
7: The call


I entered a bar. I saw they were looking for someone to work serving drinks. I was never good with drinks since I wasn't used to drinking, so I had no idea about the types of alcohol or how to prepare them. However, I wanted to have a job. I needed it.

A girl attended to me.

"We haven't opened yet, dear," she kindly informed me.

"I didn't come to drink anything. I came to look for a job. I saw the sign at the entrance and wanted to try my luck here."

"Do you have experience with drinks?"

"No," I made a face.

"Then, I don't think you'd be suitable for the job. They're looking for a bartender. Besides, the boss wants to hire a man."

I felt disappointed. I knew my job search had just begun, but I felt desperate. The money I had saved wouldn't last me a lifetime. Demian took everything from me.

"Is there someone I can talk to? I'm not an expert in drinks, but I learn fast. Please, I need a chance."

The girl made a face.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not the bar owner, so I can't make those decisions. You'd better talk to the boss, but I warn you, he's demanding. You're lucky he's in town for a few weeks."

"Can you give me his phone number? I'd like to talk to the boss and explain my situation. I've never been in need of a job before, so my resume isn't attractive."

"I'm sorry, but I can't give you the boss's personal number. However, send us your resume to the email we'll send you, and the boss will review it soon."

I left with the company's email on my phone. I walked to the hotel because I needed air to calm my mind and soothe my racing heart.

I woke up early in the morning, and despite feeling physically unwell, I had breakfast and continued my job search for hours.

A week passed. I handed out as many resumes as I could, but still, no one called me to offer me a job. I began to feel nervous.

I felt a pang in my stomach. I sat on the bed, waiting for the pain to subside. I was terrified. Every little pain I felt brought along pessimistic thoughts.

The second week passed, and I was still waiting for a contractor's call, but I still hadn't found a job. Being alone for so long, without a job and without my family, destroyed me. I missed living in California. Above all, I missed Demian.

He betrayed me and fell in love with my stepsister, but I still loved him. The heart is stubborn and stupid when you feel so much love for someone.

My phone rang.

The phone didn't recognize the number, so I hoped someone wanted to offer me a job.

"Hello!" I answered, full of hope.

"Hello! Dana? Is it you?" a man asked.

"Yes... it's me. Who's this?"

"Lena, it's Jeremy. Do you remember me? I'm Demian's best friend."

My heart pounded hard.

"Jeremy? What are you doing calling me?"

"One of my employees told me that a girl left her resume a few days ago. I just reviewed it and recognized you. What happened? Why are you looking for a job? You have everything. You're married to Demian. You don't need to look for a job. You have a company with him."

"It's just that... Demian and I got divorced. He fell in love with Rachel. My stepsister, remember?"

"What? But how? That can't be!"

Jeremy and Demian were best friends, but two years ago, he moved to another city for his business. They hadn't seen each other for a long time due to distance and their different schedules, but they kept in touch occasionally. I was surprised that he didn't know about our divorce.

"It's the truth," I wiped my tears. "And Demian rejected me. I'm no longer part of the pack. I moved out. I was kicked out."

Talking to Demian wasn't a good idea. He was Demian's best friend. What if he told Demian where I am? Demian didn't need to know my whereabouts! My babies would be safe in Kansas if Demian didn't find out. Otherwise, he would take them away from me.

"Demian is a fool. He'll regret leaving you. I promise you. I'm glad I'm not in a relationship with him."

I couldn't trust Jeremy's words. He would always side with his best friend. Maybe he still didn't know what happened, but I was sure Demian would tell him his twisted version of the story, and Jeremy would hate me as much as my ex-husband.

"I need a job, Jeremy. This is embarrassing, but I need it. I have to support... I have to support myself," I corrected before slipping up. But working in Jeremy's company wasn't a great option. However, I felt desperate.

"With the resume you sent, no one will give you a job, Dana. It's terrible. You don't know how to make a resume."

I sighed.

Anxiety overcame me.

"But you're lucky. I can help you get a job," Jeremy announced. I jumped for joy to hear it. "I don't have a place for you in my bar, but I can talk to people to get you something."

But what if Jeremy found out about my pregnancy? My belly was growing. I wouldn't be able to hide the pregnancy forever. However, Jeremy was the only one who offered me a chance. I couldn't afford to reject his offer. I needed to save money.

"Thank you, Jeremy! You're the best!"

"Don't thank me. I feel like I owe this to you for what my brother did to you. I'm so sorry. You'll start tomorrow morning."

Jeremy invited me for coffee in the afternoon to discuss a job that might interest me. Jeremy looked very handsome. His expressions reminded me of Demian. Apparently, Demian's ghost haunted me everywhere.

Jeremy was kind to me. When I told him my version of the story, Jeremy couldn't believe what Demian and Rachel did to me. Jeremy told me he had talked to Demian the night before. And he didn't mention anything about our divorce. I don't understand, why didn't Demian tell his best friend.

He got me a job at a cafe. He said the pay was decent and it would serve me. I thanked him so much.

"Where are you staying, Dana?"

"In a hotel for the past two weeks. I'm looking for a cheap apartment to cover my expenses. I don't want to waste money."

"Let me talk to the owner of the cafe. There's an apartment upstairs. I can buy it for you."

Buy it?

"You don't have to do that for me, Jeremy. I couldn't allow it."

"No, but I want to do it for you," he took my hand and stroked it.

It was a strange gesture, but I didn't pull my hand away. Jeremy was looking at me in a strange way.

"I can't accept you buying me an apartment."

"At least let me help you with the rent. After hearing your story, it's unfair that you're going through this alone."

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