
Chapter 6 - Thanks For Dropping Me Off

Damned it!

There were no words to describe exactly how she felt other than that. Damned it! She had to curse herself for getting up almost late. Or, indeed, she was late. She woke up half an hour after her alarm went off, even though she had set it earlier. She should have been at the hotel by six.

She wrote something down on paper and pinned it onto the purple dress. While she immediately took the gray dress hanging next to it, matching heels, and her bag, then darted out of her apartment. She even ran down the stairs.

"Thanks for driving me," she said as she sat in the car and closed the door.

"Put your seatbelt on," ordered the man beside her, none other than Dave. He saw she had done it and then started the sedan.

"Thanks for driving me." Anna opened the conversation. She was still catching her breath after the rush. And there was a bit of nervousness as Anna regained her sanity. So, apparently, she needed another effort to calm her heartbeat.

"You already said that," Dave responded with a small laugh on his lips. Her mind must be in confusion to say the same thing twice.

"Oh, really?" Worse, she reacted like a dazed person. "I couldn't sleep last night. So I thought I would stay up till morning. But I ended up oversleeping and didn't even hear my alarm," she explained quickly. She said whatever crossed her mind.

"Whoa, whoa. Easy, Ann," he reacted after hearing the confusion in her voice. It looked like she hadn't fully recovered yet. "Relax, okay?"

Anna followed his sentence by taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly. She did that several times until she calmed down and her mind could control her situation.


She nodded. "Yes."


Dave turned the wheel to the left to turn the car onto a fairly quiet street in another suburb. The hotel where the wedding was held was not in the downtown area. It was a little pulled over and had a splendid view.

"I couldn't sleep last night either. And I was going for a jog when you texted me."

Yes, Anna sent him a message. To be precise, they exchanged messages after she left the hotel. She had to pick up her family from Ohio. Oh, Matt's family and hers were best friends. They were neighbors, too. So Matt invited them. He also prepared a hotel room for his parents. Understandably, because her apartment could not accommodate her entire family. Only Sidney, her sister, spent the night at her house.

"After what we've been through, it's kinda normal to have trouble sleeping."

It was about their sudden marriage. What else? She wasn't even used to seeing the wedding ring on her finger. Of course, it wasn't the ring with the big stone that stole the show. It was simple and elegant with small stones around it.


The journey from her apartment to the hotel was only about ten minutes. That was close, indeed. Anna might walk there if she didn't bother with her things. Unfortunately, she had to bring her dress and others and keep her body fresh for the ceremony. So, she crossed out that option.

"Are you sure you don't need me to accompany you?" Dave asked after stopping the car in front of the hotel.

"Yes. I can handle it myself," Anna replied as she unbuckled the seatbelt. "Thanks for your help."

"You said it again."

Anna changed her position to face him. "Sorry. But I have to say it before parting, right?" Then, without waiting for his answer, she opened the door and went out. Not to forget, she took her belongings in the back seat.

"You're going to text me, aren't you?" Dave asked again before Anna closed the door.

"Of course." Anna then gave a smile. "Bye."

And they split up.

However, only three steps away from him, she thought of something. She immediately turned around and knocked on the window.

"You changed your mind?"

"No," she laughed. She knew Dave was joking about that. "I just wanted to say something."


"I managed to sleep, so you should try to sleep as well. I know our situation is really absurd. But thinking about it too much isn't right either. After all, we have to live with it." Anna paused, then continued, "What I'm trying to say is let's take it slowly. It will be easier for now."

Dave was silent while watching her speak. He even slightly tilted his head as if enjoying the activity.

Anna noticed his intense gaze on her. And she became embarrassed to be seen like that. "Why are you looking at me like that?" she stuttered as nervousness suddenly swept over her. Even though they were married, she wasn't used to him yet.

No. It seemed Anna wouldn't get used to having a man like him as her husband. Kind, handsome, and very rich. Was it really her luck?

"You know something? You get everyone's attention every time you talk," he said with a hidden smile on his lips.

"You're mocking me, aren't you?" she grunted, doubting his words.

Dave was taken aback. "Which part was I mocking you?" he asked with furrowed brows.

"That-"She slightly hung her sentence. "You sound like you're telling me to stop talking," she continued with pursed lips. It was as if she had been caught making groundless accusations, just like their first encounter. Fortunately, Dave didn't take her babble seriously at that time.

Dave chuckled. Anna was the same as the one he met that night. But, yeah, people didn't change instantly, did they?

"I never said that, Anna Byrne, nor did I mean that." He was deliberately dramatizing his words. "I'm honest. You looked attractive when you're talking," he explained to correct the misunderstanding. Why did women like to draw unilateral conclusions?

Her lips pursed again. This time, the combination of shame, guilt, and blush after getting the compliment. Especially when she said her name. Anna Byrne. It sounded strange and thrilling at the same time.

"Then, I'll go. Don't forget to try to sleep." She chose to end the conversation. It felt like being with him any longer would make her commit more mistakes. A shameful one, of course.

"I'll call you after I wake up," he called to get her attention one last time.

Anna smiled. But, she did not stop and turned around. Instead, Anna waved her hand as a gesture that she heard it. Then, Anna entered the hotel with a better feeling than before. No more nervousness.

Meanwhile, Dave watched her until she disappeared from his sight. He smiled before driving his car out of the area.

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