

After food, Damien cuddled me close and suggested a movie. Here's the thing with movies, they are stupid, space doesn't have monsters it doesn't make sense.

You can't bend back and avoid a bullet, you can't hear animals talk, I never understood what love means, the romance movies meant nothing to me. I overthink the comedy ones which kill the joke.

The only ones I tend to enjoy are the cartoon ones, they are easy, simple with great songs. There's no overthinking frozen, the whole story is perfectly made, and I loved it. Especially Olave, why would a snowman want to experience the summer, the other characters thought the same as me which made the movie logical. Even the snowman had a logic and no one wanted to bust his bubbles.

When I was younger, my parents busted my bubble way too many times, true I was too smart to believe in most things but I was still a kid. I was worried for a second Damien wouldn't want to watch the movie with me, but he's programmed to watch anything I want to watch.

"Great movie" he says while cuddling me, I never knew I loved being hugged or held close this much. Since the second he was turned on, I have not felt the need to push him away or the need for alone time, I had eighteen years of those.

While watching the movie I felt my finger slide up to my mouth, it helped me concentrate on the task in hand, which is watching a movie. Damien didn't comment on that, of course he wouldn't, we watched frozen two next.

Most of the day was spent on movies and cuddles at one point the TV was turned off, I turned around in Damien's lap, my face buried into his neck smelling him. He got this musk scent, I asked for it, I asked for everything but having them in real life is different than clicking buttons on a computer.

"You're my cuddle bunny" Damien says holding me even closer to him.

I loved being called sweet nicknames, another thing I grew up without. His hands moved over my body, it wasn't in a sexual way, just sweet, just the thing I needed.

My joy bubble was popped yet again, what's with people killing my happiness, the doorbell just rang. I was about to get out from the warm hands when Damien stands up with me still in his arms, his hand went my bum, while my legs were circled around his waist.

He got the door, it was a delivery arrives, Damien took it from the other bot before carrying me and the heavy box back inside. I slipped from his hand to see what it's, opening the box, it was filled with clothes, Damien's clothes.

"We better put those away" he says with a smile before holding the box upstairs to my room.

He did the unpacking while I watched, Tshirts, jeans, jackets, boots, sweats. There was no underwear except for two, Damien goes commando most of the times.

After putting his things away, he moved to organizing my clothes while I was still sitting on the bed watching, him being tidy and precise got my attention. It was like watching a satisfying video until my clothes were now neatly stacked in the closet.

"How about some dinner?" He asks, he doesn't wait for a reply before taking us back to the kitchen, he strated cooking while I watched yet again.

He set a food plate infront of me with a smile, he also got me a glass of water. I ate my food happily, it was homemade meal, something I didn't have in a long time.

After food I started yawning, I never sleep this early, another coffee was in order but Damien stopped me.

"I think you better get some sleep Roman, coffee this late would give you insomnia" he says.

To be honest I haven't had any sleep in few days, maybe an early night would be good, I had no work to do today. I could sleep early, I need to get back to my job tomorrow.

"Okay" I mumble before heading to my room, now that's clean it's nice to look at. I brushed my teeths, my mind wandering away, until Damien came and stood behind me, this time I remembered to spit and wash my mouth clean.

I went to get under the sheets, Damien lost his shirt, shoes and changed into a pair of sweatpants before sliding in the bed next to me. He cuddled me close, even after a full day of cuddling with him, I still wanted and craved touch.

It was hard to sleep as usual but his presence next to me helped, his hand moving through my hair, his kisses. I felt the whole motion of our bodies pulling me toward the darkness until I fell asleep for the first time in about a week.

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