
Chapter 3


I woke up in a to bright light shinning in my face. I stretched my contracted muscles as I opened my eyes. I stopped in my tracks as I looked down at myself. I was still in the same dress as yesterday. I looked around the room, this wasn't my room. This bedroom was bigger and more fancier than my own bedroom. The room was well designed and whoever lived there was rich.

Have I been kidnapped? What sort of kidnapper would keep me in such an expesive room?

Well, if I had been then they had really hit one big jackpot with me. 

I said sarcastically to myself in my head.

I sat up quickly, but I fell back on the bed as dizziness hit me. The events of last night began to come back to me and I gasped but slowly sat up this time. I didn't know who it was that had attacked our house last night and I didn't even know where I was.

I then remembered what Wendy had done to me and shook my head. I felt like killing her. I made my way towards the door to try and leave, but it opened before I got close to it. My heart started beating faster because I was about to face my captor, but to my surprise, it was Sean that came in.

He held a tray of food in his hand as he walked in. He looked up and saw me standing and quickly dropped the tray on the dresser before walking towards me.

"Anna, you're awake. Are you feeling better?" He asked touching my forehead.

"Sean, how did you get here?" I asked surprised.

"Well I think I'm supposed to be here, seeing as this is my house." He smiled and I gasped, nodding my head.

"Wait, so what happened last night and how did I get here?" I asked confused.

"Well, after watching you go in, I started my journey home, but then I heard shouting and it sounded like your voice. I'm an alpha, so my hearing is way more advanced than yours." He explained because I wondered how he was able to hear our voices so far off.

"I barged into your house to see that Wendy had thrown you to the side, and your head hit the wall. Luckily, it was nothing serious." He said pulling me to sit on the bed.

"So what happened to them? Where are they?" I asked.

"Why do you seem more worried about them than yourself, when you were the one that got hurt." He asked taking my hands on his.

"I just want to know."

"Well, when I ran to your house, the door was locked, so I pushed it off it's hinges. Your uncle tried to fight me off, but I overpowered him and knocked him out. Your aunt also tried to escape, but I caught her. They are both in the dungeons now, awaiting their punishment." He said and I was surprised.

"Wow, okay." 

"Why didn't you tell me what they were doing to you? I could have helped you."

"Well, maybe because I had just met you, also because I kind of felt indebted to them, so I just left things as they were, but I was going to tell you…. eventually, but you can't blame me for that, I just met you." I shrugged.

"Well, that's true, but it's all over now, because you'll be living with me right here from now on, so they won't bother you anymore." He said and I shifted away from him on the bed, my brain not registering what he said.

"What do you mean?" I frowned. 

"I mean exactly what you heard. Your uncle and his wife are now in the dungeons, and as your mate, it is my duty to take care of you no matter what, isn't it?" He said proudly.

My heart began to beat faster as I stared at him. Not only had he saved me from the hell I was living in, he also gave me a roof over my head and was promising to take care of my every need. I looked up as tears threatened to fall from my eyes. I've never known kindness like this before. It all seemed too good to be true.

"What's wrong?" He asked as the tears began to drop from my eyes.

"Nothing, I think something got in my eyes." I said as I wiped my tears.

Suddenly, he hugged me, knowing I was lying. His warm hug comforted me really well.

"You don't have to worry about anything ever again, I'll take care of it all." He said, resting his cheek on my shoulder as he rubbed my back.

"You should eat before your food gets cold." He stood up to get the tray of food. On the plate was bacon and eggs and a toast, and a glass of water beside it.

"I made it for you." I stared up at him.

"Really? I hope I won't die from food poisoning." 

"It might interest you to know that I am one of the best cooks I have ever had the pleasure of knowing." He said emphasizing on the 'the' and I looked at him incredulously.

I picked up the fork and raised the eggs to my mouth, tasting it then coughing seriously

Sean panicked and started hitting my back, thinking I was chocking. I raised my head and gave him a mischievous smile. 

"Got you." I said and his mouth fell open.

"Seriously, you. Do you know how scared I was?" He said and I apologized.

"Aww, come on. I was just messing with you. Don't take me seriously." I said and continied eating.

When I was done, he took the plate and kept it aside and moved closer to me.

