
5- Persephone

Charilaus Diamandis walked into the hall, gold blonde hair glistening with his green eyes looking like it could strike you down with a glare, shoulders puffed and hand behind his back.

He did look like a god.

And it was not unknown knowledge that the gods were horrible parental figures.

Hades and Achilles stood and bowed to him, he paid no heed to that, however, his eyes were staring at his daughter who was waving enthusiastically at him. "Have you gone to Hera's temple to praise her?"

Persephone rested her chin on her hands, a smile on her face. "Why would I? You already pray to Apollo for me."

"He is not your Familia, Persephone."

She did a thing with her hand and smiled sweetly at him "Please, do not be so formal. Call me Percy."

Charilaus made a disgusted face at the name and she nearly laughed but Hades passed a look that made her just keep smiling.

When he was seated, and everyone began to eat, except Cleon of course who was standing behind Charilaus, Persephone began her usual act of annoying her dear Father.

Persephone began to speak, quite loudly, to Hades who ate silently, and it seemed the more he ignored her, the more she half spoke, half shrieked.

Whatever she was saying, obviously did not make any sense, and Charilaus, who always demanded his peace and quiet, though he had sworn not to let her get to him, found himself snapping, "Must you speak on the table?"

Persephone stopped, her eyes blinking at her Father as she said with surprising seriousness. "Father, there are certain things that just can't wait. What if I choke on this grape and I never get to tell Hades how much I cherish him?"

Achilles held a scoff, Hades still looked sullen, Charilaus had a glare. "That can wait"

"Death does not wait Father, even you could die at any time."

Both did a little eye battle, Charilaus pissed and tired, Persephone demanding and yet, finding this amusing before he said, "Talk quieter."

She finally broke into a smile. "I shall try to."

The table continued to eat, and for some reason, she obeyed him, talking quieter.

Minutes when they had gone long enough, Charilaus set down his utensils, dabbing a cloth on his mouth as he said, "I would like to talk to you."

Persephone did not bother to look at him. "I am still a virgin, Father."

Charilaus was not amused. "Face me."

She did, batting her eyelashes. "Yes?"

He stared at his daughter, her sarcastic face not lost on him, trying to understand what really went wrong with that child, his obedient and subservient daughter that was now a little monster that entertained herself by raising his blood pressure. "You are eighteen now."

Persephone gasped, "I cannot believe Father that you know my actual date. I must admit, I am stupefied, honoured, mesmerized, surprised -."

"Enough." He cut in, "I understand the sarcasm."

She was quiet, but still smiling.

"It is customary that girls at the age of fourteen, the girls of every Familia are betrothed." He waited for her to contradict him but she was listening, "And, you are eighteen-"


He paused, knowing her silence had been too good to be true. "No?"

"I do not want to be wed." She said calmly, as if she was discussing the weather. "I would like very much to own a farm, far away from here, from you, riding horses and dancing under the moonlight."

Whether she was serious or trying to make Charilaus burst a vein, he did not know, but he was already gripping his tablecloth hard. "You are a Diamandis, and you have responsibilities -."

"And you would rather sell me so that I can do that." She cut in, still smiling, "Tell me Father, if you had tried at least laying with my Mother, to have another son, without of course treating her like dirt because you like men more, no offense Cleon, would you sell him to another woman?"

Charilaus had streaks of veins on his face. "Watch your tongue, woman."

"That's the problem isn't it?" She asked, "The fact I was easy to manipulate as a child but now you cannot tell me to jump into the fire and I would do it. I would question it, question YOU, and that does not sit well with you, does it? Being questioned? You are such a chauvinistic -."


His voice thundered through the hall, Cleon looked exasperated, Achilles was sending her messages with her eyes, telling her this was unnecessary.

Hades, was quiet.


He was standing now. "You are an ungrateful being and you do not act like a Diamandis! You are irresponsible and you frolick too much with darkness and disobedience!"

"You cannot get rid of me that easily, Father." She continued calmly, all traces of a smile gone now as she stood as well. "Call me whatever you want, think whatever you want but I still have your blood in me and you cannot deny that. Fine, we shall do it your way, give me a year, and I shall present a suitable suitor for you."

"I do not -."

"You don't really have a choice." She chuckled, "I can destroy your reputation and not give a damn Father, don't push me. If I do not have a suitor for a year, you can sell me off, or perhaps, have me wed Achilles, he is bearable."

If any word could describe Achilles, it was everything that said pure horror.

"But do give me a year," She said, now taking a grape from the table and popping it into her mouth and smiled at him. "I shall not be a failure as I have been since my birth."

Charilaus said nothing.

With a laugh, she turned to Achilles. "Let us go darling, you do have a present for me do you not?"

And then she was out of the hall, her hips swinging dangerously away from sight as she sang a song of death.

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