
Chapter 9

Phillip and Lillian sat side by side at a super long table full of amazingly appetizing dishes. At the end of the table was Wiggy's largest bench. The elves were here as well, each bench had its owner so they sat together in order. Lillian raised a fork, examined a long roll of black noodles, then turned to look at her brother.

Phillip also stabbed a fork at the orange meatball, then winced in confusion. What creature's flesh had this bright orange color and smelled fragrant? His stomach churned between pain, hunger, and nausea. Wiggy emerged from the kitchen door still with the Pixies, and eventually, all the Elves greeted him with cheers.

"Everyone, enjoy your food!"

"Are you sure this thing is called food?" asked Phillip, showing his orange meatballs.

“Of course, our best chef Smelly makes it! Show yourself, Reliable Chef!"

One stocky Elf with a chicken bone ornament on her hat raised a hand excitedly. Seeing Wiggy chewing greedily, made Lillian also want to eat the black noodles immediately, but when the fork was about to touch her mouth, Phillip immediately held it.

“Hey, Selly! What exactly are the ingredients for this food?"

“The meatballs are made from old deer meat that has been boiled for three days, mixed with the extract of orange petals for more beautiful color. Meanwhile, black noodles are made from a mixture of flour, water, quail eggs, and squid ink. "

"Squid ink?!" Phillip screamed hysterically. Makes Lillian have to close her ears in surprise.

"Calm down, Philly, this food is safe, I eat this every day!" said Wiggy, putting a large roll of noodles in his mouth.

Phillip snorted. "You might as well eat rock and mud voraciously."

"It's all right, Phillip. Everyone here also eats it," said Lillian.

“Open your eyes, Lillian! They aren't even people!” Phillip exclaimed as if he were the only one with common sense. "They're eating squid ink, Lill! Squid ink! We humans use ink to write!"

"According to books I've read, squid ink is not only for writing but also as a food coloring substitute."

"Where are you reading a book when we don't even have a single sheet of paper at home!"

“Father often borrows from the city library. You don't know that interesting fact, you never liked reading books!"

Phillip sighed, realizing that if this argument continued it would only pollute his mouth because, in the end, Lillian was the one who won. He switched to his food, cutting open the orange meatball to make sure there were no poisonous plants in it.

He stabbed and put the ball of meat hesitantly into his mouth. After a few chews, it turned out that the food was okay, even delicious, corrected, very delicious. Phillip turned to Wiggy who was staring back as if to say

"What did I say". Meanwhile, Lillian has even bribed the third roll of noodles.

"So can you explain to me who is this Fungi?" Phillip started.

The winged youth was musing. "Who is Fungi?"

"The person you said was 30 times worst ...."

"Gosh, his name is Mundy! Those are two very different names, Philly! Where did you get that name anyway?"

Phillip snapped his fingers to get Wiggy's focus. "Are you going to start telling stories, or want to make a fuss about trivial things?"

Wiggy sneered, but his expression was immediately excited when he finished clearing his throat. “So here it is, Once upon a time, Tomer Forest was led by two rulers! One of them is the ruler of the Northern forest. A great Sir who is wise, clever, righteous, prosperous, and always puts the interests of his people first." Wiggy puffed out his chest. Some of the elves chuckled and some even stuck out their tongues.

“While moving further to the south, a man became obsessed with becoming King. He is arrogant, selfish, stingy, greedy, and dictatorial. Leading outcasts like Trolls, Ogres, vultures, and even Cyclops." Wiggy squeezed the fork he was holding until it bent. The Elves joined in a growl, some sticking out their tongues again, this time with displeased faces.

“For the King of the South, a King is not complete without a Queen. That caused the King to like kidnapping girls from various races to become his brides. After that, together as the King and Queen, they would take over the whole world!" Wiggy ends the story dramatically supported by a gust of wind in the background.

Phillip and Lillian were still staring without blinking as if they were listening intently until suddenly Lillian tugged at her brother's sleeve. "Look, Phill, my dessert is made of cheese!"

Wiggy's mouth opened for a few seconds realizing that nobody was interested in his story, then patted his face in frustration. “Of course your dessert is made of cheese, Lilly. That's your favorite food!"

Phillip and Lillian simultaneously turned to the young man, Phillip looked suspicious while Lillian was impressed. "How do you know I like cheese?" asked the girl.

Wiggy looked confused to answer, especially when he glanced at Phillip and saw the sharp, intimidating gaze. He scratched his head, which was not itchy, then looked away.

"I don't know ... lucky guess."


"This is the bedroom," exclaimed Wiggy, pointing to a giant dark brown tree trunk.

Multicolored mushrooms stick along the stems, giving off a soft fluorescent glow without dazzling the eyes. The contents of the room were filled with tiny beds lined up, five beds put together so that it looked like a normal bed. The female elves (apparent from their skirts) took Lillian's hand gingerly, leading her inside. When Phillip was about to catch up, he was intercepted.

"Hey, what gives?" The young man had his hands on his hips.

"Don't you see that?" Wiggy grabbed her shoulders, pointing to a sign above the door that said Girl's Room.

"Then, where's the boy's room?"

“The male elves have little sentiment towards their beds. You better sleep at my place."

Phillip stared for a moment, then nodded in agreement. "Will you be okay alone, Lill?"

"It's all right, Phillip, don't worry," the girl replied, looking delighted to try her little bed, while the female Elves huddled together prancing around. Yes, all could say that Lillian is already in her natural habitat.

"He'll be fine, Philly." Wiggy embraced the young man, then turned to the Elves. “You guys don't turn off the lights! Lilly is afraid of the dark."

"How do you know Lillian is afraid of the dark?" Phillip asked again with an intimidating look. Wiggy quickly spread his wings and flew ahead.

“A lucky guess maybe. Many people afraid of the dark, right? Especially girls."

Phillip sped up the pace to joined Wiggy. "That's pretty weird, and could you stop calling me 'Philly' or calling Lillian 'Lilly', because those calls are for close people only."

"Aren't I close enough to you?" asked Wiggy again, embracing Phillip.

"Well, our introduction in one night does feel like a year."


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