
Chapter Two

Ronan's POV

The pen scratches across the paper as I sign the Pack Funds Allocation, Budget form, and add it to the growing pile of forms on my desk. My ears perk up at the sound of the pack training outside. I shove the chair behind as I stand, walking to the window to look out at my family. That's what my pack is, one big family.

I have done a lot, sacrificed a lot for this pack and they rewarded me with their undying loyalty. Most Alpha's constantly look over their shoulder for the next power-hungry member to attempt to overthrow them. I saved them from the wrath and rule of my uncle by taking him out. He was a vicious and cruel Alpha. Countless pack members were tortured, and some killed just for sport under his rule. Lower ranking women, Omegas were brutally raped and sodomized for his pleasure.

My Father was the rightful Alpha to the Blood River Pack and my uncle, his Beta. The truth came out that my parents died at the hands of my uncle and that is when my plan to avenge my father came to fruition. I was going to kill my uncle and give this pack an Alpha worthy of their loyalty. An alpha who would treat them with respect instead of treating them like they only existed for the purpose of serving his needs.

It was with the help of my best friend and Beta, Xander that I was able to take down my uncle. Neither of us were strong enough to physically take him down at the time. All it would take is for him to order us to stand down and the battle would have been lost before it started. A local witch took a liking to Xander and created a potion to subdue his wolf long enough for us to overpower him. The potion was given to him by his chosen Luna, Katerina. She rubbed the potion into her skin so he would ingest it while forcing himself and his mark upon her. His wolf fought within him to get free, but to no avail. I slit his throat and watched him bleed out.

My guilt is overwhelming as I think of Katarina. Her efforts to help us backfired when the potion entered her bloodstream through his mark and permanently bound her wolf, leaving her unable to ever shift again. She remains with us of course, but I can feel her sadness and emptiness when the pack shifts for our daily training. I have been searching for a way to undo the potion, but so far, we have had no luck.

Olivia, the witch who helped us has been trying different potions to unbind Katarina's wolf, but just like Katarina I am starting to lose hope. I send a silent prayer to the Moon Goddess. It is not fair that she should suffer. She suffered enough at the hands of my uncle, and I won't stop until I find a way to release her from her anguish.

A knock on the door pulls me from my thoughts. I know who it is just by his scent, "Come in Xander."

The door opens and in walks my best friend and Beta.

"Sorry to disturb you, you have a call," Xander explains as he comes to stand beside me.

"Who is it?"

He raises an eyebrow, "It's Pete."

Pete? I haven't heard from Pete in ages. Pete was a member of our pack during my uncle's reign. My uncle killed his entire family including his infant sister while he was away visiting his aunt. When he found out, he denounced our pack and went rogue. We stay in touch every now and again, I even invited him back into the pack, but it was too hard for him to come back home knowing that his family was killed here.

I walk over to my desk, pick the phone off the receiver, and press the blinking button that indicated there was a call on hold.

"Hey Pete, it's been a while. What's up?"

I was expecting to be greeted by Pete's mellow voice, but instead I was greeted by a man wolf having a panic attack. I listened to him recount the events that led him to calling me. He needed my help and I felt obligated to help him and his rogue companion.

"I see. You know you have my help Pete, but you know what has to be done before you can cross into pack territory. Is that something you are really ready to do?"

It has to be something serious if he is willing to give his loyalty to me as his Alpha and is willing to rejoin the pack.

"Does your rogue friend know what needs to be done? I will not force it upon anyone, you know that" I remind him.

He promises that he will inform his friend what needs to be done when the time is right. I will have to trust his word on that.

"Alright, Xander and I will pick you up from the airport. Be careful and we will see you soon."

When I return the phone to the receiver, I hear Xander come over, "What's up?"

"We are gaining two more members. Pete needs our help with a female rogue he is friends with. Seems some Vamper's want to turn her into a meal."

"Yikes. Are you sure you want to take on Vamp's for someone we don't know?"

I nod, "If they are after her, then they are after Pete. I won't leave Pete to defend himself. Not after everything my uncle took from him. Have the Omega's clean two rooms for them on the second floor. I want to keep them close until we know for sure what we are up against. Their flight leaves in an hour, which gives us 12 hours to meet them at the airport. I have to run patrol so I will be back in a few hours."

Xander bows, "Yes, Alpha," and then leaves to get to work.

I follow Xander down the steps. He turns right when we reach the second floor and waves as I continue down. I step through the patio door and begin to undress and place my clothes in a drawstring bag and then secure the bag around my neck before shifting.

My wolf, Ghost is the perfect predator. His fur is white as snow, his eyes a piercing blue. His appearance lures people in with a false sense of security, but what you don't see from his appearance is the hidden monster within. Ghost is a vicious hunter and an even more vicious protector. Even some of our pack members cower at the sight of him in training.

I take off, heading for the wood line surrounding the packhouse. There hasn't been any activity along our borders in months with exception to a murder that happened two days ago, but we won't let our guard down. It's when you get comfortable that attacks happen. So, we run the border patrols every day, taking shifts every four hours. It's great exercise anyway, even if no one tries to cross into our territory.

I pause just inside the wood line and sniff the air, trying to locate my men. I mind link Trinity, the lead patrol on dayshift, "Trinity, what's your location?'

"Running the East border, Alpha.," I hear her reply, slightly winded from the run.

"Got it. I'll cover the West side," I say before ending the link, leaving it open for incoming messages.

I switch direction, heading toward the western border of the property, picking up the pace until I am running at full speed.

I love running. Ghost loves it more than I do. The dirt and moss beneath our paws, the wind blowing through our fur, and the smell of damp earth and cottonwood trees act as adrenaline, getting us more excited to be out in the open.

I exit the woods and enter the clearing on the western border of my pack lands and scan the area for signs of intruders. Nothing.

I release a soft howl into the wind before running along the border. All is quiet for now, but my instincts tell me that it won't be quiet for long.

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