
Chapter 6

Francine and Azure strolled through the bustling shopping mall, exploring the various stores and window displays. Azure's eyes were wide with wonder as he gazed up at the towering skyscrapers that surrounded them, clearly amazed by the hustle and bustle of city life.

"Wow," he breathed, taking in the sights and sounds around him. "This is amazing. I've never been anywhere like this before."

Francine smiled indulgently, her heart warming at the sight of Azure's childlike wonder. "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself," she said. "There's so much to see and do here. Where would you like to go first?"

Azure looked around, clearly overwhelmed by the sheer number of options. "I don't know," he said sheepishly. "I've never been shopping in a mall before. It's all so new to me."

Francine took his hand and squeezed it reassuringly. "Don't worry," she said. "I'll show you around. We can start by checking out some of the clothing stores if you like. Maybe you'll find something you like."

Azure's eyes lit up at the suggestion. "Really?" he said eagerly. "But I just never knew where to start."

Francine grinned, delighted at the prospect of helping him out. "Then let me help you,”

Francine had been coming to this mall for as long as she could remember, and it held a special place in her heart. She couldn't wait to show Azure all her favorite shops and spots.

As they passed by a clothing store, Francine pointed out a cute dress in the window. "I bought my first prom dress from that store," she said, a smile spreading across her face as she reminisced. "It was such a special day for me."

Azure smiled, happy to hear about Francine's memories. He had only known her for a short time, but he could tell how important her family was to her.

They continued on their way, passing by a jewelry store that Francine loved. "My mom and I always used to stop by this store and try on jewelry," she said. "It was our little tradition whenever we came to the mall."

Azure couldn't help but feel touched by Francine's stories. He could see how much her family meant to her and how important these memories were.

Finally, they arrived at Francine's favorite spot in the mall - a little café that served the best coffee and pastries. They ordered their drinks and sat down at a small table by the window, enjoying the view of the shoppers passing by.

"This place holds so many good memories for me," Francine said, taking a sip of her latte. "I used to come here with my dad every Saturday morning. We would sit here and talk for hours."

Azure reached across the table and took Francine's hand in his. "I'm so glad you're sharing these memories with me," he said. "It's like I'm getting to know a part of you that I didn't know before."

Francine smiled, feeling a warm and happy feeling inside. She was so glad she had met Azure, and she couldn't wait to make many more happy memories with him - maybe even at this very mall.

Francine asked Azure again if it was his first time going to a huge mall. Azure said it was his first time, and he has never seen a huge place like this.

She looked at Azure with surprise. "Really? This is your first time in a mall this big?" she asked, feeling a bit incredulous. She had grown up coming to this mall and others like it, and it was hard for her to imagine someone not experiencing it before.

Azure nodded, taking in the massive size of the mall. "Yeah, the place I lived is nothing like this. I lived in an isolated place. Far from everyone. It’s sad and lonely there,”

Francine couldn't help but feel curious about Azure's upbringing. "What was it like growing up in that kind of environment?" she asked, wanting to know more about his life before they met.

She can’t read the expression on his face. "I can’t say much, Francine. It was sad and depressing. Unlike you, I didn’t have a happy childhood,”

Francine listened intently, curious to everything he said. She had always lived in the city, and it was hard for her to imagine what life would be like in a place isolated from everyone.

As they finished their drinks and got up to leave, Francine couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to share her memories of the mall with Azure.

After leaving the café, Francine and Azure continued to walk through the mall, exploring more of the shops. As they passed a luxury clothing store, Francine's eyes lit up.

"Let's go in here," she said, pulling Azure by the hand. "I want to buy you something."

Azure was a bit taken aback. He wasn't used to being given gifts, especially from someone he had only recently known. He was never treated well before. But he didn't want to offend Francine, so he went along with her.

Inside the store, Francine browsed through the racks of clothes, looking for the perfect outfit for Azure. She settled on a pair of pants and a shirt that she thought would look good on him.

"Try these on," she said, pushing him towards the fitting room.

Azure felt a bit self-conscious as he went into the fitting room. He wasn't used to wearing expensive clothes, and he wasn't sure if they would fit him properly. But he put on the clothes anyway, he didn’t want to embarrass Francine.

As he stepped out of the fitting room, Francine's eyes widened in appreciation. "Wow, you look amazing," she said, admiring how the clothes fit him perfectly. "I knew they would look good on you,”

Francine browsed more clothes in the racks, looking for more clothes that would suit Azure. She finally settled on a pair of jeans and a crisp white shirt. Once more, she handed the clothes to Azure and directed him towards the dressing room.

As Azure tried on the clothes, Francine waited outside, excited to see how he would look. When he emerged from the dressing room, she couldn't believe how good he looked.

"You look amazing," she said, grinning from ear to ear. "Those clothes suit you so well!"

Azure smiled, feeling a bit self-conscious but happy to have Francine's approval. As they walked out of the store, Francine couldn't help but overhear the female staff and other customers talking about Azure.

"He's so handsome!" she heard one woman say.

"Those clothes look fit him well! He looks like a celebrity, gosh!”

Francine’s frustration was only compounded by the fact that Azure seemed to be getting plenty of attention from the other shoppers. Every time a woman smiled at him or complimented his outfit, Francine felt a pang of jealousy.

As they made their way through another store, Francine found herself unconsciously gravitating towards Azure, clinging to his arm as they walked. She didn't even realize what she was doing until she felt the heat of his skin against hers. She glanced up at him, expecting to see a smile or a teasing remark, but instead saw a look of shock on his face.

"Francine," he said, pulling away from her. "What are you doing?"

She felt her face grow hot with embarrassment. "I don't know," she muttered, trying to play it off as a joke. "I guess I just really like this shirt."

