
His ex wife at the door

Chapter 6

Williams walked worriedly around the house with his phone in his hands .

He didn’t know what to expect or what to do at this moment .

Never in his life did he think that his ex wife would be able to get out of that cell that he had kept her .

What went wrong behind his back .

He made sure that he did all that he could to put her behind bars , but that slimy bitch got out and now she was tormenting the hell out of him .

He held his phone waiting for the next call coming for him .

So many thoughts went through his head as he stood there .

The fear , the panic , he couldn’t hid them , but then he wasn’t one to be stepped upon no matter what it was , he was definitely going to diverse a means to silent that bitch forever get her out of the way , she wasn’t going to be the stumbling block to his career , he had done that before and if this means doing it again , then he was definitely in for this .

The phone rang but no one had picked up.

They didn’t do this behind his back right ?

So many thoughts went through his head as he thought of the possibilities of this woman coming to take everything .

The fright he got yesterday , he had never felt that way before and the looks she got in her eyes when she talked to him was something he couldn't ever imagine .

He could see the look on her face , the look when she warned him , what was this woman going to do .

“If I were you , I would kill my self or just disappear “ the words kept ringing in his head and he felt like going mad already .

Tera hadn’t been herself since last night , he would not blame her , but the first thing that he would ever allow was his wife getting into any mess because of what had happened in the past , that was never happening and he was definitely going to protect her against it .

“ Are you there Mr Williams? '' he heard the caller say and that broke him out of his thinking .

“ I paid you a huge amount of month and gave you a huge share of my company to keep that woman in jail , do you recognized the fact that you had just betrayed me , I signed so many deal for you and yet you dare to let that stupid ugly bitch to get out of jail , how dare you Mr Charles , we had an agreement for crying out loud and you just broke that , since you have decided to do this then I have no choice but to take whatever that I have given to you back since you gave failed in your own part of the deal , I don’t think that I would be able to let it go like that .

The moment he finished speaking , he felt his heart beating so hard .

He knew that he wanted someone to blame for this but taking whatever that he given him was one thing that he would never plan on doing , that was never going to happen , no matter what it was , it just couldn’t be.

“ You know what Mr Willlans , the only respect I have for you left is the fact that you were once the richest billionaire in the city , that was the one reason why I even accepted to do that in the first place .

To keep the records straight that woman that you made me convict of muder was innocent and even Though I do not know who did that , I know it must be that slimy bitch that you married , but because of what we had together I decided to do that and take that risk because of everything regardless of the fact that if I am caught to be a liar I could lose my job and never be able to practice law again .

The shuan family came to me saying that they had proof that she did nothing and was wrongly convicted of the offence and so they offered me a high amount of money to let their child go , and you know that I just couldn’t let them go just like that , that’s the last thing that I would ever do and you know that , I don’t want to say this but that woman deserve to be free and I just granted her that freedom and to be at peace with myself , I see no reason why you should be mad over it if your hands are clean .

I actually do not have much to say to you but the fact remains that I have done my own and so you just have to act like none of this ever happened and moved on from her after all she’s never going to do shit or come back to you , you should be thankful that I even did to save your ass in the future .

Williams listened to the trash the man was saying and all that he could feel was absolute rage , what the fuck was he talking about , if only he knew what he had done then he would be praying that he never gets caught .

“ I never knew that you could be this stupid and foolish , for goodness sakes , she’s the long lost daughter of the shuan family and now that she had returned , she’s going to make those who made her suffer pay and that’s starting from me and you , you can remember then she pleaded with you but you refused and convicted her of murder even though you knew that she’s innocent .

The two of us are in this mess together , I know that I should not be saying this but trust me when I say that you have just made the worst mistake of your life and you are definitely going down with me , enjoy your freedom while it last , it’s going to end soon , I promise you “ Williams said to him and ended the call without waiting for his reply .

He couldn’t believe that the stupid man thought that he was the only one going to be in this mess , the last thing he would ever allow to happen was that.

So many things ran through his head as he thought about What he was going to do next , the last thing that he would ever do is let this woman ruin the reputation that he had been building all these years .

Looking ahead of the door , the first person he saw was Tera , the worried expression that she had on her face reminded him of the predicament that he was in , never did he think it was going to come to this , not after everything that they had done to get her out of the way .

“I am scared , I don’t want to go to jail “ his wife told him and he glumped unable to say a word to her .

Even though so many words were in his head that he wanted to say , he just couldn’t bring himself to do it and the last thing was seeing Tera this sad not after everything that this woman had done to make sure that he was happy .

“ I would be fine , we would be just fine I promise you “Williams assured her pulling her into a hug .

One of the things that he wanted to do was to get away from this place as soon as he could ,

He was already sick of being here and just wanted to go back home and then plan out his own things .

He didn’t mind if he had to come into an agreement with the woman that lied to his whole life , he just wanted his wife to be at peace and that was one thing that he would do no matter how it turns out .

Watching her in pain and crying was something that he couldn’t stand .

When tera found out that she was the eldest daughter of the shuan family , he could see the shock that she had on her face , well none of them actually expected it , it was worst more than they could ever think of , that was the last person they think would emerge , she had been locked forever but yet she was here to torment them .

“ what if she comes out and tell the whole world that I killed her babies , you know I don’t ever want to go to jail , I did all of that so that I could have you all to myself and so that I would be the one to bring out your first fruit , I don’t want any other woman taking that away from me and that was the only reason why I did what I had to do , please you have to make this girl stop , I don’t want to go to jail , that’s the last thing I had ever wished to happen my whine life , I just want to be with you till eternity .

Willans gently rubbed her back, unsure of what to say. They found themselves in a difficult situation and needed to figure out how to overcome it. Their company's fate was intertwined with theirs, and it felt like their last chance to turn things around.

A knock on the door brought them out of their thought .

Williams had already booked a flight to take them back home .

“Come in “

The door instantly flew open and his personal assistant walked in .

“What do you want ?”

He didn’t want anyone to disturb him at this important moment , not now when he was taking with his wife and thinking of means to get out of the predicament that they had just found themselves in .

“ You have a visitor sir , and the person had strictly refused to show his or her identity , only to you we had tried to turn him or her back but to no avail , I just think that you should come check it out .

Williams nodded and told him to leave the room but the moment he left , he felt a kind of cold on him .

This suite of his, was a personal suite and only few people knew that whenever he came to this city he logged here .

“‘I would be back “he told his wife and walked out of the room and straight towards the door .

So many thoughts ran through his mind as he thought about who the person might be , he just couldn’t place his hands on it .

The first thing he did was walk towards the door and when he got there , he never hesitated to pull the door open and when he did , he met the greatest shock of his life .

Behold his ex wife was standing there , with so many bodyguards and with a paper on her hands and the words divorce agreement was boldly written on it .

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