
8. Meeting the girls

Nomia POV

I'm all dolled up.

I've never seen myself like this before - I don't recognise myself and I don't like it. First my name is taken, now my appearance. Exactly how much will Zared take from me?

First I find I was born to be Luna of Red Star, then I was a rejected servant and now I'm a life sized doll with no name and no appearance to call my own.

Beta Jared has shown me exactly where I stand in this world but I'm not sure I can accept it. I'm angry and I don't think I've been this angry before. All these men do is take - even Gertrude and Machteld violated me - playing their part in a system that's designed to break me.

Alpha Zared wants my pussy and ass. That's all he's going to get.

Ahriman may have rejected me but it seems I'm set to be pampered like a Luna anyway. These girls don't have to work - just look pretty and be available at a moment's notice. So Alpha Zared will take my name, my appearance, my time and my virginity.

Perhaps I should be pleased that my hardships have ended? But I can't help feeling disgusted and ashamed. As well as a little nervous as I've no idea how to do what I assume is expected of me.

I wonder if I’ll fill out as desired if I eat enough? What happens if I don’t? Do I get relegated back to working slave instead of luxury play girl? Will I survive that? Will I survive this luxury? I feel so out of place.

Emerald and Amethyst take me back through into the large living room; pulling me from my thoughts. The three other girls are sitting at a dining table.

“Girls, meet Aurum, she’s Alpha Zareds newest acquisition. She has been added to our little harem. Be kind to her and help her the best you can.”

Two blank faces stare at me.

The third face looks delighted; like a puppy with a new rope toy. The owner of the face bounces toward me happily and hugs me tight, as though we’re family and not just strangers meeting for the first time.

“I’m Ruby!” She introduces herself “I’m so happy you’re here! This is my twin sister Garnet” she points to a matching face, though this one is looking nowhere near as happy. “And the scowling one over there is Malachite”

Ruby pulls me towards the table

“Come sit next to me! We can talk during dinner and you can tell us where you come from. About how Alpha Zared found you.” She pulls out a chair

“Did you know that we were with 5 girls before but two are no longer here.” She pauses, as she settles onto her chair daintily. I try my best to copy her mannerisms.

“Now you’re here though, we make four! So maybe Alpha Zared will bring another girl in and we’ll be five again?” She smiles at me happily.

I wonder what ‘are no longer here means’ were they killed? Did they escape? Were they no longer good enough and sold?

A growl from Malachite silences her chatter and I jump up. Ruby pouts and her lower lip trembles as if she’s about to burst into tears.

Garnet walks over and pats her sister’s arm. “Come on Rubes.” she soothes “You know Mal gets irritated when you talk too much. Especially when she’s hangry.”

Amethyst claps her hands, “Malachite, you know better than this. Aurum? Sit down so dinner can be served”

With that, Amethyst takes a chair at one end of the table and Emerald takes the empty one at the other end. Hesitantly, I take the chair opposite Ruby; next to Malachite.

Once everyone is seated the doors open and three girls walk in with two big bowls each. They set them in front of us. I look at my bowl and wonder what it is and how I’m supposed to eat it. I’m only used to stale mouldy bread and other scraps which we ate with our hands from the pan. I’ve never eaten with cutlery or from a plate. I stare at the two forks left and the two knives and a spoon on the right. I see the others pick up the spoon and decide my safest bet is to follow their example.

I bring my first spoon of soup to my mouth and relish in its taste. The flavours are all new and intense. I can’t name anything but I like it a lot. I look up and catch Amethyst smiling “Tomato.” she says, knowingly “It’s a tomato crème soup”. I return her smile.

“Oh! Now I see” Malachite suddenly says

“Your mouth is well equipped for dick. Alpha Zared will be comfortable without any teeth.” she sneers.

Immediately I feel self conscious and look down at my bowl. Malachite and I aren’t going to be friends, she is out to hurt people and as the newbie I am definitely on top of her shit list. Ruby seems friendly enough and Garnet seems protective and supportive of Ruby, making both prospective friends or at least supportive.

“That was mean and totally unnecessary Malachite” Emeralds voice sounds “Now apologise and think before you speak again”

I look up to Malachite, she narrows her eyes at me and manages a weak, unfelt excuse.

“So can you tell us something about yourself?” The soft voice of Garnet sounds, but before I can answer, Emerald says “Aurum has had an unpleasant and unlucky life before she came here. You will not be stirring it up. She was acquired at Manfred’s slave market. That’s all you need to know”.

