
Gavin of the Dawn


        though isekai was fast enough to use his finger to tip off the direction of the katana, it still left a small cut on his neck. 

       after tipping the katana away from puncturing through his throat, isekai performed a quick roll making the net that would have caught him to miss by some inches. 

       after the roll isekai took up the wooden katana that he has planned to use for training as he took a fast dash not ready to slow the momentum. 

      bam! the katana connected to the head of the second man that have tried to catch him with the net as the man touched his head to feel the blood dripping down his head before slumping down, isekai has really hit him  hard. 

       you! the first screamed in rage as isekai saw him fade away only to feel a sense of danger after a short while. 

       voom! isekai felt a katana missing him by an inch while cutting a bit of his hair. 

       this is teleporting, isekai said as he immediately calmed his mind not trying to be rash like he was at the very beginning, "though this seems similar to masters, but something makes it different, masters own seems to be a move with nature while his does not seem to be connected with nature," Isekai thought to himself .

       "his teleportation is not done from ninjitsu techniques, it is something similar to gift, isekai immediately calculated as he calmed himself to flow with the surrounding not ready to miss the slightest disruption coming from the surrounding.

        bang! Isekai's wooden katana connected with the mans katana.

       you are good, i have to give it to you, you are really good, too bad you have to die today, isekai heard the mans voice. 

        isekai readied his steps as he tightly got hold on to his wooden katana. 

        bang! the wooden katana connected once again with the katana but this time, the katana cut through the wooden katana and almost reaching isekai Who immediately sidestepped, he has expected and calculated the possibility of this happening, so without wasting time let go of the wooden katana as he use the opportunity of the man being already close to use his finger to perform cloud piecer.

        you caught me, the man said as the katana fell out from his hand, you are quite too ruthless for the age of a little boy, the man said as he slumped to the ground. 

        blood was still dripping from Isekai's fingers as the man slumped, master told me that a good ninjitsu practitioner must be quick and precise with his action, kill anybody that wants to kill you that is the true ways of a ninjitsu practitioner. 

        not wasting time isekai ran towards the front of the house, something must be wrong, isekai thought as he increased his steps.

        though isekai is only fourteen, he is ruthless whenever he wants to take action, and apart from showing his being a kid side to his father and Yinito he normally acts like an adult. coming to the front yard, isekai saw that his father was not on a favourable situation. 

        though his father having a gift, it was not a kind of gift that can be used for combat, it was just a passive hearing. 

       Boom! Isekai propelled himself with his ninjitsu move as he went pass before the man closest to him even before the man could know what run pass him the man was already crushing down on his throat. 

 this!! the other men grew alarmed as they saw the man slump to the floor.

       isekai has just went pass the man without the man noticing, the men watched as blood drip down Isekai's katana. 

      Takamatsu on seeing this felt his eyes crease, he had known about isekai secret practice but he had never known he had gone this far, no this is not how i want him to be, Takamatsu thought to himself. 

     " well, I see you really got yourself a little helper," isekai and Takamatsu heard a voice speak as they turned to see a man on hood. 

      "long time no see Takamatsu henjiro," the man said as he uncovered his hood. 

      "Gavin... Takamatsu called through gritted teeth as he tried to charge forward but felt an enormous pressure pressing down on him. 

      isekai also felt himself being pinned by the pressure. 

       " just like ten years ago, you still can do nothing, is this really how you planned to take revenge, hmmph," the man smirked as some group of men brought a chair for him to sit. 

      "I heard you are planning to take us down, is this how you planned to do it, well i have to give it to you, your plan would have been perfect if you were not ratted out, you are nothing against the real power, though you have escaped us all this years but i guess now you have to die just like your wife did ten years ago," the man on hood said. 

       hearing this, isekai countenance changed even with the pressure on him, he forced himself to take a step towards the man, now he remembered who the man was, he was one of those people that last ten years.

       isekai could remember everything quite clearly as he forced out words through gritted teeth, I...will..., isekai said as he increased his step a bit after feeling the pressure being lightly lifted from him. 

      "uuuuhh! hmmmm, I see," the man said, as he looked at isekai who immediately felt the pressure being doubled. 

       "he quite got a talent for a little boy, what a pity he doesn't have a gift to commemorate his talent, come here,"the man said as Isekai immediately felt the pressure drawing him close to the man.                       Takamatsu tried to move to help but after he felt the pressure pressing him being lifted but then the man on hood turned his attention on him as Isekai immediately became rooted where he was currently at while he became the one dragged to the man by the pressure. 

 "tell me where do you get him from?" the man asked Takamatsu as Takamatsu felt himself being free to talk. 

        "you only have four seconds or he dies," the man said as isekai started feeling more enormous pressure making him to puke out blood. 

       "leave him, he had nothing to do with this, he is no where related to me, he is just a busybody that wants to form a good person, just let him go," Takamatsu said as he struggled to get free seeing how blood was dripping out from the side of Isekai's mouth. 

       "hmmm, but i thought you escaped with a son ten years ago?" the man said 

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