
Chapter Two: Bumping into strangers

Chapter Two

Maya POV

“Are you really going to take on this mission?” John asked as we walked into the training grounds, we were sparring partners and it was time for our evening session. 

I stood opposite him and got into a fighting stance, but John remained as he was, with no stance, no hands ready to defend, just his olive-tanned face staring back at me. Instead of answering, I sent out a jab for his head which he blocked turning away from my side.

“Maya, you’ll have to think this through,” he stated as i turned to land another punch at him. He blocked it again.

“There is nothing to think about John, or are you worried i would be your senior soon when i complete the mission.” I teased and he rolled his eyes at me.

“I guess you’ve made up your mind then,” he said and i paused adjusting my form, i crossed my hands over my chest and glanced at my dusty boots.

“Yes, I have. I mean what more should i have said- No? John, this is big, just not for everyone, it is a great deal for me.” I pointed out and brushed my hair to the side.

“I know Maya but then this is a big deal-” the rest of his words ceased and we turned to the doors that just opened. Serg had stepped in with her eyes locked in on the both of us. 

“John, excuse us.” she ordered and John left without sparing me a glance. 

The door closed off shifting us both into silence as i turned my back to sergent and proceeded to remove my boots.

“You think you’re so smart, don’t you?” she asked as i removed the lace, one hoop at a time. “You should decline the mission and focus on things that you can actually handle, there is no need for you to show off-”

“I am not trying to prove myself to anybody, not especially you.” I snapped raising my head to gaze into her eyes. Serg stared at me with those toughness and her lips which were in a thin line parted slightly for the next thing she would say.

“Well then, you’re leaving tonight. Your first place of assignment is in the main city.” she informed me and my eyes nearly popped out of my sockets.

“Its too early to leave, i haven’t even fully recovered-”

“Then you know that a hunter is always on the go, you signed up for this. Everything you would need is prepared for you and your flight leaves in four hours.” She stated, it was hard to take it all in. I thought that maybe i would get a week at most but this was way too early.

Serg turned to leave and when she reached the doors she stopped, wit her back to me.

“You really don’t have to do this Maya.” her voice was pleading and for a second it felt like she didnt want me to leave.

“I dont have to but i want to.” i replied brushing away any other sentiment buried in me.


With my box in one ha

nd and my headset in the other, i stood outside the airport watching as the crowd moved in different directions. People going about, leaving their loved ones, friends, and family, and here i was, alone. Serg didn’t see me off, neither did John, he was not in the quarters when i returned and there wasn’t enough time to look for him and so i dropped a note on his bed. 

I exhaled and placed the headset around my neck and rolled my box into the airport, after getting into the boarding area, i glanced around and for one second my eyes came across a familiar with curly black hair that i could never forget but then it was gone and-

“Miss- your boarding pass.” i turned my attention back to the woman who was attending to me. After passing me, she smiled at me and let me through. I enetered the plane and sat where was booked for me, it was going to be a long flight and i had to prepare for it. I opened my journal which contained the basic information i needed. 

The first name which was highlighted was where i was supposed to find the first piece. 


It ended as quickly as it started, i rolled my bags outside and when i reached the front it was raining, the thunder clapped far off. I scrolled through my phone as my ride was supposed to be here soon and-

“Hey, watch it!” I bumped into someone and when i glanced up, they were much taller than me and covered up in layered clothes that made it impossible to get a glimpse of them.

“Its not my fault you’re in my way.” i snapped back, dark eyes from the hoodied man holding mine and i swallowed.

“Sorry Princess but its not my fault you can’t see.” the deep voice muttered, something about this voice was familiar, it irked me even though i couldn't see who it was. “Next time you should watch where you’re going,” he muttered stepping away from me as he stared down at his watch.

“Bold of you to assume i would meet you again,” I added crossing my hands over my chest which made his eyes drift down to my chest before they moved back to my eyes. 

“Oh, you definitely will Maya, i assure you.” And then he disappeared in the crowd.

My name- he knew my name. Did the man i meet know who i was? No one was supposed to find out my identity, not now when my mission was just starting.

Who was he and why did i feel like i know him from somewhere. 

“Are you Miss Maya?” my eyes landed on the man who was in front of me, my ride was here. I replied and he took my bags and wheeled them to the car, while he drove me to the hotel i stared out of the window thinking of the stranger who had known my name.

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