
Chapter 4 The Hospital

The ride to the hospital was a very busy one for Louis Joel Parker. Perspiration clouded his forehead and he looked troubled about it, but then, what more can he do? he wondered faintly.

Louis arrived at the Fraternity Hospital about ten minutes after the ambulance had arrived, and as he knocked out of his BMW, he headed for the rear door.

The people who had watched the accident were swift in calling an ambulance, and the moment Louis had watched the one woman in the world who could make her heartbeat as much as he had never thought, he felt a hole in there.

He had always known his woman was out there in the world, it was Chelsea Suzy McCain, now that he has found her after several years of being apart, he can’t be lost for anything on earth. Taking a deep breath, he walked to the receptionist and muttered a greeting. It was the snorty look from the slender lady that made Louis aware of his appearance, he had blood on his fists and front shirt.

“I am Louis Joel Parker, I am here to see Chelsea, the lady who was brought in this evening from an accident in town,“ Louis said.

From the receptionist badge, he found out her name was Bella, but she looked far away from being beautiful. If the situation wasn’t this serious, he would have burst out laughing right in her face or made some kind of gesture towards it.

Well, he better not do anything funny now because he literally wasn’t in the mood.

“You’ll have to wait, Sir, the doctors are with her in the emergency room, thank you,“ she shot out looking bored and uninterested.

If not for the fact that Louis had other things to bother himself with, he would have pressed charges against a rude nurse and probably make her lose her job, then, she will be sorry for treating him this way.

Nodding once, Louis walked away, it is better he got himself clean up before anything happens, especially one that isn’t appropriate.

It was about three hours of waiting in the reception hall and out of frustration, dozed off a little when he felt a gentle brush on his shoulder blade.

“Mr. Louis? Am I correct?“ Louis opened his eyes to meet a big man with broad shoulders and jet black hair, he had a lab jacket on and held a notepad.

Wrapped around his beck was a stethoscope, and at once, his image flashed in Louis’s mind without giving him the chance to present himself.

“Yes, I am. How is Chelsea?“ he asked his voice iced cold as he stared intently into the doctor’s eyes, starting to rise to his feet.

“Dr. Harry. If you would please follow me to my office, I would love to have a word with you__ in private,“ he added.

Louis nods his head in understanding and as he glares around, the room was filled with a little group of people, maybe a family waiting on their member. With a sigh, Louis reluctantly followed the doctor into his office.

Doctor Harry’s office was spacious, and it contained a mahogany table, two chairs on either side of the room, and on the far end, a bed for a check-up was visible with light and work appliances everywhere.

“Please, have a seat, Sir,“ Dr. Harry offered as he took place behind his big chief chair.

Obeying, Louis couldn’t keep his mouth shut from asking, “What about the lady, is she alright?“

Louis’s heart was in his mouth, he felt chills going down his spine, and that made him straighten up in his back relaxing his bones.

Dr. Harry’s face was filled with grim and he worked up the words in his head, ready to splash them out.

“The lady is in a critical situation, she has lost a lot of blood, and also, she suffered a condition. It might lead to a brain surgery, and more, considering that it might be serious, he had one thing that got the other,“ Harry said.

That might be quite impossible to believe in his ears, but then, there isn’t one else to comprehend his mind on that. His face scrunched up in small displeasure.

“Can I see her? I mean now,“ Louis said his voice low and dangerous.

The doctor had a dangerous glare, he was very thoughtful when it has to do with such things, it didn’t please him, but damn, what more can he do when he has a reply to give Louis?

“Of course, but don’t expect any much from her. She is asleep. Also, I might have not told you the whole truth,“ Dr. Harry’s voice leaped out as he started rising.

Louis knew this was bad news coming his way, he grits his teeth waiting for the doctor’s news to slash him into several pieces.

“What is that?“ Louis demanded his voice as deadly as he could ever venture it to go.

“I think the lady might not remember who you are or anybody, because the concoction had tampered lightly with her brain. I can’t tell because the CT scan would only be early this morning, until then, I can’t say much,“ Harry exploded.

