


Me and Khrystyanna with Christian came together to pay the transferee named Mikael a visit. 

I feel uncomfortable and annoyed today because I feel like that brat is stealing Khrystyanna's attention. 

It was supposed to be me, and me only. I may sound like a jealous boyfriend, but that green monster inside of me is consuming my whole being especially when I saw Khrystyanna laugh because of that brat Mikael. And because of it, I cannot help my dark intent towards that man. 

When we arrived at the outside of the dorm, Khrystyanna knocked at the door. And while waiting, I asked Khrystyanna with an annoyed tone. 

"Why do we need to pay him a visit? He may be the son of the Principal but, this is way too over the top even with his identity!" 

Khrystyanna smiled and then approached me as she fixed up my messy neck tie. I cannot help but to watch her every move as it makes me fall over her every minute and moment I am with her, and makes me blush even when we are not together. I am not surprised at all that every man in the Oracle Academy and the other schools that she is competing in will also fall for her charm. And guess what, amongst those competitors of mine, the final victor will be me! And that victory, I will never let it go. 

"I know what you feel. But please, don't be jealous anymore. This is my duty and the Principal asked me to do it and it is also my responsibility to obey. It's only for the first subject, and after this, I have no obligation to do this." She said with a wink that made my anger melt away. 

My relationship with her might be a bit tricky and mysterious even for myself. We may be good friends but there are still things I know that she isn't aware of. It is not a big secret but every person has their own dark secrets, right? And even if this will be my last resort to keep what we are until the end despite this selfishness of mine, who would blame me?

Mikael got out of the dorm. He looks so messy that made my eyebrows rise. Is this the renowned son of Principal del Fuego that I just met earlier? The one who is also famous for being so handsome and one of the heartthrobs from his previous school? He looks so out of that description though. He looks like a human form of sticky rice we used to eat in a snack that is being coated with a lot of rice flour. His face is filled with face powder that is not being fixed. Is he doing this foolishness on purpose?

Khrystyanna approached him and fixed his necktie and his messy face. I just rolled my eyes at the sight although I feel so bitter right now. It's supposed to be me! It was supposed to be only me!

And what irritates me more is Mikael's blushing face. Is he misunderstanding something? That Khrystyanna is seducing him? She is not like that at all!

"We will accompany you on your first subject to somehow help you adapt. After this, you're on your own." Khrystyanna said as she turned around to lead the way. I immediately followed her closely, not caring if the brat would follow us or not. 

I put my hands inside my pockets and kept my eyes on the path ahead and not looking back to Mikael. Because once I laid my eyes on him again while my blood was still boiling because of his shamelessness, I cannot promise that I can still keep my hands from knocking him out to the ground. 

"Are you going to the shooting range to practice later, Khrys?" I asked, opening a subject that will make my mind distracted. 

"Uhm. Are you going with me?" 

"Of course!" I smiled despite being covered by my mask, I cannot help but to smile because of pure bliss. 

Despite the incident that made the two of us mourn for the last month and up until these days, we still give and gain strength from each other. Happiness and the feeling of still being at home at each other's arms cannot be replaced by anything and anyone. The two of us also make each of us complete despite the loss we just experienced. 

"Here we are!" Khrystyanna announced. 

"Oh! Zed, are you alright? Have you recovered already?" The Home Economics teacher— Ms. Ross— asked as she saw us approaching. 

"yes, I am alright. Thanks for Khrys that is taking care of me always, I somehow recovered." I responded then wrapped my arms around Khrystyanna's waist. 

In the corner of my eye, I saw the annoyed face of Mikael. All I can do to conceal my happiness at that time is to stop smiling. That will somehow show my visible eye. 

'Good for you.' I laughed at the back of my mind. Secretly celebrating. 

"Tss. Who would have thought that you will be a sweet talker?" Ms. Ross chuckled as well. 

"Oh! By the way, we are here to introduce the new transferred student." She pointed to Mikael who was standing behind us. 

"Ah! Yes! I almost forgot about that. Thank you for informing me, dear Yanna. Well, you should get ready because we have activity today." The teacher said. 

We entered the chaotic classroom that changed into a peaceful one after Khrystyanna cleared her throat as we entered. 

"Good day, everyone!" The faces of the students inside lighten up with the sight of Khrystyanna. What a charm. 

"Without further ado, I would like to announce that we have a new classmate." 

Everyone started to pay attention to the next event. With this sight, I cannot help but feel proud of Khrystyanna who has a very strong charm that can easily affect our students even with a snap, or a word that leaves her mouth. 

"You may now introduce yourself." After that, Mikael took over and then Khrystyanna and I positioned ourselves at the back part of the room. With that, Khrystyanna can monitor the students in the classroom, which is one of her responsibilities as the SSG President. 

"Hello. My name is Mikael Jace del Fuego. Just call me Mike for short..." His introduction seems normal yet his facial expression is unstable. He is forcing himself to smile to the point that it looks so fake. And with that, I cannot help myself but to shake my head. 

The thing here in our class, the students here know how to read and judge a person properly. They do know how to distinguish the forced or fake to the true and genuine. And this judgement is their foundation of how they will treat a certain student. 

Some of the students clapped their hands genuinely, and some nonchalantly. But most of us just stayed silent while a few girls here screamed nonsensically. And this is a clear judgement. 

"Okay, Mike. Please take your seat at the back of Ms. Solano and Mr. Valenciana." 

The seat he occupies is placed near the teacher's desk at the back part of the classroom. We do not care about it because our mission is only to accompany him to the first period and after that, he is by himself. The Principal did not mention that he must be assigned into a specific position in the classroom to adapt though. 

The class is about making dessert or sweets. The table already has the necessary ingredients and equipment. And the procedures are all for the students to recreate. 

I helped Khrystyanna to prepare the whipped cream and the batter. This amount of preparation is for a group and if my hunch is right, this is being prepared for 'those' people. 

"Khrys." I called out her nickname that is exclusive for me to call. 

My eyes are all on her but my hand is busy whisking the whipped cream in my hand. If you want to be with Khrystyanna, you need to learn how to multitask. 

Her gaze lifted and met my gaze. I smirked at the back of my mask as I thought of something. "Kyle?" The pet name being used by her for me. 

With such a tone and added with my pet name, it makes me fall into her charm again and again. And because I know that this will affect not only me but also the other boys that exist, especially that brat, I want to show even to him that there is a line he must never cross with me here.

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