
Chapter 11- Eric fell sick


"My God, " Katrina screamed.

Eric's body temperature was high.

Could it be the rain??

 She started to panic. Then she remembered what her mom usually does when her body temperature is high.

"You need to relax Katrina, " she said to herself.

Just then Eric's phone rang. The caller was Melinda.

Who was she??

One of his numerous ladies??

Katrina ignored the call. On second thought, she decided to pick the call.

"Hello, " she said.

"Sorry, can I speak to Mr Eric? " The caller asked.

"Ummm... Who are you? " Katrina asked.

"I am his secretary. He has an appointment by nine: thirty with Mr Dennis and he's yet to come " the caller replied.

"Ooh.. He can't make it, he's sick" Katrina replied.

"Since when?? " The lady asked.

"Last night, " Katrina replied.

"Damn. That means I have to cancel the appointment, ``she said.

"Please do, " Katrina replied.

"Extend my greetings to him. I hope he gets well soon " the lady said.

"Thanks" Katrina replied and ended the call.

 Eric was still shivering. Katrina needs to reduce the temperature and she needs to do it fast. She went into the bathroom, took a short towel and a bowl of cold water. Even though he was shivering, Katrina made use of the cold water to reduce his temperature. 

 Sitting besides him,she dipped the towel into the water, then squeezed it before placing it on his forehead. She allowed it to stay there for a while before repeating the same thing she did earlier.

The temperature of his body reduced considerably and Katrina was glad. He was still shivering though.

"The first aid kit" he managed to say on recovering little of his strength.

"Huh??, I should bring the first aid kit?? " Katrina asked.

He nodded. Katrina stood up and went to bring it. She came back to him, sat down and opened the kit.

 She saw different drugs in the box. He pointed to a drug in the box and she brought it out and gave it to him.

"Water, " he said.

 Katrina quickly ran to the kitchen to get a glass of water. She came back and gave it to him.

He forced himself to sit up, collected the water from her and took the drugs. He returned the empty glass cup to her.

 Katrina kept the cup down and watched him lay back on the bed. Few minutes later, he slept off.

She touched his forehead, his temperature was normal now. His fever had died down.

Phew, thank God!!!

 She stood up, took the bowl of water and towel to the bathroom and poured the water away, then she dried the towel before hanging it.

He was still asleep when she came out and she covered him well with his blanket. He is going to be very hungry when he wakes up and his breakfast is already cold.

 She needed to prepare another meal for him. So she went back to the kitchen. She made coffee for him, he loves it, then she made cookies and biscuits.

 Katrina took the tray to his room, a cup of coffee and a glass of milk was on the tray too. She kept the tray on a small table beside his bed.

He was still sleeping so she touched his forehead again to check his temperature. It was then his eyes fluttered open.

"Katrina " he said and sat up touching his head.

"You're awake, " she said happily.

"Yeah" he replied.

"Here, have this" she said giving him the cup of coffee, he collected it from her and drank it.

"Thank You " he said, returning the cup to her.

"How are you feeling now?? " Katrina asked.

"I'm fine now. The drugs really helped " he replied.

"What drugs is that? " I asked.

"It's for cold. I use it whenever something like this happens " he replied.

"Oh, okay" she said.

"Here, you need to eat," Katrina said and placed the tray on his bed.

"Ooh... I need to brush first" he said and excused himself.

 Eric went to the bathroom to brush, he came out minutes later, sat on his bed and put a cookie into his mouth.

"Yummy, " he said.

"Thank you, " Katrina replied.

He continued eating.

"Your secretary called, " she said.

"She did? " he asked.

"Yeah, she talked about one appointment with Mr Dennis, " Katrina informed him.

"I totally forgot about it," he said.

"She cancelled the appointment already, I told her you're sick" Katrina replied.

"Ooh.. I will reschedule it. Thanks a lot Katrina '' he said.

"You took care of me the other day, so let's just say this is my payback " she said and smiled. He smiled back too.

 She waited till he was done eating.

"If you don't mind Sir, I would like to excuse myself. I have other things to do " she said politely.

"Sure, you're free to go, " he replied.

 Katrina carried the tray and left his room. She took the tray to the kitchen and dropped them in the sink and began washing the plates.

When she was through with washing the plates, she took a broom and started sweeping the house. Then she mopped the floor and made sure everything was neat before she went up to take her bath.

She wore a bum short with black top after she was done taking her bath.

The time was almost two 0'clock when she checked it. She has to prepare lunch now.

 She went back to the kitchen to start cooking. All these while, Eric stayed up in his room.

She was going to prepare roast beef with horseradish for lunch.

Feeling bored, she connected her phone to a MP player, played music and sang along while cooking.


 Eric sat on his bed wondering what Katrina was doing right now. He could hear music playing from somewhere in the house.

He had already taken his bath and was feeling better now. He decided to go check on Katrina.

He left his room and walked down the stairs, then he saw her in the kitchen, the music was coming from there too.

 Eric walked towards the kitchen. He was about to enter the kitchen but he stopped on his tracks when he saw her dancing to the music.

Wow, she was such a good dancer!!

 He watched the way she twisted her waist and moved her body to the music. He stood there watching her for a while. She was unaware of my presence.

After watching her for a long time, he decided to make his presence known. He cleared his throat.

"You're such a good dancer, " he said.

 Katrina stopped dancing immediately and turned to look at Eric with a shocked expression on her face.

 She's been caught unawares.

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