She looks at me, sternly “The past is the past. Don’t worry about it. Look to the future, heal and don’t let your past bring you down by bringing it up. There’s no happiness, only sorrow dwelling on what has been. You have a new name, a new home, a new family and a new place in life now.”

I nod at her, stretching my lips in an attempt to offer her a tight smile without showing my teeth. I prefer my name. The one my mother gave me.

The rest of dinner goes without incident and is accompanied by Ruby’s excited chattering whilst Malachite scowls.

When it’s over, I’m relieved but also anxious: what now? Then the door opens and a tall man enters; his aura and demeanour are powerful, but not quite to the degree of Alpha Zared and Beta Jared. Amethyst stands up from the table

“Good evening Gamma Janus, welcome to our home. How may we be of assistance?”

“Good evening to you too, Amethyst. You look as charming as ever” Gamma Janus responds with a flirty smile and a wink “Alpha Zared requires the company of Malachite, and has sent me to escort her to his quarters.”

Malachite gets up from the table, smiling smugly “I will brush my teeth and will return in a few minutes” and with that she leaves the room. When she returns she’s wearing a very short sheer dress. Ankle bracelets tinkle with every step she takes and she’s let her hair down. The gamma raises an eyebrow and holds out his arm. Malachite smiles at him and lays her hand on his arm. He guides her out of our quarters to Alpha Zared.

I’m not sure if I feel relief or a little twinge of disappointment.

“Aurum do you fancy a board game with me and Ruby?” Garnet asks

“Amethyst usually weaves after dinner and Emerald paints”. She explains.

I nod, without thinking then “What’s a board game?” The twins simply look at me in surprise. Ruby recovers first “We’ll start with an easy one! Ludo it is!”

“I hate Ludo!” Garnet groans.

“Tough luck for you sister! Aurum has never played and it’s one of the easiest games we have!” she sticks out her tongue and Garnet rolls her eyes.

I can’t help but giggle. This time though, I cover my mouth with my hand, so no one has to see my lack of teeth.

Sitting companionably around the table, the twins take it in turns to explain the concept to me. It’s fun until Garnet explodes because she throws the wrong numbers three times in a row. The board is thrown from the table “I hate games where everything is pure luck!” she pouts “I want something I can influence! Where I can make a choice! Even if it’s wrong and it comes back to haunt me 3 turns later! I want some control!! I have no control over anything!!” With that, she storms out of the room.

Emerald sighs heavily. “Ruby. Why did you pick Ludo? You know your sister hates it” She leaves her easel and follows Garnet. Ruby sighs defeatedly. Amethyst quietly picks up the pieces that are strewn on the floor.

I am frozen in place; scared by Garnet’s outburst. I expect to hear screaming as she undergoes some sort of punishment. But no sounds come.

After what seems like forever, I unstick my limbs, just as Emerald and a red-eyed Garnet return to the room. Garnet utters an almost inaudible “Sorry” and Ruby runs over, hugging her sister

“Sorry Gar.” she whispers “I just wanted to have a nice evening with you and Aurum - something simple to ease her in”

Garnet hugs her back. “It’s OK, Rubes. I know you just wanted to make Aurum feel welcomed.”

I’m trying to take everything in. There are no consequences for such an outburst?

Then the door to the room opens and a tea trolley is rolled in. We drink tea and there are sweet pasties for snacks. I don’t have any. I can still feel the food settled in my stomach from dinner.

Then Amethyst claps her hands “Time for your evening routine and beauty sleep girls. Aurum - come with me. I’ll show you what you need to do.”

I follow Amethyst quietly. Back in my room, I learn how to take the makeup they caked on my face off. How to use cleansers and toners and creams. I pull a silk bonnet onto my head to keep the few hairs I still have happy and shiny; and stop them from tangling again.

Then, I brush my teeth - a weird concept. I undress and Amethyst hands me a long soft nightgown. I think this is the most luxurious thing I’ve ever worn. I settle into the bed - it is the softest thing I’ve ever experienced.

“Emerald or I will collect you for breakfast in the morning. You’ll begin your training tomorrow. Sleep well” then she strides from my room, leaving me in darkness.

As I lie in bed I wonder if I’ve hit the jackpot by becoming Alpha Zared’s concubine or if it is a new level of hell. Sitting around all day with nothing on hand just waiting to be called upon. And if Beta Jared’s way with women is any indication of how Alpha Zareds treats his women I’ll definitely need a wolf to stay alive.

But then there’s Gamma Janus with his friendly demeanour, his charming smile and strong, but non threatening aura. I’ve never felt safe in the presence of a ranked member before, but his is almost comforting. I’m intrigued by him. Thinking about my new life, I fall asleep.

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