
√7: Rude.

The next day came fast.

Faster than Janet would have hoped, she honestly did not feel like seeing anyone. Staring at her reflection, she sighed. Her plaited hair had gotten all rough because she forgot to put on her bonnet. 

After she did her morning prayer, she stepped into the ice cold shower, just how she liked it. It helped her get her mind out of the cloud, that was the last place she wanted to be in right now.

"Hm, lip gloss or no lip gloss" She said to herself, like it made any difference. Janet really wanted to look extra cute today, well, just because.

So she did her edges, a little mascara and alladat.

When she was done, she took her bag and went to school. Sometimes she would walk because she wanted to think and sometimes she'd take a cab, today was one of those days.

Her parents always refused to get a driver for her because according to them, she needed to be independent.


"I've been looking everywhere for yo

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