
Chapter Two


All of my excitement flew out the window and dissolved into pure hurt and disappointment.

My mate was tall with brunette hair and wore designer clothing. He looked about my age and had an aura of wealth around him.

His girl was hot, wearing a long red dress with a slit that exposed her creamy thigh. My breath hitched when I saw how happy and in love they appeared.

It was common for people to be in relationships before they met their soulmates. Still, it was heartbreaking to watch my mate happy with someone else. I stepped forward hoping he'd notice me and feel our bond.

He did and turned around sharply. His eyes doubled in size and stayed that way for close to a minute. His girlfriend noticed and clung to him like a scared rabbit. Then the shock subsided, and he glared at me like I was the most disgusting thing on earth.

"No, it can't be," he said, his voice cold and harsh, denying the truth."Get lost, Omega. I can never be your mate."

My heart felt a gushing pain. I was humiliated and blinked the tears that stung my eyes.

"Prepare for the bond-breaking ceremony," he commanded with fury. "I will never be an Omega's mate."

"Holy shit," Morgana whispered behind me. My legs turned to jelly, and I turned around to flee.

Morgana called after me, but I wasn't listening because my heart thrashed wildly. She stopped me in the backyard, with a sympathetic look on her face.

"I shouldn't have come," I sobbed. "My dad was right. My fate at the sisters' sanctuary is sealed.”

"Breathe, Adora," Morgana cupped my face. "I'll talk to him, I promise.”

“What difference will that make, and who the hell is he?” I cried, wiping my tears with the back of my palm

"Some wealthy woman's son. They belong to the Blood Moon pack. Her mom and my dad are friends," she said flatly. "My dad hardly respects people, but when he does, the person must be influential."

"Now that's even worse. To top that, he has a girlfriend. My life sucks.”

Morgana hugged me, rubbing my back. I was hopeless. But her body stiffened and she pulled away.

"Did you hear that?" She whispered.

"Hear what?" I muttered, lost in my sea of sadness.

She raised a hand to shush me, and I heard it. A loud shriek echoed from the hall, and I heard thundering footsteps with some people bursting into the backyard.

"What is going on?" I screamed, terrified.

"The rogues are here," a panicked male voice announced. "Run for your lives. They are armed to the teeth."

Bewildered, we ran. The rogues were ruthless killers who attacked without mercy and abducted people for ransom. Morgana grabbed my hand as we ran past the trees and headed to the walls, our only hope of escape.

"Send a message to your dad through the mind link," I cried and was about to climb the wall.

"Shift into your wolf and die," a male voice behind us commanded. Morgana and I froze. Behind us were three rogues with guns drawn, and knives held out.

They circled us, and I didn't need anyone to tell me that Morgana was their target. A bulky-looking one wrapped my leg like a vice, and I began screaming until my throat hurt.

He lifted me like I was some piece of rag and tossed me into the back seat of a truck, binding Morgana and me with silver chains to weaken our wolves.

I burst into tears because I was an Omega and was extremely allergic to silver. Morgana was not as affected, but she was also in tears.

A male and female got into the car. The second they did, my nose caught a sweet smell and my pain disappeared, shocking me.

It was similar to the mating scent from earlier, but this one was more heady and primal, almost knocking me out.

My senses spun. What the hell was happening? My wolf stirred within me again, jumping with excitement on a scary level.

The male behind the wheels stiffened, turning sharply. My mouth gaped open in shock when his piercing hazel eyes locked with mine.

My abductor was my mate!

I blinked, wondering what kind of sick joke the universe was playing on me. There was no way a deadly rogue and an unavailable moneybag were my mates.

Unable to breathe, I broke into a cold sweat. The rogue seemed at a loss for what to say and turned away.

This was fucked up!

Why did I have to experience all the horrible things in this world? Why couldn't I live a regular, happy life like everyone else?

It was difficult to believe that my mate was a rogue; a crook, a social outcast. I must have done bad stuff in my previous life to earn someone vile and deadly as punishment

To worsen things, my stupid wolf was excited and the horny bastard was ready to leap out of my skin. She remained nonchalant, not giving a fuck. All she wanted was her mate.

