
Chapter 1

One morning I got out of my bed. I felt relieved, after all. Because that happenings aren't true. It's just a dream that won't happen. I know magic is not real. I looked myself in the mirror, but ..... I saw my eyes. The color of my eyes turns into blue color.

I blinked and thought what I saw was true again. My eyes having a black color and it makes me shock how it turned blue. I'm starting to hallucinating things right now. It's not good anymore. I left the room and went to the kitchen. I washed my mouth using a few amount of water. Uncle came in with a plastic bag. He came from the market so I could smell the pork inside that plastic. 

F-flesh .... of pig? How could I knew that? I haven't even seen what the flesh is that. But I approached what uncle was carrying after he laid it on the table. And I was stunned when I find out that I was correct. Instead of wondering, I just chose not to think deeply.

Maybe my sense of smell suddenly got stronger so it became like that. I didn't even bother uncle when he started cooking. I directly went inside my room and took a bath. Minutes passed, I was hungry when I smelled the familiar smell of one of my favorite dishes. I hurriedly got dressed. I wore my favorite denim shortpants and a cozy white shirt.

I don’t usually wear a bra that’s why I end up eating a pig broth that isn’t quite sweaty. It's also not so hot and cold here that's why I like this place. I've been here once but I haven't been able to visit the whole place once. 

"Do you like it?" uncle asked afterwards while smiling. He read on my face that I liked what he cooked. 

"So much," I sipped again in the bowl with soup. He also smiled. 

Another thing that I missed from my uncle is the way he cooked some dish. He is really good in cooking. So once when I was in London I always thought about what he was cooking.

How I wish to be like him. I tried to cooked, too, but end up making some mess in the kitchen. Cooking is not for me. But I do know a few more. That's all up to just frying and cooking rice. Not on how to be like a professional cooker. 

I experienced to have a boyfriend. Many times. But most of the man that I like is wanted to have a girlfriend which is having a quality of skills in kitchen. Therefore, in the end is easily gotten to end our relationship. All the men I’ve been in a relationship with always lead to that kind of scene. 

"By the way. I already enrolled you here in our nearest university. But next week is the first day of school. You still have one week of roaming here in Chicago." 

My face lit up when I heard the good news from him. It makes me felt nervousness and excitement. Nervousness for the result of entering in the university not knowing the students studying over there, and excitement for having a seven days to get rid of this boring emotion inside my mind. 

I can’t wait to tour the place I once leaned on how to forget the problems I was facing then. I am the only child after all of Mrs. Maris Lavigne Wade and Mr. Lou Chan Wade. So sometimes if there is a problem that our family is going through, I will be the one who will be hurt the most. Of course! Because I don't have any sister or brother to share what I felt or someone to lean on.

I have friends but I'm not the type of person to tell. I take it all in stride, although, it’s difficult. They are not part of my family so they don't have to get an emotional part about it. Since, it's my family problem. After dinner I let uncle know I was leaving to start the tour. Not only not to get bored, but also to be familiar here.

I know that this place could not be a huge as like the others, but still can make me strayed. Especially, if there are a lot of winding roads here. I turned on my hd camera also to took some photos of the nice view. I just kept walking while taking pictures.

There are many houses here that are beautiful to look at. Most of them are made by hard hollow blocks and cements. There are some that are only made of wood, but I can tell that they are not immediately damaged or destroyed. 

There's also a especial restaurant having a pleasant view as if you can feel comfort when you think of entering there. Huge trees having a dark green leaves also conquering the half part of the place. Even along the street there are trees and plants that bloom of different colors. I also walked around for a few hours until I felt drained.

I seem to have run out of energy after entertaining in a place I am not yet familiar with. I walked into a coffee shop that was a bit creepy because of the written there on the post outside. 

Fresh blood is also available to serve here! 

But my two feet still stepped into it. I roamed my eyesight. "It's okay." I shrugged when I felt didn't bothered. 

"What is your order, ma'am?" the waitress asked when I could choose a seat and sit down. 

"One cup of cappuccino and three slices of bread, please." It's not hot in here. It's still cold because of the aircon.

