
CHAPTER 1 : Revenge

Leaned against the railing of his balcony, Edward brought the cigar up to his rough lips, inhaling long drag before releasing puffs of air in dark. 

His cold irises were glaring at the moon, as if accusing the nature for some tragedy. Continuous rage was boiling his nerves, his mind couldn't stop recalling the incident of today's morning. 

Edward entered the university in all his glory, greeting the professors on his way. Cladded in denim shirt with jeans, his silky hair were styled back to perfection. 

From corner of his eye, he could detect girl's ogling over him. Yet, he feigned ignorance of them and kept walking on his way. 

It certainly wasn't new for him. His breathtaking genes demanded attention even in severe crowd. However, his heart was already preoccupied by a lovely soul, he felt proud in calling his fiance. His Evelyn.

A breathtaking smile overtook his grim expressions seeing the woman his charcoal orbs were searching for. He slowed down his steps, now quietly moving in her direction.

He moved his eyes from her back and gazed at woman his fiancé was deeply conversing with.


Edward hated her. The girl gave him creepy vibes. Often times, he had caught her ogling over him with lusty eyes even after knowing he belonged to her best friend.

However he didn't had any say in this matter. Evelyn was mad crazy for her friend, so Edward could do nothing but ignore her stares.

"Morning, babe." He greeted the girl of his life once he approached them. Chloe almost immediately snapped her head in his direction. A seducing smile curled on her lips as she licked her lower lip, gazing at him up and down. Albeit, Edward felt disgusted, still he tried to feign ignorance of her unneeded presence.

However, a frown engraved between his brows once he noticed Evelyn's ignorance towards him. She would greet him with kiss every morning. It was their thing. Yet today, she completely turned her back on him, as if he wasn't even there.

"Morning Edward." Chloe's fake shrill voice made him cringed , before he took a sign of relief seeing her walking off, but not before sharing a what Edward could call a suspicious glance. 

That made him arched his brow.

Once she out of sight, Edward stepped in Chloe spot to face his ignorant fiancé. He gave her an innocent smile.

"What?!" She snapped, wiping of his smile. Evelyn turned her back on him and began to shuffle things in her locker. 

"What's wrong, babe?" Edward questioned, and tried to wrap his arms around her waist when she pushed him off harshly, startling him.

He was bewildered at her behavior. He couldn't recall any mistake he did to receive a cold shoulder.

Evelyn grabbed her things from locker and was about to walk to her next class when her elbow was caught by Edward in firm manner. 

"I asked what's wrong?" His voice was stern this time. Whole University knew not to mess with Edward Arnold's temper. Although, he never lost his anger on her. But now, lack of her attention had begun to agitate his nerves.

"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME." Evelyn snapped, yanking her elbow out of his hold. Her act was so violent that it caught eyes of some passing by students. 

"Cheaters don't get to ask me what's wrong." She exclaimed glaring at him. That caught him off guard.


Edward would even think twice before making eye contact with other gender. It wasn't for her. It was for the respect of love he had for her.

He felt his heart crushing seeing tears in her beautiful eyes.  

"Cheater? Do you even know what are you saying?" He muttered, gritting his teeth. He blocked her way once she tried to move past. Her blazing orbs met his distressed ones. 

"YES Cheater! You!" She poked her forefinger in his chest. "How dare you!" Her sharp shrill voice successfully made curious students turned in their direction. 

Edward couldn't help but tensed, feeling several eyes on him. He had reputation in this institute. Good looks with good grades, he wasn't a typical nerd. Rather the opposite. 

Being son of town's mayor, he always knew he had notoriety to lookout. Infact his fiancĂ© was aware too. Then, why was she causing scene infront of number of students was beyond his understanding.  

"Evelyn" He started softly, "Let's go talk in somewhere private." He placed his hand on small of her back but she pushed on his chest again , making him stumble back. 

His astonished eyes met her accusing ones. 

"Why, huh? So world can't know what kind of disgusting bastard you are." 

Edward winced inwardly. Her poisonous words stung him deep inside. 

"Say clearly what you want to say Evelyn. I didn't do anything." Edward stated calmly, though he was beginning to loose his cool. 

"Right." Evelyn muttered sarcastically, rubbing the tears from her eyes. His  hands were itching to wipe them off. 