Azure didn't seem convinced. He kept his distance for the rest of their shopping trip, avoiding physical contact with Francine whenever possible. She felt even more foolish as they left the store, wondering why she had let her jealousy get the better of her.

It wasn't until they were back in the car, driving home, that Azure finally spoke up. "Francine," he said softly. "I don't want to hurt you, but I can't touch you like that. You know I can't. You’re the Lycan King’s precious daughter,”

Francine nodded, feeling a mix of embarrassment and sadness wash over her. She knew Azure was right, and she had no right to be jealous at all. Azure is just a mysterious civilian that went to the Land of Moon.

Suddenly, they heard giggling from behind. Turning around, they saw a group of women staring at Azure with admiration in their eyes.

"Excuse me," one of them said, "but could we take a picture with you?" They’re looking at Azure.

Azure was taken aback. He had no idea what they were talking about.

"What do you mean?" he asked, looking at them with confusion.

"You know, a selfie," another woman said, holding up her phone.

"I don't understand," Azure said, feeling more lost than ever.

Francine noticed his confusion and stepped in. "They want to take a picture with you. It's like a digital snapshot of the moment."

Azure's eyes widened with understanding. He had heard of cameras before, but had never seen one in action.

"I'm sorry, but I don't feel comfortable with that," Azure said, his voice firm.

The group of women looked disappointed but understood they can’t force him. 

Francine noticed how uneasy Azure felt after the group of women had left. She walked up to him and put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "You did the right thing, Azure. You don't have to do anything that makes you uncomfortable."

“I just didn't understand why they wanted a picture with me."

"I know, it can be overwhelming sometimes," Francine said sympathetically. "They find you handsome, that’s all,”

Azure doesn’t know what to answer.  "Speaking of which," Francine said, changing the subject, "Let’s check more other stores. I’m sure we can find more good clothes,”

As time passes, Francine and Azure spend the afternoon browsing through the various shops at the mall. They stopped at every store, admiring the latest fashion trends and trying on clothes.

Francine noticed that Azure’s sneakers were already destroyed, and decided to buy him five pairs of shoes in different styles.

"Try these on, Azure!" Francine exclaimed, holding up a pair of black and white sneakers. "They would look great with you!”

Azure raised an eyebrow but went with the flow, trying on each pair of shoes that Francine selected for him. He was surprised to find that he actually liked some of the styles and appreciated how comfortable they felt on his feet.

Francine remembered that Azure mentioned that he needed to buy some personal care items.

“We need to buy some personal things, Azure. Like your undergarments and boxers. Socks,”

She can see how Azure’s cheeks flushed. Oh my goodness, he’s too cute! His eyes avoided her eyes. Azure initially hesitated, feeling slightly embarrassed about buying personal items in front of Francine. “I think I’ll buy it next time, Francine,”

But Francine is unstoppable. She wanted Azure to have complete things. She wants him to be comfortable. She reassured him that it was a natural part of life and there was nothing to be ashamed of.

At the store, Francine helped Azure pick out a pack of briefs and a few boxers in his size. Azure is not saying anything, but he’s very shy. She also suggested some personal care items like a toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, facial cleanser, and other essentials that Azure might need.

Azure was touched by Francine's thoughtfulness and kindness. He realized that she’s really a good girl and had his best interests at heart. He felt grateful to meet her and her family. But he doesn’t know how to say it. 

As they left the store, Francine handed Azure the shopping bag filled with his purchases. "I hope this helps, Azure," she said with a smile. "Remember, I'm always here for you."

Azure felt a sense of warmth and comfort, knowing that he had someone like Francine in his life. He sighed. “This is a bit embarrassing, Francine. But, I appreciate it. I’m surprised how many things you bought for me,”

She smiled. “Don’t worry about it, Azure. My parents want you to have your personal belongings. You are living with us, and it only means you are part of our family now,” 

They were walking in the shopping mall, when she heard Azure’s stomach growl. Indicating he is hungry. 

Francine bit her lips, controlling her laughter. She doesn’t want to embarrass Azure. “I think you are hungry now, Azure. You’re too cute,”

His cheeks were so red. Francine suggested that they should grab dinner at her favorite restaurant before heading home. Azure agreed, feeling hungry after a long day of shopping.

They walked into the cozy restaurant, and Francine greeted the staff. They were shown to a cozy booth, and Francine excitedly told Azure about her favorite menu items.

They ordered Francine's favorites, and the delicious aroma of the food filled the air as they chatted and enjoyed their meal. Azure couldn't help but notice how happy Francine seemed, and he felt grateful to be able to share this moment with her.

As they finished their meal and paid the bill, Azure felt useless since it was Francine who paid their meal. Francine noticed his expression and smiled at him. “Azure, it’s fine. It was my parent’s idea to treat you outside. Besides, I know you don’t have a source of income now. No big deal about it,”

Azure nodded, but still felt ashamed of himself. He promised that someday he will treat Francine and his family too with his own hard-earned money. 

As they left the restaurant and headed towards the car, Francine turned to Azure.

“Did you find this day fun, Azure? I hope I didn’t bore you enough,”

Azure didn't answer immediately, but for sure Francine didn’t bore him out. It’s true that he wasn’t comfortable with a stranger and this is his first time going out in the mall, but Francine definitely didn’t bore him. 

Azure didn’t answer. But he smiled as he looked out the car's window, lost in thought.

Azure felt grateful for the wonderful day he had spent with Francine. He knew that she was a good person, and he couldn't wait to see what other adventures they would have together.

Holly Wood

Hi readers! This is my first novel in GN. I hope you can support me and give me some comments. I am currently participating in the contest, and your support will help my novel a lot! Please give a new writer like me a chance to bring you nice stories. Love lots!

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