That's why I wanted to sip of coffee here. If I also eat rice, the restaurant is still far from here. 

"Your order will be served for a minute, ma'am. Thank you." its lively comment before leaving. 

A minute later my order also arrived. The mixture is delicious. Exactly. The blend and aroma of the coffee awakened my thirst and hunger. The bread also soft, tender, yet delicious. I didn't stay there for a few minutes because I also finished what I ordered immediately. 

But I didn't know how expensive that coffee was. It actually reached 50 dollars. How ridiculous is that! Fortunately I brought my credit card to pay for that. I really didn't expect that the products sold here would be expensive. 

I was also a bit depressed so I thought about going into a mall. Quietly good and adurable. That's all I can say at the mall. Actually, beautiful and just like in a famous mall in the city. I didn't even expect that there would be a mall here. Because from the very start, I thought it's just a simple province.

But to see an expensive restaurant, coffee shop, boutique, and a huge mall here is like I can't say it's another province. This is the first time I stepped in a province having these kind of establishments and high buildings. This place can't be called a province at all. It is more than that. 

I bought clothes and some women's things. I also bought some things for the house because I want to paint a little more color and comfort the interior. Uncle is a bit old so maybe he doesn't have a taste for that kind of makeup at home. Especially since he is also a man. 

I knew that most of the man don't have a taste of designing. Most of them like to play sports, mingle with their friends, discover and symbol new things that could give them a countable of benefits. Beside from that, my uncle is also a busy man.

I don't know yet where his workplace to get some funds, but I know that he is a kind of person where to stand in a right way because he is a workaholic and prudent. 

"How much is all this?" I turn to the cashier after I choose the ones I want to buy. 

I think she is in the middle of thirties. She looks like a model because of her beauty face and purely white skin to look her like an elegant lady. Having a reddish lips and black eyes, pointed nose and pinky chicks. She looks so adorable. A woman like her should not work here. She's definitely suited in a high class company. 

"It's all 5000 dollars, ma'am."

My eyes widened at what I heard but I also became dizzy immediately. How can I not be surprised that everything I bought is so expensive. Are they trying to deceive me or are they just joking? I can't believe this.

With some clothes I bought and curtains as well as some equipment will it cost that much? It was as if they were fooling me. Even in the city, not all the things I bought will reach this price. I can pay for all that just in case I can't seem to get into my brain how expensive things are here.

How did the people who live here manage to buy such expensive things? I handed over my credit card and hurriedly left in front of that woman after I paid everything. But I will run into something in my haste.

My purchases fell off and were scattered on the polished floor. I picked them up one by one but accidentally stuck our hand in the last thing I wanted to pick up. I was shocked at who it was that I bumped into because I hadn’t even paid attention to it before.

My eyes remained fixed on the handsome -faced man. His face is more cooler than those artist that I've seen in television. He also looks like an actor that I have only just met and seen.

His eyes are color black like mine. Pinkish lips and pointed nose. He's the type that at a glance you will weaken immediately. The kind of face that you won't get tired of staring at until this person is the one who turns his back on you. Also from the way he looks, he looks like he is more of a richest man. His form screams pomp.

He seemed to be shining because of her new clothes. Consciously I immediately stood up.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to block your way." I sincerely speak those words, but also deep inside, I am embarrassed of what happened.

"No, it's okay. It's also my fault. I'm sorry, too. Ahm .... Kevin by the way." He held out his hand and I was hesitant to accept it. It's like speed. But in the end I just found my hand to shake his hand.

"Aurora," I smiled and he did the same, too. I was shocked again when I saw his smile that seemed deadly.

His teeth are so white like a sand in a paradise calling some attention to all people. Not only his teeth can mesmerize people, but also his eyes that seem smiling with full of light and joy. I can feel it. Of all the men I have found with beautiful faces, he is still the first man to be unique in my sight. I seem to feel that he is kind, helpful and smarter than everyone else. I could not understand myself in his melting stare.

"Are you okay?" I also woke up thinking of what it was like when I heard his thrilling voice again.

