
2. This Time You Have to See Me

I was enjoying my sweet food and slowly my tears fell, how long would I wait to get rid of it?

We both agreed that when we got married we would not demand each other's wishes and accept our parents without complaining about household problems.

And we will divorce if there is evidence of infidelity between us, even though there are widespread rumors that he is having an affair. There is no evidence that he kissed or held hands with another woman. Even the detective I hired couldn't get a photo of them. The guard was so tight that I couldn't get through.

Am I the one who has to create a scandal so that I can get rid of him as soon as possible? After 5 years of waiting, I'm tired. My daydreaming stopped because the hotel decoration department met me.

"What is it?"

"There's a little problem, Madam. Our hotel ballroom doesn't seem to be enough for tonight's event with a capacity of 3000 visitors."

"Where is the problem?"

"The many decorations and menus make the room full, if you wants to see, come with me."

I stood up and walked after him, looking at the condition of our largest ballroom, which he said was not enough, and then he explained in detail from end to end the decoration plan.

I started using my power to manage this hotel. I saw the new head chef here too, this is a challenge for him because, on his first day of work. He has to serve the satisfaction of thousands of guests who are attending tonight.

Whether he is capable or not, it is still included in my assessment because the quality of service is number one at my hotel. And people who dare to work with me are ready to face the consequences. I hope the HRD department has reminded him.

I walked here and there instructing all the workers in this room. Too focused on arranging myself so I didn't realize that I had become the center of their attention,

I realized that because my clothes looked tight on my hips, my buttocks might look challenging in front of the men who were almost all here. Not to mention my cleavage was visible, because I accidentally took off my shaw. I felt hot and forgot to put it back on. My chest is not big but it sticks out maybe because the bra I wear manipulates it.

"Keaton" I called but he didn't look up. Do I have to use loudspeakers?

"Keaton!" I shouted so loud that several employees looked at me. My tone had snapped and he just turned to me. I should tell him to clean his ears after this.

"Yes Madam," he said, looking intently into my eyes. Why is my heart beating fast? Damn! He's so handsome.

"How many tables are needed to serve the main menu, if it is for three thousand people."

"Ten tables," he answered briefly then looked down again.

"Can it only be five tables?" I said, approaching him, ducking to see what he was holding. It turned out to be a handwritten list of cooking ingredients.

"Yes, Madam," He shifted his body to keep his distance from me. Do I smell?

"This means there are staff who will continue to check for shortages and add food."

My hands were folded in front of my chest, standing in front of him. "I heard, they are making sushi. Can you make it? As far as I know, we have never prepared a sushi menu for a large party," I said, watching him look awkward and occasionally looking the other way. Does he feel tempted by me? Oh for God's sake!

"No problem, Madam... I'm used to making it, but we make various kinds of flavors. It can be a mixture of fruit, fish, vegetables, and others, so you can be sure they can taste all kinds," he said confidently. I like people like this. Hopefully, he can take responsibility for his words.

"Okay, I hope that in this event you are successful in organizing the menu. I like your improvisation. Good luck," I said and left him. My closeness to employees has limits. Not because I'm arrogant but because I'm tired of my life always being watched.

I went home early after seeing the hotel ballroom, usually, I go home at 3 p.m but because of the news my mood got worse and I wanted to vent my frustration on the punching bag in my gym.

I was annoyed to see those 2 newspapers. I think my 5 years of waiting as a wife were in vain. Crying over people who don't care about me and maybe this will be our last year together.

Tonight, there is an important event at the hotel I didn't want to come because of my annoyance. I wanted to throw the newspaper at my husband's face, slap him several times, and maybe even punch his handsome face.

But of course, we couldn't because we never met or spoke after the wedding. He comes when I'm asleep or when I'm working and when I come home from work he's not there.

After I was satisfied, I took out my frustration on the innocent punching bag. I went to my private spa room to get a massage from the special staff I hired from my favorite salon and after that, I soaked in warm water.

I have to look fresh tonight even if I want to look beautiful tonight, I will be not me.

I want everyone to see me, my charm and all the beauty that I have. I will make the man who holds my husband regret for ignoring me and will even let me go in a moment.

A red dress with a slit on the left side up to the waist. My back was open to the bottom of my buttocks and the strap of the dress was around my neck. The cleavage was wide, luckily my breasts weren't too big. If I didn't wear a bra so they didn't stick out too much from the dress l, but were visible from the side. With black high heels and my hair in a bun, I was ready to party.

This party brought together high-class businessmen in this city and I represented my husband and the general manager of the hotel where the event was held.

I don't intend to look for or seduce the guests who come, but my goal is only one. So that, I will be exposed to cameras and news about my appearance will appear in national news and mass media. I hope it reaches abroad until he looks at me. He's not the only one who can appear in the headline news, but this time you have to see me... my husband.

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