
Twentieth Meeting

Edward walked into the room that was going to be used for his training with a heavy heart. Sebastian was sitting at the table and waved when he saw him. At least his boyfriend would be there to watch him embarrass himself. Edward couldn’t see that he was going to pass his royal training with flying colours.

“Please sit down,” Sebastian said.

Edward took a seat next to his boyfriend. Bernadette, who had shown him to the meeting room, took a seat at the head of the table.

“We are going to cover posture first,” she announced. “It really makes a difference.”

Edward hastily sat up in the chair and lifted his head higher. Sebastian snickered quietly and Edward resisted the urge to elbow him in the side.

“That’s the correct position to be in. Good posture needs to come to you naturally, you can’t just suddenly remember to sit straighter,” Bernadette told him with a glare. “Look at Pri

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