
Chapter 6 - Flirty Kisses

The heavy rains are pouring continuously, and strong thunder echoing the entire place. With the intensity of the thunderstorm, it seemed to be shrouded in darkness; it looked to be night even though it was two o'clock in the afternoon.

I heard a gentle voice murmuring my name. "AKIRA? AKIRA? AKIRA? "-I didn't recognize at first whose voice was calling me, but suddenly I remembered that Mr. Mizuki took me home from the store because it was raining hard and I was sick. When I opened my eyes, I saw his beautiful worried face in front of me, and He's touching my hair quite gently.

"Hey! Where am I? What happened to me, Mr. Mizuki?" I asked him, and I have no idea where I am."You don't recognize this place? You are here in your room; I brought you inside because you passed out earlier. I search for your key, and I find it in your pocket. That is why you are here."

Akira was surprised to find out what happened. She was embarrassed and couldn't look Mr. Mizuki in the eye directly.

Mr. Mizuki Inei kept talking to me, and he asked me where my parents and siblings went. So, I told him where they were.

"Erm. Thank you very much. You can now go home, Mr. Mizuki; I can take care of myself. I'm used to being alone." I said to him, "No, I can't go home right now; look, the rain has not stopped until now. And I'm sure it's flooded on my way home. So I will stay a little bit longer with you." As he tells me, he will still be here with me. My heart was quite a bit flustered. Finally, I replied, "okay," while nodding.

Hours passed. The room was getting cold, and I was shaking. Mr. Mizuki fell asleep while sitting next to my bed, and I was hesitant to wake him up. I tried to get out of my bed to take a thermometer, but he suddenly woke up and asked me what I needed, so I asked him to check my body temperature, and he took the thermometer and put it in my mouth after a few minutes.

BEEP... BEEP... BEEP... -Thermometer Beeping Sound

He took the thermometer out of my mouth, "Seriously; You are burning. 40 degrees Celsius? We need to go to the hospital, but it is impossible to go out in this situation. So don't worry, Akira, I will take care of you."

He took a water basin to wipe me with a towel, fed me porridge, and gave me medicine.

It was ten o'clock in the evening when I woke up, and the rain had subsided. I was looking for Mr. Mizuki; I saw him in the kitchen talking to someone on the phone, I quickly hid, and I didn't mean to eavesdrop on what they were talking about. "Yes, I miss you too; I can't go to your place right now. It's already late. See you tomorrow. I love you." - I was startled by what I heard. The tone of his voice was melodious. Sweet words came out of his words as he spoke on the phone.

"I think Yuki was the one he was talking to on the phone." I went back to my room. I'm a little bit jealous. And I guess the two of them are back together again. I remembered what Mr. Ito told me that Mr. Mizuki is a womanizer. "Okay, I will not bother to think that; his actions towards me earlier were nothing, no malice."

I was lying on the bed, the light was off, and Mr. Mizuki suddenly entered my room. I pretended to be asleep, and he touched my forehead to see if I still had a fever then released it. I opened my eyes slightly so I could see what he was doing. I saw him standing by the window, restless and deep in thought, and then he came to where I was lying and sat down. I can't see his face because he's turned his back on me, and I fell asleep.

I woke up around two in the morning. I'm thirsty; I had to get up to drink water, but when I was facing the other side of where I was lying, I was shocked when I saw Mr. Mizuki sleeping next to me.

"Oh my! Mr. Mizuki sleeps next to me. Will I wake him up or not?". I decided to stare at his sleeping face first, and I tried to reach and hold him, but I've changed my mind.

I didn't notice that Mr. Mizuki pretended to sleep, and he opened his eyes and smiled at me and said, "Akira, I need to wake up and leave at five o'clock in the morning. I have a class at seven in the morning; let's go back to sleep, okay?" Then suddenly, he kissed me on the lips.

I was shocked when he kissed me. I don't know how I will react in that situation. I have a lot of questions that come to my mind. First, I want to ask him why he abruptly kisses me. What is his motive? Is he flirting with me? or moreover, he already likes me?

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