
Chapter 5


It was painful!

I was broken and hurt!

How could he just act like nothing happened?

“We both had sex and he left me like that, after shooting me a cold glare?” I wondered in surprise before hissing slightly. 

I had a little hope left in me after we had sex but everything disappeared as soon as he exhibited his character. 

I became hopeless once again!

“Why?” I just couldn’t help but ask myself....

His act just destroyed my hope of rekindling our relationship, and make him fall in love with me. 

But then—it wasn’t possible!

There was no way that I’ll be comfortable in a house like that, and I suddenly got an Idea. 

The thought of running away!

That was the only thing that bothered me that instant—as I became confused on how I’d run away without anyone noticing anything. 

“Where would I go?”

“Who do I know?” 

“How do I escape?”

These were the only questions that bothered me deeply, and still—I couldn’t find any answers to this...

The only thing I knew was that I just had to run, and not look back because I wasn’t welcomed here. 

I decided to calm down and watch how things would unfold—but I knew that if I had left immediately, it would be that I have done something unforgivable to my mother-in-law. 

I also decided to calm down, who knows—my husband might end up loving me.....

All these were just a fantasy when weeks passed and he was still giving me these silent treatment. 

He never waned me to stay close to him, or at least touch him.

He also avoided me as if I was a plague, but then—I didn’t have anything to say or think again. 

It was painful—

I had to leave, and my mind was made up!

I’d leave tonight, when everyone was sleeping.....

I didn’t known my way around that groove, but I didn’t care much because I had all the night to myself to run away—

It’d be daybreak before they’d notice my absence, and by then—I’d have gone very far.

It was the day—so I packed all my stuffs into the box I came with and hid it in my closet without making anyone suspicious of the fact that I wanted to run. 

Still, I wanted to spend time with my mother-in-law—so I went to meet her in her room and hugged her tightly shocking her to the core. 

“Are you okay Sandra?” She asked and I nodded, flashing her a beautiful smile. 

“You know how much I love you right?” I asked and she nodded with a smile...

“You should also know that I love you the same way,” She said making me blush...

This was the only person I was going to miss if I eventually ran away....

She was the only one who stood by me when I was in distress—so leaving her that way was hurtful. 

“No matter what happens—I don’t want you to ever doubt your love for me,” I said to her making her pause and turn to stare at me confusingly. 

“What’s happening?”

“Is there something you aren’t telling me?” She questioned with a narrowed eyes and I shook my head. 

“Nothing at all—just wanted you to be aware of this fact,” I said, and she nodded with smiles written all over her face. 

“Come here,” She said and pulled me in a tight hug. 

My eyes was misty, because I felt loved in this new environment—all thanks to her. 

“But then—was it right for me to repay her in this manner?” I wondered, facepalming myself in the process. 

Slowly, I pulled out of the hug and kissed her cheeks before running out of her room—with happiness written all over my face. 

After taking few steps out of her room—I could hear her chuckles, and for reason—I felt excited to be the reason behind them. 

I suddenly thought about something—seeing Eric one last time wasn’t a bad idea...

I tiptoed to his room and saw him reading a book—he was so engrossed in the book and that was why he didn’t notice my presence. 

Smiling softly, I walked out of there to my room and decided to wait for a while for everyone to fall asleep before leaving. 

I tucked myself to bed, and sighed deeply when I remembered what was in store for me.

This could probably be the last time that I would sleep in a comfortable bed, but still—I needed to leave here since I wasn’t welcomed by my so-called husband. 

That urge suddenly came again, and I rushed out of my bed towards the bathroom to throw up—

For some days now, I’ve been weak—and I’ve been throwing up seriously—confusing me on the kind of sickness it was. 

After rinsing my mouth—I walked out of the bathroom and decided to see a doctor before eventually running away. 

I needed to know the kind of sickness it was—

I sat on my bed, lost in thought as I wondered on the kind of sickness it was since it’s been a while I fell sick and my father kept saying it was because I was a rare breed of a silver omega. 

When I was sure that everyone had slept, I walked out of my room with my box in my hand—and headed out of the mansion before walking out of gate slowly but quietly—

I was sure nobody was expecting me to run—and that was the main reason why the security wasn’t tight. 

I carried my box on my bead until I sighted a hospital afar and I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. 

I needed to get this over with!

They were going to conduct a test on me, and I wished silently that the results come quickly so I’d be able to run far before the notice my absence from the palace. 

Rushing into the hospital, I sighted a nurse and called her...

“It comprises of throwing up, dizziness and weakness,” I told her the symptoms of what the problem was and she smiled and pulled me towards a room before she conducted a test on me. 

It didn’t stay up to five minutes and she tapped me.

“Please wait outside while the result is being processed,” She said and I nodded, walking out of the room towards the waiting room. 

I waited for what seemed like forever, before breathing in relief when I saw the nurse coming out with a paper in hand. 

“Here’s the result,” She said and flashed me a smile before she walked out. 

I opened the envelope slowly, and glanced at it for a second before my eyes widened in shock—

“What?” I exclaimed, the paper falling off from my hand.

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