"Do you know how scared I was when I walked into your house and saw you passed out on the floor?" I turned around and looked him in his eyes. He looked so genuine that I could hardly tell if this was the same Sean White that I knew or he had been replaced with a new one.

I wrapped my hands around him and held him close. I could feel the sincerity coming off of him. Never in my life had I been treated so gently and lovingly before. It made me extremely happy and all tingly inside. I had always thought that I would end up dying without a mate because I had been alone all my life, but the moon goddess had been kind enough to bless me with one that was going to end my suffering.

I pulled back and looked in his eyes. My eyes flickered to his lips before I leaned him, my lips touching his lightly. I was new to all this so I didn't really know what I was doing. I think he knew that, because one of his arms wrapped around my waist and brought me closer, while the other came up to the side of my face as his lips pressed harder against mine. 

He bit into my lower lip and I gasped in shock as the tingles ran to my lower half. He took the opportunity to quickly pushed his tongue into my mouth. I really didn't know what to do as I had never kissed anyone before, so I just licked his tongue that was in my mouth. My tongue found its way into his mouth and he sucked on it. My moan rang out in the room from the intense pleasure I was feeling for the first time in my life. I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought myself closer to him, my breasts pressing up against his chest. One of his hands coming up to squeeze my breast through my dress.

His hand that was on my face slipped down my body and under the hem of my short dress. He rubbed my thigh before pulling me to straddle him. I settled down in his lap as both of his hands found their way up my dress to my waist, my dress riding up, almost high enough for my panties to be out. I was supposed to have felt embarrassed because it was my first time with man, but I was not. It all felt natural.

I didn't want to keep my hands idle, so I ran my hands down the muscles on his arms and back. He was ripped. I felt his bulge grow under me through his sweatpants. It was pushing into me through my panties that were already wet. I clenched as I felt his size. He felt big. A moan escaped my lips for the second time as he kissed down my neck. He used his hands that were on my waist to push me down further on him, so that my clit was touching his bulge through my wet panties even more, as he groaned into my neck. I moaned as my hips started to move slowly on him. His hands were about to slip down past the band of my panties when there was a knock on the door.

I jumped out of his lap and sat beside him. We both tried to make ourselves look presentable and he put a pillow over his bulge. I was sure whoever was behind the door already knew what was going on, because the smell of his pheromones were everywhere. 

Alpha Harvey and Luna Lorrie stepped into the room. Luna Lorrie smiled coyly as they stopped at the door.

"You could have just waited till we were gone." I heard Alpha Harvey mutter and I bowed my head, trying to use my hair to covery face, a red tint staining my pale skin.

"Stop embarrassing them, Harvey. It's normal for them. It would be weird if they kept their hands to themselves." Luna Lorrie said to her mate as she hit his arm.

"Hello, dear." Luna Lorrie said to me.

"Hello, Luna." I didn't raise my head.

"There's nothing to be shy about, this is normal for fated wolves that haven't mated yet, so there's nothing to be embarrassed about." She said but I still didn't raise my head up as I moved closer to Sean, hoping to somehow melt into him. Luna Lorrie chuckled.

I just had to embarrass my self in front of my future in laws like that. Damn you, Sean.

"Well now that you're here, I just wanted to let you know that you're safe now, and if you ever need anything you can ask Sean, and if he can't provide it for you, you could always come to me. We're a family now and I'll make sure Justin and Wendy receive their punishment in due time. So you don't have to worry about a thing." She said and I raised my head and looked at Sean first before looking up at her. She looked like the pure symbol of kindness, with a genuine smile in her face.

I stood up. "Thank you Alpha, Luna. For helping a commoner like me even when you weren't obligated to." I bowed, feeling sincerely grateful.

"Nonsense, you're part of the family now. I only feel sad because we weren't able to discover this sooner." She said and walked to me and hugged me.

"We'll leave the both of you to be by yourselves." She said as they retreated out of the room. Sean stood up and held me close to himself as he waved at them. 

When we heard the front door shut, we sat back down. I rested my head on his shoulder as I sighed, finding it hard to believe all that was happening. Sean hummed low in his chest as we stayed like that.

"You don't have to worry about anything anymore." He said into my hair.

This all seemed too good to be true, or did it? 

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