Louis felt the heat creep through him, he was starting to hate himself, to detest those silly ass criminals that had chased Chelsea the night before, thus, making him to run into her. He wasn’t driving fast, just the speed limit, but now, he might be lost her just after getting to know her.

“Can I see her?“ Louis inquired his eyes at the door.

Nodding once, Dr. Harry led the way upstairs. The hospital was very big and comprised of three massive buildings, each having four flours each. Good enough, Chelsea’s building was on the first floor, thus, they didn’t have to climb all those fleet of stairs.

’Oh, God! please make her be alright,“ he begged faintly withing gritted teeth and expected some sort of miracle to occur.

The ward Chelsea was put in was a small one and it was not pleasant for a man like Louis. He made a mental note to change it, and even pay for the first-hand service for this lady. He loved her regardless of whether his feeling was old or new.

Catching a glimpse of the lady clad in a blue robe and on life support, Louis’s heart cracked, but he was no damn fool to sniff even a little bit, hell no! that would be so insane about it.

Rushing to her, Louis held her hand close to his and squeezed in gently, she didn’t react, a as he watched the tube in her nose permitting her to have oxygen, something stung in his eyes.

“Mr. Louis, your girlfriend would be alright, I promise you that,“ Dr. Harry said faintly.

His manner of approach and the word girlfriend mixed in one breath made the young man’s heart leap with joy, but he dare not show it off, that would be so demeaning, but that apart, the young man eyed him wearily, tried making up for his slip of the tongue.

“You should get some rest now, Sir, you aren’t doing good for yourself with this state of yours,“ Dr. Harry said.

“I want to be here when Chelsea opens her eyes, I want to be the first person she sees,“ Louis’s thick voice filled the entire room.

It was warming saying that but the young man knew that he was bluffing, he would wear out even before he had a chance to take a few feet correctly.

After a while of deliberately pounding on those choices he said, the young man finally thought it right to go home. He hadn’t closed his eyes for two days now, firstly, he had stayed awake thinking about how he had made love to Chelsea, it warmed him up so sweetly, that might be insane, but then, what more can he do? he wondered shaking his head.

Last night after he left the school reunion center, he thought he would never find Chelsea again, but fate had played a rough game on him which he doesn’t as much appreciates it, but then, what more can he do other than stay put and been the leader the young lady needs right now.

“I’ll be here by morning, Dr. Harris. If she wakes up by then, please, put her in the best of rooms, make sure the CT scan is run and the results are ready as well,“ he ordered.

With that, he removed a wrap of money from his pocket and stuffed it into the Doctor’s pocket. He smiled wittily but offered no other words than it was necessary.

“I’ll settle the bills downstairs before leaving,“ Louis said manly and headed out of the room.

Louis Joel Parker could stare at the doctor’s burning eyes on his back as he walked elegantly out of the small room, it made him want to pass out for sure, but then, with all the strength he can mutter, he walked out of the room and into the cashier where he settled Chelsea’s debts.

It was now his, and so she was.

The ride home was a peaceful one, the car was steady, and he had his look on the road because being in trouble once was enough, twice would be a default to even his own purpose.

Reaching his house, it was three O’clock and he stretched out yawning firmly. The maids had retired to their headquarters and that warmed his heart enough because he didn’t have to face them with such an attire__ a blood-stained shirt.

Louis lived in a villa, it was massive, and had a pool and jacuzzi in the mansion. He had several maids but his life didn’t feel accomplished. The house was a three-story building and had a lot of lands to spare.

Taking a deep breath, he worked out the courage he needed to his room, which was on the second floor, stripped off his clothes, and disposed of them in the washbasin. He had enough energy to carry himself to his bathroom and run himself a shower. That was the least he could do, and it pleaded with him a lot that he actually did it that way, as it was expected of him.

Running a cold bath, he wished that would relax his tanned muscles, and when that was done, he rushed out of the bathroom, having prepared himself for bed, he pulled his robe and fell on the bed face downwards.

He was tired, the last two days have been so eventful, and he would never have imagined that it would make him that happy in life, never in the history of mankind. While he didn’t want to think of Chelsea’s situation at hand, he heaved a sigh forcing himself to a sacred slumber, thus, plunging himself into it.

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