
II - Our Mate


I opened my eyes with the morning light coming in through the window, but from the smell in the air and the heavy clouds I knew a brutal storm was coming today.

Damn it, I forgot to close the curtains one more time. I was about to get up from bed, when I felt a weight on my waist, just one look was enough for the memories of last night to take my mind.

Of course, another girl in my bed. It was nothing new for me, I thought throwing myself back in the sheets.

"Kai" the childish, sleepy voice made me jump right away.

"Denny, what are you doing here?" I rushed out of bed before he saw the naked woman next to me.

"Nightmare." I put on my underwear quickly and grabbed him in my lap before he climbed into bed.

Another nightmare, Denny was having them more often now and it just made me even worried, seeing our mother being torn apart by vampires shouldn’t affect a three-year-old as much, I mean he shouldn’t even remember that, but since it happened he had started complaining about seeing our mother, waking up crying and not wanting to sleep.

All this was killing me slowly, we lost too much in this family with this war against vampires, first my father four years ago, which forced me to take his place as Alpha, and months ago my mother.

"Let’s have some milk, I’m sure Maya will be up making coffee."

"Um coffee, I want it too." The girl in my bed woke up talking and stretching, not caring at all about her own nakedness or my brother. "Good morning."

"Who is it?" Denny soon questioned squeezing his face against my neck possessively.

I faced the blonde trying to remember how was her name, I was sure she had told me last night, but I did not remember.

"A friend and she is already leaving." I went straight hoping she would understand and leave without making a scene.

Everyone knew I didn’t want relationships, I had enough work with my family and the pack, there was no time in my life for relationship bullshit.

"She’s ugly" Denny muttered as we went down to the kitchen and I had to laugh.

The woman was not ugly at all, but he was a jealous and territorial creature, I could not blame him since he had only been losing people over the years.

"Good morning my boys" Maya exclaimed as we passed by the kitchen door. "Wake so early, what miracle was that?"

Just a look in my direction so she knew the reason and made the matter die there. I put the little one in the high chair and tied his hair knowing that soon he would be all dirty with the food.

"You really are a bastard!" the blonde appeared screaming, already dressed now and with the high heels and purse in her hand. "They told me it’s beautiful and good in bed, but it’s no good person at all!"

That was what I feared, many of them left without making a scene giving a kiss and wave, asking me to call even if they knew I would never call. But there were the complicated ones, who liked to make a scene, like this one now.

"Honey, I never said I was good, you went to my bed because you was interested in this." I said pointing to my bare chest. "You only wanted sex, like me, and now you expect me to do something I never promised?"

"You bastard, you fucking bastard!" she screamed throwing her shoes at me and I nimbly grabbed them in the air.

"Kai take care of it, the new nanny will be here soon." Maya whispered close to me, reminding me of my first appointment of the day, interviewing the new possible nanny.

"Okay, I think it’s time for you to go." I said harder, I hated using that side of me with women, but sometimes it was more than necessary.

But before she could say anything the back door was opened, Koda walked in talking excitedly and with a smile on his face.

"Look who I found outside" he walked in holding the door open and giving space for the brunette to enter. "Abbigail came for the nanny interview."

The woman had an easy smile and her eyes sparkled when she looked at my little brother, her long brown hair swayed as she moved and her perfume invaded my chest, intoxicating me until I realized that it was not just any perfume, but her smell.

The warm eyes stuck to mine for a very brief moment and I felt a rumble inside me. What the fuck was that? A roar shook my chest, but I locked my jaw, preventing the word from coming out of my lips, but the wolf inside me roared proclaiming her as mine.

But then she averted her gaze back to Denny, holding her laugh with difficulty.

When I turned around I saw the exact second he threw a handful of porridge in the blonde’s face. The woman screamed, starting to hit her foot on the ground and cursing everyone, but I looked back at Abbigail, almost as if my eyes were attracted to her.

She was beautiful in a way I’d never seen before, but the way her hair swayed, her lips widened with her smile and curves, made me feel like a damn possessive wolf.

And there was also that smell, the perfume that belong only to her, attracting me and filling my lungs. I wanted to grab her and rub myself against her until my scent was on her skin, showing all the other wolves that she was mine, that she belonged to me.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Calian questioned popping up behind me, but he froze next to me staring at the same figure as me. "Mine!" He roared, drawing attention and my blood boiled in my veins.

It couldn’t, it couldn’t exist. We were already twins, we couldn’t have the same mate, that was impossible!

"You bastard!" before I could recover from what had just happened to me and my brother, a slap hit my face shocking me. "Bunch of crazy people! And you little brat!" The blonde turned to Denny, but before she could reach him the woman tripped on the foot that Abbigail put in her way and fell face down on the floor.

My little brother laughed even louder, clapping his hands and the woman who had helped him disguised his smile, looking around and pretending pure innocence.

"Koda, take this one off the property." I ordered when the screams started again. "As a matter of fact, off the reservation, she’s forbidden to come back."

"You can’t do that!" she protested as Koda grabbed her by the arm and carried her away from there.

"And then what are we going to do about you?" I said turning my eyes to Abby again.

I could feel the wolf struggling inside me, wanting to come out and claim her as ours, but I knew by the smell that she was a human, I couldn’t just throw myself on her and mark her as mine.

Not to mention I’d have to deal with my brother first, I needed to understand why he said that word.

"I’m sorry about that, I shouldn’t have done it, I just saw her going towards the boy and I acted" she hurried to explain, as if I cared that she knocked the crazy one down.

"That’s bullshit, there’s no need to apologize. Denny loved it, isn’t big boy?" Cailan came out chattering and annoyed me even more when he put his damn hands on her pulling her to our little brother.

"She's beautiful." Denny smiled even more and clapped.

"It seem that he liked you." I grumbled surprised, it looks like she’s won over every man in the Hawkins family.

Abbigail took her eyes off the boy turning to me and I watched her swallow dry as the gaze descended through my body reminding me that I was just in underwear.

"Hey man." Calian pointed his head at my body. "Don’t you have something to do?"

I didn’t want to leave to put clothes on, I was loving the look on her face and I was sure she was enjoying the landscape. But I’d better get dressed before I talk to her, or I might end up doing something crazy. I just wasn’t gonna leave my idiot brother there with her.

"Sure, but I need a minute with you."

Even without understanding what I wanted he followed me to the second floor, I sharpened my ears using my super hearing and could hear Abby talking and smiling with Denny.

"What do you want?"

"Why did you call her yours?" I questioned as soon as we entered my room. "You growled saying she’s yours, why this?"

"Because I felt it, it finally happened, I found my mate!" hearing his statement only made my blood boil again.

My wolf roared furiously inside of me, demanding that I declare my possession over her, forcing me not to let him say that about her, she was my mate!

I could not control myself and grabbed him by the shoulders, throwing him against the wall and holding my arm against his throat.

"She’s mine!" I growled letting my teeth tear my gums to intimidate him, as a reminder of who the Alpha was there. "She cannot be yours, she is my mate! My wolf cried out for her before you arrived!"

His eyes widened in shock, showing he was as surprised as I was when I heard him say that she was his.

"No, it is impossible. I did not speak with joke, it was my wolf who demanded it, if it were not for the power which the words came to my mouth I would have controlled. But you didn’t say anything, why didn’t you? If she was really your mate, you would have said something, would have expressed her ownership over her and..."

"And I would have picked her up and carried her away, marked her as mine before claiming her body! Yes, I would have done it if she wasn’t a fucking human!" he finally seemed to understand and shook his head not believing it was happening to both of us. "Believe me, if she were a Lycan like us I would have her now!"

"And what shall we do now?"

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