
A Land Filled With Misery

As the night wore on, we found ourselves at the cabbage store, awaiting Mr. Mario amidst tightly packed cabbages. "Grandma, the hours have stretched so long," I sighed wearily, standing sentinel outside the store, yearning for his appearance.

Grandma stole glances at her wristwatch, yet her composure remained unyielding. I expected panic, a change of heart, but no—she was determined to stay.

"Why persist, Grandma? Let's return home. The cold may claim you," concern laced my voice, yet Grandma's smile reassured me. That's when I noticed her attire, a blue dress adorned with a vibrant red scarf. "What's the occasion, Grandma?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

"Occasion, dear? Why, none at all. Just a desire to slay, you know," she said, with a twinkle in her eyes.

Her words made me laugh, almost choking on mirth. "Slay? On this chilly night?"

"Why not embrace the night's allure?" Grandma asked, her expression now serious.

"It's peculiar." The air fell tense, and I quickly diverted from the topic. "Do as you please. Let's head home; I'm famished." I protested, pouting in the hope that she would be swayed, but her next words caught me off guard.

"I'll search for Mr. Mario. He must be out there, somewhere."

"What!?" I exclaimed, on the verge of yelling. What is she thinking? "Is Mr. Mario your date?"

"Theia, mind your tongue when speaking to this old lady. Mr. Mario is a potential customer I cannot afford to lose," she replied calmly, securing her scarf tightly. "Wait here for me; do not leave."

I nodded obediently as she vanished into the chilly night, leaving me to rest on a wooden chair I'd somehow overlooked earlier. "Did I forget to take this inside?" I pondered, grateful that i had something to sit on.

My mind drifted to the mysterious man, the one with red eyes I had glimpsed in the dark, within the car. My guardian angel had referred to him as "boss." Curiosity enveloped me as I pondered their connection.

Lost in contemplation, I heard a voice calling Grandma's name.

"Evelyn! Evelyn!"

The voice grew closer, belonging to a stern-faced man. I recognized him as Mr. Mario.

"Where's your grandmother?" He asked sharply.

"Aren't you Mr. Mario?" I confronted him, as Grandma had left to find him, and here he was. Where could she be?

"Yes, I am. Where's your grandmother and the cabbages?" He inquired, his voice devoid of emotion.

"My grandmother isn't here thanks to you. And for your cabbages, you'll have to pay before I hand them over," I stood my ground, defensive as he exuded a sense of trouble.

"Sharp-tongued, huh?" His smirk intensified, making him appear even more unpleasant.

Wearing a headlamp, the light revealed his scarred left eye, a testament to a life of adventure and challenges. He smelled awful, like a decaying corpse.

This couldn't be the man Grandma intended to slay. It simply couldn't be. I continued to stare, unyielding.

"What are you staring at?" He demanded, catching my unyielding gaze.

I hissed, demanding payment before handing over the cabbages. "I won't be fooled again. I've learned my lesson."

"You encountered the wrong customer," he chuckled, understanding my message.

"Yes, and it won't happen again. Pay up!"

"You're rude for a young lady. I have no money on me, and your grandmother will give me the cabbages for free."

His words rang in my ears, making me gasp in disbelief. "For free?" I had thought he was a potential customer. Another puzzling duo in this strange night.

"Surprised? I won't be the one to break the news." He ran his fingers through his messy hair, shaking his head disapprovingly. "I won't."

"Just tell me. I'm not one to engage in lengthy discussions with customers, so consider yourself fortunate," I hissed.

"Who said I'm a customer? I'm your step-granddad." His revelation was shocking, but I couldn't help but laugh despite its gravity.

"You must be joking. My grandma wouldn't stoop so low as to fall for a man who wants free cabbages," I spat, still laughing uncontrollably.

I glanced at him, his serious expression confirming the truth. "Wait! Really?"

"Why would I lie about my relationship with your grandmother? Doesn't it explain her dress?" he said.

His words struck a chord, revealing the reason behind Grandma's attire. But how did he know? "Wait! Where is my grandmother?" I yelled, stepping away from the locked store.

"Lass, I'm weary of this talk. Why don't I use you as bait to pay for the cabbages?" His smirk darkened.

I didn't comprehend his intentions—his words sent shivers down my spine. He snatched the cabbages from my grip, placing them on the ground before facing me.

"Come here, little girl," he beckoned, and I stepped back, fear overwhelming me. My back hit the metal door securing the store, causing me pain.

Mr. Mario seized me, lifting me onto his shoulders.

"Let me go! Let me go!" I pounded his back, but he remained unyielding. I struggled, but he was too strong. This seemed like the end. My grandmother was missing, and I was in the clutches of a man who wanted to use me as bait.

He placed me in the back seat of his vintage car. "Where are you taking me? Leave me alone!"

He clicked his tongue. "If only you were more polite. I'm taking you to a land filled with misery." And with that, he shut the car door, settled in the driver's seat, and drove off into the land of misery.

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