
Chapter 3

" Gabriela, it seems to me that my boss is in awe of you and congratulations!

“Lia, you’re seeing things, I’ve barely started working and you already think I’m going to be your boss’ food?

"I know what he looks like, I just think you have to care, you know you'll just be a maid and someone else he'll take to bed!

“Seriously, I'm not going to stay here arguing with you about something that didn't even happen.

I went out and left Lia, talking to herself, I really didn't want any trouble, so I started to realize that everything my mother had said could be true. Lia was jealous of me and if she could get past anyone she could get in her way, she would even be her best friend.

“Gabriela, I didn't want to know more, I heard you fighting with Lia, and because of your future boss?

“ Sometimes, Manuel, we can't always trust the people we believe are loyal to us, because that's where we least expect disappointment.

I was embarrassed to have seen him there, because I was looking at myself in a certain way, I should have thought how would this girl have the attitude of taking care of a child? What kind of father he was too, leaving a son alone or with who knows to go out drinking instead of hanging out with the boy who just wanted his attention. But who am I to give rules and say what is right or wrong, I just really wanted this work to work, because I depend on it to live. I then went to sleep, as it was past time and soon I would have a big task to accomplish, I just ask God to guide me in this new phase. Even though she is a little sad about Lia, she would never want to have anything with the man she loves perhaps.

“Shit people, if you don’t sleep here, you’ll make a mess somewhere else, I need to sleep!

“Damn Manuel! Let's go to bed soon or the sorrel will send us away.

Lia and Manuel were sleeping at home, as Manuel was going to get up early and promised to leave us on the road, only then would we take a single bus and get to work early. I believe that Lia didn't care about the time, she was already from home, now I had to set an example if she wanted to keep working. I had already been intrigued because my future boss saw me in the mess, imagine being late? It was early in the morning and I got up at 4 am and started to pack my things to leave, but the lazy people slept late and didn't want to wake up, but there was no way I could wake them up because responsibility has to be finished.

“People get up, we can't stay asleep, we have work to do, otherwise we'll be late.

" Wow! You're so annoying my God, you know that?

“Okay, if you want to stay there, I'll go alone, I don't want to be late on my first day of work!

No one managed to wake up, I picked up my things and decided that I wasn't going to wait for people's good will, I've always been independent, I never waited for anyone and it wasn't going to be today that it could be different. I went alone in the early hours of the morning, I had to take 3 buses, but I would arrive on time. After a long journey I finally arrived at the house where I was going to work, some employees arrived at 8 am without Lia, as the girl was sleeping and for a long time she was wondering if Doctor Charles asked me about her? I don't think she was going to say anything, it wasn't my life, so she doesn't have the right to burn it with the boss, then she was going to settle the score with him.

"Good morning! Doctor Charles André, I'm here to do my duty.

“Did you arrive early after the party? I suppose there are limits and whenever you go out, do it on your day off so you don't come here smelling of alcohol!

“I believe that I am very responsible and it is my life and I do not owe you any satisfaction, I am here to work, not to be controlled by those who barely know me! But if you want, I'll come back and you find someone else?

“You are very responsible, you know that? I couldn't stay with you anymore for this?

"Do whatever you want! I think it's kind of hard to find someone since it's been so long without them.

“Gabriela go do your job because you got caught for this!

— I want this girl for myself, she is incredible and beautiful. (Charles thought)

I spoke at the same time, so as not to let a man I barely knew boss me around and say what I couldn't. He has to be responsible and take better care of his son, not stay up all night at the club and leave his son alone, you can see what kind of father this man was, he only lived to work and party and he wants to talk about me, What an idiot. You know what an angel of rebellion I am. I was already preparing breakfast for Yan when Lia arrived huffing and puffing.

“Fucking Gabriela didn’t even wake me up!

“I woke up, yes, you wanted to sleep, but you were the one who made the mistake.

“I know, but you should have called me again, right? Know one thing, I've been working here the longest and don't listen to me get scammed!

“Lia, if you think I'm going to have something with this man, don't worry, he's all yours, just don't ruin our friendship because of it.

“What a false friend you are and in your strangeness! But I love you anyway, you ogress.

So I went to Yan's breakfast, because he had an early swim and I was going with him, and my first wonderful day had already started! I left Lia talking to herself and went to do my chores, but first I left my things in the room where I was going to stay since I was going home, God only knows when, I had to stay in the room next to Yan to stay alert in case something happened.

“Friend, you’re going to have the life of a queen, you’re going to practically live here!

“Are you crazy Lia? I will be able to go home at the weekend, the arrogant Doctor made it clear to me.

“I don’t think I’ll get involved anymore, it’s not my department! Now go face the bug because I'm free of it now.

I went very slowly to wake Yan up, I opened the windows very slowly, I prepared his bathing suit with Lia's help and soon after she left me alone, she didn't say anything else about how she used to wake him up. I decided to wake Yan up since I had no other option and I remembered that my mother always woke me up with her kisses and I decided to do the same to see what would happen, I never did that, but I believe it would work.

“Good morning, my little prince! I promised I would come back. I'm here, we need to get up.

“Auntie, will you stay here with me now?

“I think so, why didn’t you like me?

“I liked it, but I really wanted my mother here! But she went to heaven and left me with daddy.

“I can't be your mother unfortunately, but does your friend accept it?

“Yes, what to do!

“So let's have your coffee and we have to go today and you're swimming and I want to see you swimming like a little fish?

“My father never saw me swim! He always says he can't.

“And since he works a lot more, I promise I'll invite you to go.

Our! I felt bad seeing a 4 year old child saying that, it hurt because I could see that Doctor Charles didn't care about the boy, he didn't seem to care much, he spoke in a rather arrogant tone about his son. We finished eating breakfast and were about to leave and the boy Yan went to talk to his father and I realized that he didn't care, he left his side pushing him and continued talking on the phone. What a horrible thing, Yan got into the car crying and didn't even want to talk to me anymore, treating me very badly, he didn't even look like that boy who woke up in the morning with a smile?

   The education that parents give their children really means a lot, regardless of anything that happens, never judge a child by the things that happen in our lives. They don't know anything, they just want to be loved and protected by their parents, feelings that Dr. Charles André didn't have for him. Pushed by not wanting to get out of the car at all without knowing what to do, I decided to take him home because I knew Yan wasn't going to get out, he was sad and angry and rightly felt rejected. I did the right thing, I wasn't going to force him to do something he didn't want to do.

   “Yan wants to talk to me? Your father didn't mean it, he must have been busy!

   “I don’t want to talk to you or anyone else, I just want my mother here.

   When we returned Charles, he had already left for his company, the boy got out of the car and ran away, locking himself in the room and not wanting to talk to anyone. Not knowing what to do, I was going to call him, just so he could tell me what to do in this situation now. Because if he had paid attention to the boy none of this would have happened, everything could be fine now without any problems.

   Then I resolved the situation and when he arrived we were laughing a lot and I felt embarrassed once again because Dr. Charles was staring at me.

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