
Chapter 0002

I was shocked by what Chase just claimed. I did what? To him?!

“That’s a lie! You were the one who kissed me!” I shouted.

As I should’ve guessed, though, Casey did not believe me, as she walked over to me and pulled me off the bed, slapping me on the same spot Chase struck.

“You good-for-nothing bitch! Don’t tell me you’re desperate to get the love and attention from our future Alpha! Both that you don’t deserve!” she shouted.

Without giving me the chance to speak, Casey grabbed me by the hand and dragged me back down the stairs.

“Daddy! Daddy! You cannot believe what this shameless girl did!” she yelled, much to my horror.

This was exactly what I wanted to avoid… Trouble with my own father, over whatever trivial problem she had with me. Only… This is far from trivial.

“Casey? What’s the matter?” Dad asked, swallowing a mouthful of eggs.

“This slut of a sister here tried to seduce Chase into getting back together with her! When he already chose me as his mate, and rejected her!” Casey explained, as she tugged me forward.

“No, you have it all wrong! That’s not what happened at all!” I argued.

My argument seemed to have fallen onto deaf ears, for my father stared at me in a mix of rage and disbelief. “You what…?” he breathed out.

“Shameful! How shameful could you be to do that?!” Beth questioned me.

Just as I was about to open my mouth to explain myself again, behind me, Chase spoke up. “Dominic. Not to be disrespectful to my soon-to-be father-in-law, but I do love Casey. However, after what just happened, I’m not sure if I want to go along with the wedding if you can’t keep your other daughter in check.”

I couldn’t believe what I heard from him… When he was the cause of this situation coming to be! And after all that ‘sweet talk’ earlier, no less! Was I… Was I nothing but a joke to him this whole time?!

I looked back at Dad, hoping that he would not really believe these people and their claims about me. That for once in my life, he would take my side in what goes on in my life. One look at the disappointment he expressed, though, and I shook my head in disbelief at the eyes.

“Do you know why I kept you around, Nex?” he spoke softly. “It’s because of the promise I made to your mother long ago. That I would take care of you no matter what. You seem old enough to make decisions for yourself now. And I see you don’t want to be babied anymore.”

I didn’t like where he was going with this… He’s not saying what I thought he was saying, was he?

“I don’t remember raising a slut under my roof. Much less a criminal. If you know what’s good for you, sit in the living room, and wait for the guards to arrive,” he said, pulling out a phone to make a call.

That was the last straw for me… In the end, Dad didn’t even give me the benefit of the doubt. He more believed in the bad about me rather than the good- if there was any at all.

I… I can’t take this anymore. I don’t want to live this life anymore! Certainly not in this pack!

“If you’re really that disgusted with me, then why not kick me out?” I suggested, puzzling them. “You want to honor your promise to my mother, but you don’t want me to live amongst you. Then you might as well exile me! Do everyone a favor and spare them the time of having me in their presence! Of wasting food and resource on me! If you don’t want me around, then don’t have me in this pack at all!”

All around I could see shocked expressions on everyone’s faces. Not that I could blame any of them. I never raised my voice like I just did. To hear me say all these things with such passion? I doubt they believed I was still me.

Dad snapped out of his stupor first, and put his phone away. “Alright then. If that’s what you want. You’ll never survive in the outside world.”

“Fine by me,” I accepted, shaking my hand out of Casey’s grip.

I have lived so long to please this man- as an apology for taking away Mom. I have lived the latter part of my life for Chase, thinking he could help me feel belonged somewhere. And now… I will only live for me.

A knock was heard at the front door again. This time, it was Dominic who went to answer, opening the door to see a guard standing outside.

“A letter came for you and the Alpha,” he informed, holding out a stamped envelope. “It’s from the Hecate Pack.”

All of us were baffled by the origin. The Hecate Pack was the royal werewolf pack that was not to be messed with. Especially not the Alpha, also known as the Lycan King. It was said that those stupid enough to challenge that pack would not get out with just broken bones or torn limbs. That said-

“Why would the Hecate Pack send us a letter?” Chase questioned, as Dominic took the letter out of the guard’s hands and gave it a read.

As he read the contents, his face was paling up, and he silently handed the letter to Chase, increasing our confusion and worries. Once Chase read what was in the letter, even he was starting to pale.

“Daddy, Chase. What’s wrong?” Casey hesitantly ask.

“The letter is an invitation… of the Choosing Night. And you, Casey, were chosen to join it,” Dominic answered.

Our shock grew at those words. The Choosing Night was the annual party the Lycan King holds to choose his mate. Most werewolves would have their mates once they have become an adult, but the king? He’s over a hundred-years-old, and he has yet to have found his mate. And so, this party was held, to gather all the strongest she wolves of every pack that year to live in his castle as a part of his harem, for him to find his fated mate amongst them. However…

“No! I don’t want to go to that party! Not to that castle!” Casey cried out in fright.

Living in the Lycan King’s castle as a part of his harem may sound nicer than living in a pack as the Alpha’s luna, but not without a cost. That being none other than the she wolf’s own freedom. Not only would they lose their freedom, they would be living with the cruelest, most powerful werewolf in history. If a fool challenging the king would end up in a horrid state, who knows what would happen to a disobedient she wolf? No matter how strong she was.

Well, not that it would matter to me. I am neither strong nor chosen to be a part of that harem. All I had to worry about was packing up whatever belongings I have and take my leave from this dreadful pack.

As I walked up the stairs to the attic, I could hear Casey pleading with Chase to do something- anything at all- to get her out of her situation. To maybe negotiate with the Lycan King to not take her away. How foolish she was, for attempting to negotiate with him was the same as disagreeing with the king, and going against him. From what I can overhear, Chase did not say anything to agree to helping her, a smart choice on his part. A smile formed on my face, for it felt like karma has finally struck her, Chase, and this godforsaken family.

Good riddance to them,’ I thought.

Once I was done packing up my stuff- which was just the few clothes I had- I walked back downstairs, ready to leave. 

“Where do you think you’re going, Nex?” Dominic demanded, stopping me in my tracks.

“I thought we agreed on exiling me,” I reminded. “If you’re planning to make this a public event, you might as well save it. I’m sure no one in this pack would want to gather just to hear that I will be leaving. In case if you had never noticed, they all rather I die. You think anyone is going to appreciate knowing that I’m let loose outside of the pack instead of left dead on a ditch?”

I seem to have said too much- if the glare on Dominic’s face was anything to go by- but I didn’t care. I kept my feelings locked up inside me for long enough. It was high time I let it all loose.

“Oh, no. I am still allowing you to leave. But not like that. And certainly not now,” he said, puzzling me.

“What do you mean?”

“As you know, Casey was chosen to participate in the Choosing Night, but she doesn’t want to go. Not when she already has Chase.”

Like earlier when I got framed, I didn’t like where this was going. “Yes. And?”

“The contents of the letter stated that the strongest she wolf of the Downfall Pack is selected to participate in this year’s Choosing Night. And that based on the Hecate Pack’s research on this pack, the strongest she wolf this year is my daughter. However, they gave no name as to which daughter was to attend.”

My eyes widened as I caught on to his plan. Don’t tell me he was…

“Casey is the strongest she wolf in the Downfall Pack. However, she already has a mate. As her sister, Nex, you will be attending in her place.”

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goodnovel comment avatar
Alisha Day
assholes all of them

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