
7) The wolf!

Authors pov

"You are a werewolf not a human..."

He declared and her eyes snapped towards him.


Eira's eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.

"Yes Eira... You are a werewolf..."

His hold was still firm around her. 

"I don't believe you..."

Eira said, pushing herself away from him. 

Before she could stand up xavion made his way out of the pond and wrapped a towel around his waist, not even glancing at her as he didn't wanted to lose his control looking at her naked body. When he turned around he saw her in front of a Human size mirror and big fluffy towel wrapped around her.

Xavion walked towards her crushing the young green grass beneath his feet. Eira stiffened in her place when he wrapped his hand around her waist from behind and placed his face in crook of her neck.

"Mr. Xavion what are__"

"Xavion... Call me xavion..."

He mumbled and she controlled her body from stuttering under his effect.

"Why is it so difficult for you to believe me, Eira?..."

"Because there is no logic. I know I am not a werewolf, I am a human!..."

She said firmly and wanted to push him away but something in her were stopping her.

"You are not... You are my mate..."

He tightened his grip on her.

Eira took a shaky breath in his bone crushing hold.

"I don't know what that means..."

Xavion released a big sigh.

"Each werewolf has a mate. The mates are their destined soulmates and they are chosen by the moon goddess, our god just like humans has their own gods. Werewolves usually find their mate after their first shift which is usually between the age of 16-17."

"How do you know that I am your mate, how did you recognize it?..."

She asked further and he smiled, at least she is taking interest.

Xavion gently tilted her head and made her look in the mirror.

"Look at my eyes..."

He said as they made a eyes contact in the mirror.

"The spark you are feeling now is recognition of our souls. This addicting smell is our connection. The feeling of being complete is mate bond..."

He whispered sensually in her ears and everything flashed in front of her, how she felt everything which he has mentioned.

The feelings weren't strong for her but it was still there.

Xavion slowly turned her around and caged her against the mirror. Eira looked at him as she is in a trance. Everything about him was attracting her. His gentle voice, the way he touch her, the way he looks at her. No one has looked at her with so much adoration.

He gently removed a wet lock from her face, caressing her cheek and she involuntarily leaned in his touch.

"We are destined to be together, my mate..."

"I know nothing about your world..."

She said looking tensed.

"Our world!..."

He corrected.

"You don't have to worry, I'll be there for you till our immortal Life ends..."

"How old are you?..."

She asked when she heard him saying immortals.

"One hundred and fifty years old..."

He answered and her eyebrows furrowed in surprise.

"Yes you heard me right... I am still in my prime age. Wolf's were not supposed to be immortals. They had fixed lifetime but witches caste a spells on us so we can fight vampires for them. The rivalry between witches and vampires somehow benefited the werewolves."

He looked at her face and sighed.

"You will understand everything with time, don't worry..."

Eira shook her head getting away from him.

"I don't know if I want to understand or not... I can't find any logic in it, neither I want too. I have been living my life as a human and I want to live it like that..."

She looked at him as she heard low growl from him.

"May be I don't belong here..."

Xavion's face turned furious, his pupils went black as he slammed her against the mirror.

"You belong to me, Eira... Why can't you understand that..."

"Because I don't want to..."

She said firmly, not even a bit scared by his outburst.

"You have to and I will make you understand... You can't torment me like this forever. What do you think... Huh... That by switching off your emotions will make you survive this. I will tear down these walls, you are hiding behind. You have to feel this pain, the torment of being ignored by your own mate. The feeling of getting your heart ripped into pieces when your own mate rejects you after the wait of century."

Eira could feel his grip tightening on her arm as he spoke his heart with gritted teeth but she doesn't understand that what he meant by switching off the emotions.

"I am the Alpha, Eira and my possessiveness for you is stronger than any other werewolf for his mate. I am going to shatter every part of you, break you and fix you again and again until you feel every bit of emotions. So, Embrace yourself for the worst..."

He let go of her arm and she saw red handprints on her pale white skin.

"I will make you feel every emotion from which you are running away..."

He turned around to left the washroom but halted in his place when she spoke.

"Your words are not even moving me a bit, xavion. I don't know how are you feeling right now because I have never experienced it. I was born like this. I need a reason to believe in you and you are giving me none. I am not hurting you on purpose, may be my behavior and words are hurtful for you but I don't know how to control it or how to please you."

Xavion looked at her with piercing gaze as she talked.

"Give me a reason to believe you... To believe that I am not a human and you are not lying..."

Xavion fully turned towards her as she faced him confidently.

"Why don't you ask yourself... You have a very strong reason to believe in it... The voice you are hearing for last five years."

He spat still burning in Anger, not from her but by his own fate.

"Those whispers which you are ignoring, ask them who are you..."

"How did you know about it?..."

This is the only thing which is bothering her for years now and it was getting intense with time. Since she has met xavion it has become louder. It was disturbing her mind, her work, everything which she was doing.

Xavion didn't answer and started walking out but Eira quickly held his hand making him stop. This was the first initiated touch from her.

"How did you know, xavion... Can you hear it too?..."

She asked again.

Xavion stood in front of her looking at her with hard expressions.

"Yes, I can hear it... I can talk to it..."

Her face twisted in confusion.


"Because I am it's mate..."

He answered.

"This voice is nothing but your wolf, Eira..."


She let go of his hand and stepped back in disbelief.

"Yes, it's your wolf who is trying to talk to you. Trying to convince you to shift, let it out. The same wolf to whom you have caged inside you by switching off your emotions. My wolf can talk to your wolf and that's why it has become more intense after our meeting. You have trapped a very dangerous and desperate animal inside you which is eager to conquer it's world..."

He explained making her shocked. She never expected it to be possible reality.

"How do I let it out?..."

She mumbled looking at him with soft face.

"It's impossible... You can't shift until you feel emotions. Till then it will be caged inside you..."

He answered. 

"you have to feel, Eira... That's the only way..."

Eira always wanted to end this, these voices which she was hearing in her mind. Which torment her every day. She wanted to get rid of it but never thought that this could be the only way. The agonizing screams she heard every night, the desperate and caged voice, the pleadings were heart wrenching.

Is she ready to shift and let go of her human identity. 

Xavion waited for her to answer, to react but as usual her face was blank. He had no idea what is she thinking. 

"Make me shift... I want to let it out"

She said and saw his face softening.

"Trust me I am more eager than you..."

Xavion gently pulled her in a hug but she didn't reacted to it, she was standing stiff in his hold. 

Xavion looked at his reflection in the mirror and his soft smile turned into evil smirk.

'It was easier than I thought... let's the game begin, my mate. You really do have a very fragile mind...'

He thought to himself with a victory smirk plastered on his face.

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