"That's what every cheater says. You know what." Edward felt his heart missing a beat once she lifted her left hand up and began to remove her engagement ring. 

"What are you doi-" Edward tried to walk in her direction but halted his steps once she threw the ring in his direction. It collided with his chest, before dropping on the marble ground. The sound of ring contacting with floor was back and forth with noise of Edward's heart breaking.

Whispers among the students began to grow, followed by sounds of camera's flashing.

"What is she saying."

"I didn't expect such thing from Edward. "

"I know right. He looks so innocent."

"Looks are indeed deceiving."

"Edward destroyed his father's name."

Edward released a rough sign, feeling as if heavy burden had been thrown over his chest, crushing him again and again.

He could care less about his father's influence. Right now, his main concern was to save his home which was hanging on loose thread.

"Babe." His voice cracked. "There must be some misunderstanding. Please let me exp-" 

He was cut off in between, her sharp voice making the students cringed in the hall. 

"DON'T JUST DON'T. Who would have thought that a love sick puppy like you would be such a bastard. Listen everyone!" Evelyn turned towards intrigued crowd. "This saint here was cheating behind by back! I caught him in brothel." 

Edward felt his hands shaking with rage and disgust hearing her words. Never once had he ever stepped inside the brothel. He hated the very place and Evelyn was the only one aware of it.

The surprised gasps of students made him swallowed the curses down. He knew he was being recorded. 

"Enough, Evelyn!" Edward roared, stepping near her but halted dead in his tracks once a man stepped out of the crowd and wrapped his arm around Evelyn's waist. 

Edward's blood boiled at the sight. 

"WHAT THE" Evelyn cut him off with a sarcastic laugh. 

"What? Burns, huh? You thought only you could go behind my back? Then, guess what Edward Arnold! I call off this engagement. " 

Edward felt darkness invading his vision at her words. His mind went numb for time being.

"Go screw that Hazel, you decided to cheat me on with." Evelyn taunted before pushing on Edward's chest and walking off with the boy, both leaving tons of gossiping students to capture the million worth scene. 

Edward's red rimmed eyes were stuck on the spot Evelyn previously stood. He barely managed to control his cool and revised her earlier words. 


He had never heard the name before. Then, who would possibly try to sabotage his reputation? 

"Hazel? That mysterious orphan? I already knew that bitch was in some wrong stuff. I saw her talking with Evelyn earlier today." A feminine voice from crowd caught his attention. 

"God forbid why did I even bother to be the friend of such whore. Poor Evelyn, she shouldn't have trusted that prostitute when she was pretending to be her best friend." Chloe kept going on with her minions, narrating how she caught Hazel red handed in brothel one day.

"I have seen her eying Edward with lusty eyes. She must have done it to gain his attention. God! What kind of slut is she to destroy the home of her own friend." Chloe's words caused Edward blood to boil.

A prostitute?

A prostitute tried to ruin his notoriety. That made him clenched his fists.

His lowered eyes turned towards the crowd. They gasped, seeing the intensity of rage behind his charcoal eyes.

He wouldn't be son of MNA Arnold Salvatore if he didn't make this prostitute shed tears of misery.

He roamed his blood shot eyes around till they met Chloe's lustful ones.

"Where can I find Hazel?" He questioned, his cool demeanor long gone. Now his eyes were cold as ice, aura dark as night, ready to avenge for his heart. 

Blowing out the dark smoke, Edward lifted his eyes and gazed at dark sky. He wasn't surprised when his father called him this evening, shouting at him for ruining his already hanging reputation. 

It wasn't his fault his father had to face this. However this time, it will be definitely his fault for what he was planning to do with that girl Hazel.  

His cell vibrated in his pocket. Taking it out, he placed it phone near his ear, bringing the cigar closer to his lips with other hand. 

"Work is done, boss." An evil smirk slowly starting becoming visible on his dark lips, his head tilting to the side. He disconnected the call.

"Hazel." He murmured, testing the name on his tongue, before chuckling darkly. "Let's see who will save you now."


Mga Comments (4)
goodnovel comment avatar
The punctuation and grammatical errors make it so hard to follow this book!! And it's only the 2nd chapter!!
goodnovel comment avatar
How can u blame you hazel though when Evelyn says she saw you enter a brothel, how stupid can u be
goodnovel comment avatar
Maggie Wa Mwaura
very nice story
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