My brain knew better than to let myself get lost in these sinful bouts of desire. But I didn't understand why I found the rogue vaguely disturbing and couldn't deny that he was fine as hell. His aesthetic features were nothing short of perfect.

Dark hair, and hazel eyes that pierced into my soul with a feverish intensity. A beautiful devil.

His gaze landed on the poisoned rope on my foot and he blinked. I ducked from his stare and nestled in closer to Morgana. I needed to use my grandmother's incense to purify my soul from such evil.

Morgana's tears were flowing freely and she was too terrified to notice anything.

"You wicked bastards, let us go now. We've done nothing wrong!"

The rogue exchanged a glance with the female beside him. Her head was so bald and shiny that one would have to wear sunglasses to look at it. Was she his wife?

Or fuck buddy?

I hated that my ribs squeezed tight with envy and I chastised myself for acting stupid.

"My dad will find you and end your miserable lives," Morgana was screaming now, "You don't know who you're dealing with, you cunt lappers!"

"Shut the fuck up!" The woman sneered at Morgana and mimicked her, while my mate… or whatever this evil bond meant, chuckled darkly.

"Why isn't your friend hysterical? What's her deal?" He smirked without taking his eyes off me.

He was mocking me.

"Did you hear his voice," my wolf yipped, growing feverish. "It sounds like bottled thunder. Marry him and have pups with him."

I gritted my teeth, getting rid of my thoughts and sweating when I felt Morgana's gaze on mine.

I squeezed her hand. Hard.

"She's hyperventilating, you blind bat!” Morgana yelled.

"Stop screaming or I'll inject you with wolfsbane and watch you bleed to death."

Morgana fell silent but her whimper gave away her distress, echoing inside our heads.

"They'll kill us, Adora," she mind-linked me.

I shuddered at the thought of images of blood, dead bodies, and rotting corpses.

We drove through the border and arrived at a secluded cabin in the middle of nowhere. My heart dropped to my feet as they dismounted.

The baldy opened my side of the door and offered me her hand with a surprisingly warm smile. I didn't move.

My mate stood beside her and I stole a glance at him. The man was flawless; his leather jacket clung to every inch of his abs, and under his faded jeans were lean muscles built for speed. His bare chest had a realistic portrait tattoo of a man's face and several other minimalist stars scattered across his abs

I've never been a tattoo person, so why was I fascinated by it now?

When his hand settled on my lower back, I died and went to heaven.

"Get your filthy hand off her!" Morgana’s command brought me back to reality.

He broke into a dimpled grin, winking at me while replying to Morgana. "Let her speak for herself."

I should feel disgusted by his advances. I should push him away. I should run.

But my body refused, frozen in place by his magnetic force.

I forced myself to frown and ignored the throbbing between my legs and his scent.

A black dog bounded towards him, wagging its tail. He stroked its ears and other rogues bowed low, jumping off their bikes. They walked away and Morgana grabbed my hand, holding me protectively.

Our relief didn't last long because a white-haired creature whose gender I couldn't place, appeared before us, giving commands. They were dressed in a button-up blouse tucked into high waist thin jeans, heels, and hooped earrings,

"Bitches! Get into the cabin now, else, I'll be forced to strip you naked and make you dance before the boys. Do you want to test that idea?"

The other vans had at least ten abducted girls without any male. Maybe they wanted to have a field day with our bodies before killing us.

The rogues dragged us inside a cabin that resembled an old hunting lodge with modern furnishings.

I crumpled to the floor, my thoughts racing wildly. My eyes scanned the room, searching for escape.

There were none.

Our dads needed to save us before these bastards blew our heads off.

The girls were terrified, screaming their lungs out in fear. One of the rogues slapped Morgana's ass, daring her to react.

"Please don't," I mind-linked her, begging. "These guys are dangerous."

"We're gonna die, anyway" her voice trembled, "I might as well fight for my honor.”

My body was shutting down, I could feel it. My brother, Nolan, lazy as a sloth, loved to sleep all day and often joked about having dizzy spells whenever he was given a chore.

I felt the spells come on like waves. My legs gave way and I stumbled backward. Everywhere spun as I collapsed to the ground, my consciousness slipping away.

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