
Chapter Three

Back to Kira's POV

After my encounter with Kayla l didnt think anything like that would attract attention let me rewind time.

Like always l woke up to screeching alarm and l tidy my room before going to wake Elena. I mean l have to brace for impact everytime l wake her up and lastly l wake my little monkey l know it bad that she wakes up that early but l swear l always make it up to her and it's only when l have morning lectures.

Groggily she greets me with a kiss that starts my day for the better

"Good morning mama."

We stand by the sink and we brush our teeth before we hope into the shower and have a mini concept in there. By the time she comes out since she stays in for a while longer l will be preparing breakfast. As if she's on some drugs every time she smells pancakes she becomes super charged and she runs into the kitchen and l put her sits on the chair to watch me cook as she eagerly waits for her pancake.

"Aunty Lena." She smiles

"Why's she always this hyper it's eight in the morning." She complains to me before she bends down and gives Kayla a kiss and Kayla like always she returns it back.

After eating our breakfast l drop her off at the daycare the teacher is so sweet that she gets her way before it's even open. Guessed right l got no family to be with me except for my brother but he's always on the run.

Parking my car in the parking lot l notice that they are eyes on me l mean as a low reserved person you notice such changes.

"Did l miss something," asking Elena who's as shocked as me

"Not that l know of." She adds back

I mean it's pretty useless asking cause she never knows anything around in this school worse more myself. Ignoring l walk to my classes for the day ,some of us actually want to graduate and find a job so l am very attentive in all my lessons at least l try.

The bells rings and it's time for lunch that means FOOD, oh my gosh that's just heaven right there. Want to find a way to my heart buy me food.

Walking into the cafeteria, queen bitch stands to rhythmically clap her hands and the whole cafeteria goes silent. I look at her pretty much annoyed and waiting on what she has to do.

"Well well look who we have got her. The slut herself," she walks towards me.

"I would revisit the definition of slut and maybe l can give you a better dictionary you choose." And she gasps at me well l am sorry of everyone cowers away when you having your moments but l ain't one of those

"So you think telling your baby to call Chris daddy would make him leave me and come to you. I mean seriously look at yourself you think you got what it takes to get Chris like seriously you dreams are way beyond your expectations."

She gestures to me

"At least l didn't have to flash my p*ssy to gain his attention." She retorts

Walking away from her to eat my forgotten food it might even divorce me for cheating on it with a slut.

"Did Kayla really do that though." Now it's bothering

Cause if she's going around calling some hot stranger or Chris if we being formal daddy does that mean she misses a father figure and she needs one

"Do you think it's true." I ask Elena abandoning my food for now

"Well we don't know cause we weren't there and then at the same time she could probably be feeling this cause the people she learns with might be talking about their dads and staff like that. But hey don't worry about it you doing a wonderful job she will notice and she knows this okay. Don't be rushed to look for a guy. Okay don't think too much."

You don't tell someone to not think a lot cause they do the opposite l just nod to Elena and she could tell there was something wrong with me.

"Did someone die cause l heard the opposite thing."Grayson graces us with his presence."

"Do you think l am being selfish by now allowing Kayla to meet with her dad."I ask genuinely now over concerned

"Damn baby mama are you high in drugs on something."

"Kira l didn't say go back to him so that he knows his child l said take time she will get used to it." Elena speaks again.

"What else did l miss.? Grayson asks now generally confused and concerned considering l told myself never to face Kayla's sperm donor l would rather say that.

And after this my day was utterly just ruined ,all the fear l once had about her needing a father figure comes back to me. I stayed silent the whole day till it was over and l don't even think l can bring myself to look at Kayla.

Thanking time for loving so slow yet reached the time l needed the bell for school is over comes to life. Walking to my car oblivious of the noise and stares l bump into a very hard wall.

"Ouch," I say not even looking up before l apologized

"Sorry l wasn't looking where l was going."

With that l continued to walk to my car and sat on passenger wouldn't want to leave my kid am orphan so Elena drove me home before we got to work.

"Mommy." Kayla shakes me

"Are you okay." She asks me with so much concern

"Yes monkey l am fine." I try to lie to her but failed either way.

"Can l kiss it better." She asks

"Yes monkey." And she flashed me that million dollar megawatt smile

She came to my lips and her hands on cheeks and she started to rain my face with kisses and this just made me laugh cause I used to do this to her and she would hate it.

"Feel any better." Asking looking into my eyes.

"Almost there." And she was back to giving me these kisses and that did lighten my day and we drove to the diner and my mind was thinking about new things at least not toxic and was telling me l am doing a good job and it was for the best she doesn't.

Doing my job at the diner as always , wiping tables , getting orders, at this particular moment l was cleaning the Long Island the top of it when someone's voice startles.

"You know princess these Cinderella 21st schemes have got to stop."


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