir, how was the party?” The butler asked

Damien sighed, still feeling a bit rattled from the events of the night. “It was… eventful, to say the least. I had a bit of an… unexpected adventure.”

The butler raised an eyebrow, a hint of concern in his expression. “I trust everything is alright, sir?”

Damien forced a smile, not wanting to worry the butler further. “Yes, yes, everything’s fine. Just a little tired, that’s all. I think I’ll retire for the night.”

The butler nodded, understandingly. “Of course, sir. Shall I prepare anything for you before you rest?”

Damien shook his head. “No, thank you, Alfred. I just need some rest.”

Alfred gave a reassuring smile. “Very well, sir. If you need anything, I’ll be just a call away.”

“Where is Abigail?” Damien asked

“She is not around sir, she left immediately you left for the party.” Alfred replied.

Damien was taken aback but his response, how could she leave the house,

she told me she wasn’t feeling too well, and why is she not back yet? Hope she is not in any danger?

Damien thought to himself.

“No sir she is not.” Alfred replied.

Being a werewolf Damian had a lot of power, and his smell was heightened, he could track anyone he wanted to track has long as he knows there scent and he had spent a lot of steaming moments with Abigail so he knew her scents

He decided to track her

Damian took a deep breath, focusing on Abigail’s scent lingering in the air. Despite the chaos on the street and the lingering scent of alcohol and sweat, he managed to isolate her fragrance. With a determined expression, he followed the trail, weaving through the streets with the ease of someone intimately familiar with the city.

As he traversed the familiar paths, Damian’s mind raced with thoughts and concerns. What could have caused Abigail to leave suddenly? Was she in trouble? Had something happened to her?

His heart pounded with each step, the urgency of the situation driving him forward. Finally, after what felt like an eternity of tracking, Damian found himself standing outside a building.

He made his way inside, it was hard for him, because he was a Normal human he was a werewolf.

He came closer to a door,he was hearing sound of moaning coming out from the room.

And it sounds like Abigail voice, he knew it was Abigail voice but he didn’t want to believe it, he didn’t want to believe that after 350 years of being single and scared of falling in love, be later let his guard down by falling for Abigail but she is in another’s man bed, fucking and moaning.

Damian's heart sank as he stood frozen outside the door, the sound of Abigail's voice intertwining with the unmistakable sounds of intimacy. Anger, betrayal, and heartbreak surged within him, threatening to overwhelm his senses.

For centuries, Damian had guarded his heart, shielding himself from the pain of love and attachment. But Abigail had broken through his defenses, igniting a flame within him that he thought had long been extinguished. And now, it seemed that flame was being snuffed out before it could truly burn bright.

Torn between disbelief and anguish, Damian struggled to make sense of the situation. Had he been naive to trust Abigail? Had their love been nothing more than an illusion, a fleeting moment of happiness in an otherwise bleak existence?

As the moans grew louder, Damian's resolve hardened. With a heavy heart, he turned away from the door, his mind made up. He couldn't bear to confront Abigail, to witness the betrayal firsthand. Instead, he would leave, disappear into the night, and try to forget the pain that threatened to consume him.

With aching steps, Damian made his way out of the building, his footsteps echoing in the empty streets. He then vow to take revenge, he was going to make Abigail’s life miserable.

Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Felix Charisma
wow!!! he had to found out about Drew and abigail sooner than expected...lemme grab my popcorns

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