It seems that everyone who laughs at him can easily fool and round a woman's mind. Especially to those girl which can be easily to get by those flattery words. Fortunately, I am used to such words. I'm no longer the type of woman who just says you're beautiful, you're sexy and will give up right away. Because I also experienced how to be hurt, many times.

"Y-yes. Of course." I smiled.

How can I actually answer this big man in front of me right now if he can make me out of my mind? He's more than a billionaire. But I have to focus. I don’t want to look like a mad woman tripping over someone like him.

"O-okay. I think I have to go now. I hope we can see each other again." he said and the smile on his face grew even brighter.

But that second time my attraction to this man seemed to dissolve when I felt that there’s someone staring at me from afar. My hair stands on end for no apparent reason.

"Me, too. I need to leave too. Maybe my uncle is already looking for me. See you next time." I took a deep breath when I got out.

I looked inside again and he was no longer there. The speed he walked. In an instant he was gone. But it seems like all the people who live here are the ones to act fast. In less than a few minutes or seconds they are done. Suddenly my cellphone rang so I shoved it in my pocket.

"Hello," I answered. I don't know who it is because there is no name. Only number.

"Aurora. Is this you? Where have you been? How long have you been there? Come home before darkness reaches you." It's uncle's voice and he's very worried about me.

I just smiled because he was returning to his thoughtful fatherhood. He really makes me flattered. He is a good uncle, after all. He is now my second father and I can't blame him for being like this because I live with him and he also has an obligation to protect and take care of me.

"Don't worry, uncle. I'm coming back." I seriously let go of those words. I don’t want him to worry too much. He might even die from it.

"Where are you already. I'll just pick you up." Why he seemed so nervous?

There is something strange the way he talk. He seems to be worried that something might happen to me here. This place is not dangerous. This place seemed to be a wonderful place. Because I felt that when I first took my first step. That seems to be where I belong. "Don't worry. I can go home right away. I will hurry. Promise." I convince him.

"Yes. Just hurry up. Bye. Take care." he said goodbye and I even heard his sigh before the call was dropped. 

I looked into my wrist watch and it's already 5 PM. It was as if the darkness would overtake me. Although I want to ride pedicabs, there is no such vehicle that passes through this part. So I had no choice but to walk home. I just accelerated my walk. But while I was walking, there's also someone following me.

My heart pounding so fast and my sweat started to wet my shirt and my whole body. I’m also now trembling in fear that maybe the person following me is someone I dreamed of. The man bit my neck and sucked my blood as if it was still delicious. I walked even faster but my chest was pounding just as fast. As if drumming with extreme nervousness.

Because of my fears, I lost my intelectualness and lost my way. I don't even know where I am right now. The road is so winding that I can hardly figure out where the right way home is. I'm losing my sanity. I don't know of what should I do now.

Am I going to face who is this or ..... just continue walking? Is it a snatcher? I hope that this person following me right now is not a killer. I don't want to die right now. I want to celebrate myself and enjoy the rest of my life. I wanted to have a happy family that dreamed of all people. 

I wanted to cherish my dreams, too. I hope this isn't my last chance. There is still a person that waiting for me in the house. There's still a man that waiting for my love and to have a good and everlasting relationship with him.

With so much thinking, I just ran fast even though I didn't know if this was the right path I was on. No one is passing by or even for me to scream for help. The sun is also now getting to set for me to felt more nervousness because I know later on, the darkness will invade the whole area of ​​the place.

And if it gets dark forever, I will definitely have no escape to get away from the person who is chasing me here. I still ran fast and did my best just to get away from this person. But ...... I was stunned when I felt his or her hands in my wrist. Who is this? Will he kill me? Will he bite me? Will my blood be sucked? Is that all he needs from me? I turn around but bowed.

"Please ..... I'm begging you. Don't kill me. Just tell me what you want. I will give it to you. You want blood, money ----" 

"Are you okay?" I stopped when I heard again the gentle voice of a man who had somewhat hit me when we first met.

I slowly looked up and ..... I saw his handsome face again with traces of worry. By the time I faced him the cock in my chest seemed to have melted and I felt comfortable. I felt safe. He is my savior.


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