
Boxing Match at seven

It was lunch break and Michael as told by Mr. Stele had to make Mars understand the school's basic information and club culture.

"Well, I have told you about the basic rules so about the clubs you might have gotten a pamphlet during admission, it contains all the club names you just have to go to the club you are interested in and fill the form, it's just that simple." Michael blabbered out every word in a hurry.

"I did not get any pamphlet" Mars simply stated. Michael found that weird but still overlooked it and guided him towards the school board where the pamphlet was pinned.

"As you can see all the activities and club names are here. So, join the one you are interested in and tell me so I can guide you to the club and get done with this guiding shit." Well, Michael was surely not happy about the fact that he had to help someone bratty.

"I never asked you too." Mars said arrogantly looking away crossing his arms.

Michael was about to blast from his suppressed anger but got cut off by Mars, "and I am good at everything here except basketball, football, volleyball, tennis & swimming, so can I join multiple clubs." Mars said making Michael dumbfounded. If it was someone else then Mars would not have said all this, it was just that the expressions Michael gave him were too amusing but still he was not lying.

"Hey listen kid... you have already pissed me off quite a lot since the morning, now do not joke around. I have my precious food to gulp down after being done with this." said Michael losing his calm.

"Excuse me I am not happy in any way being with you here and I am being serious about the clubs." said Mars clearly annoyed but he was trying to waste the time. He had no intention to join any club.

"No, you can't join multiple clubs. Only one for you to join now decide quickly." Michael said hurriedly.

"Hey, I can't just decide right now." Mars frowned.

"Ughhhhhhh... why are you so troublesome. Ok, now let's go to the cafeteria to have lunch then you can decide whatever you want after filling this empty stomach so, your stupid mind might work faster." Michael said being hungry as hell.

"Mister number '99', lead the way." Mars sighed.

Michael was too hungry to reply anything further and started to speed walk towards the cafeteria followed by Mars.


"Hey dude you are late, the lunch break is about to end." one of Michael's friends said when he went towards his group of friends after getting his lunch.

"Don't talk to me right now, let me gulp all this down first." he said with his mouth full of food.

"Who is that guy you just came with?" his friend pointed towards Mars who was quietly eating his lunch on an empty table.

"Don't talk to me about him, he pisses me off." Michael said that after gulping a big bite.

"Wait... what... YOU and getting pissed off of someone except Drake, it's quite a thing ha-ha-ha-ha you are literally our ball of sunshine, what can make you piss off." everyone at the table started to laugh as that was true. Michael was usually cheerful and helpful and maybe that was the reason Mr. Stele had told him to help Mars.

"He has some great attitude problems." Michael said getting pissed again. "Guess what, I lost my appetite." his friends again burst into laughter as he had literally gulped all of the food he had brought.

Happy conversations were going on at Michael's table while something interesting was going to happen on the table beside theirs.

Mars was almost done but some rude jerk had to push him very hard making him gasp, he looked up and found none other than a cocky blue-eyed jerk with his minions.

"What the hell is wrong with you, you pathetic being." Mars roared at Drake’s face.

"Well, were not you the one rude to me in the class. now it's time to pay back to a rude little kid and show him his position." said Drake having that annoying smirk on his face.

By now the whole cafeteria was looking at them as a result of Mars's outburst. Each and every student knew how much of a jerk that Drake was, always picking up on weak students.

"Huh... Little kid, you know what, I am giving you a chance to leave me alone this instant or else the consequences would not be pleasing for you." Mars said clenching his fist. He was thought to protect himself and not to harm others and he needed to control his anger but until the matter gets out of hand.

One of Michael's friends said. "Now I get what you said about how he pisses you off, he sure has some attitude problems man, now he is in a big trouble just look at the size difference." Michael was just silent thinking about if he should help that new annoying brat or let him be.

"Huh. what? you sure like to talk big." Drake laughed thinking that Mars was foolish to piss him off like this. Could not he see the size difference between them. According to him, he could send Mars to coma with just a blow of his hand but the bell rang and the excited mood died down.

"At seven, you, me, boxing club, let's have a boxing match. Showing their place to guys like you is my specialty." said Drake, cracking his knuckles and left for the class with the bunch of his minions who were snickering at how pathetic Mars would look after getting beaten up by Drake, who is the pride of their boxing club.

"Stupid pathetic jerk." that was all Mars could think of that guy. He kicked the chair he was sitting on earlier in frustration as one leg of the chair broke down. Surely, he can avoid any situation just by contacting the Principal, but he did not want anyone to think of him as a coward so he would face that Drake for a match and would end all this shit for once and all. No one would try this again.

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