

I badly want to see someone like him, love my mate, it has always been my dream, he will be the best person in the world, I will do anything for him to always please him, guess…I guess, I was just dreaming, those were fantasies which may never come to pass and it is quite funny, a wolf, an Omega like me is wishing my life to be filled with bed of roses.

Get my head on the damn tracks.

This is not some fairytale, this is the real world, filled with thorns and corpses every single day.

Will my dream ever come to pass?

However, the rogues hate us as wolves, they loathe mates; they get overpowered when a wolf bonds with his or her mate.

Was mating with mates that strong, I wondered, for them to get threatened by it, I heard it bonds them together and never go apart without each other.

That whore was calling Beta her mate back there, will he kill her too after having his way with her?

I struggled to carry an enormous rock taller than me, hearing moans and screams all over the place, most Alphas were having sex and their scent was all over the place and most of them were banging their fellow Alphas too.

I puked at the scent and struggled not to show it, they were as messed up as these stones scattered all this hot heavy sand I was stepping on.

After all, it was the werewolves' sexual awakening ritual, which was top-notch to the rogues, betas, Omegas, and Alphas were each encountering their mate and making out lustfully in hidden areas, some were making out, moaning and having sex with their partners in each corner, while some just went straight to the point and fucked the hell out of each other, it was the season for wolves to meet their mate and bond with each other, yet the rogues terminated that rule and insist on only SEX with no bond.

I pulled back from the rock, held my bucket away from the guard who was busy talking with the others, when he was done whipping and cursing me.

I felt like dying and wished for my body to rot in hell.

I quietly walked away after a glare from another Alpha, one of them afar, having sex with a prostitute who was shouting like an hyena, well, I wasn't supposed to be watching them, I was invading their privacy and I could see that, which could also mean my death and theirs as well.

These rogues here found their mates and used them for power after having sex with them, they died.

Heard that right, they kill their mate.

I took a shovel, tears flowed down my face as I strived, wiped off my tears and loaded the last heap of sand into a bucket before they took everyone back to where we belonged.

In the prison.

I'm in a dark prison, the depth of darkness which has no light except for the sun outside of it, a place where no one will want to be, a hot dry place where anyone will wish to run out of, it was terrifying and smelled of rotten corpses.

A quiet, mysterious and a lonely place, there was no music, there was hardly any food around, water was hard to get, it was deserted, like a cemetery, we weren't allowed to converse with each other and if we were caught at a certain point, we would be assassinated.

A place where if you ain't strong enough, your mind ain't tough enough, you will go insane and if luck is not on your side, you will never be able to recover from it and lose your sanity and this was a different world outside a pack, we weren't part of the society of clans.

I live in a world, no one will understand, and you might never understand. It is quite creepy yet at the same time a place for selling your soul to the devil, surrendering your life to it and becoming slaves to darkness.

There is a secret ritual beneath us, and if we don't cooperate we die and in helping them to build it and supporting the blood they shed.

They were always thirsty for blood.

We get tested daily, checked and experiments are being done on us if we are not up to the standard they want, we get sacrificed and our blood will be used to appease the moon goddess and their bodies will be burnt, leaving no trace of it..

This prison is hellfire.

The heart of hades of hell.

A territory, people get tortured daily, hands and feet get tied with chains, burnt up, they get beaten up so badly, their limbs get pulled out of their body, organs used in exchange for money.

They were paid millions of dollars, if we failed to collaborate and especially the Omegas were being made to work overnight or if we were too beautiful, we got sold as sex tools to tycoons and celebrities for a higher price.

We were given axes to dig holes and create blocks in building a tower which was as far as high as the sky, yeah, we were slaves for these rogues.

We carried sands, and blocks on our backs and failure to follow up meant death.

At times we were commanded to hold torches lit in fire, roared furiously in our wolf's voices and threw them into the village, connecting to the forest.

As it Blowed, went ablaze, the fire went red, it flaming spread, The trees like torches streaked with light, large black smoke filling up the air, burnt werewolves corpses, some of its eyeballs, legs, pieces of each part of the body, organs, hearts, blood littered around the fire, around me, smelled like roasted poop mixed with the stench of death as it passed my nostrils, I could recall a thousands times vomiting whatever was in my stomach and puked with disgust.

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