
I'm pregnant

Mia seems to have guessed why Chloe was sighing. She doesn't explain, but smiles at her.

Her marriage to Joseph is nothing more than an exchange. She is not allowed to ask questions about his private life.

In his absence, Mia finally feels a little more comfortable.

Upon entering the room, Mia can clearly see the entire room, which is decorated in a unique black and white style. It is simple but chic, luxurious but not kitschy.

- This is Mr. Cosey's room, says Chloe with a smile.

Since they are married, they are husband and wife. Naturally, they have to live together.

Mia opened her mouth, but couldn't think of anything to say. So she nods her head in agreement.

It is her first night in this unknown place. Sitting on the bed, she scans web pages for a job. A job would allow her to settle down, take care of her mother and give a future to the baby in her belly.

Suddenly, she finds something.

Mia is surprised to see a job offer for a translator. It's not surprising to find translator jobs, but this job is looking for someone who is fluent in the language of Country A.

Country A, where she was sent by George, is a less developed country. Few people learn the language of this country, because the languages that circulate in the world are those of the most developed and powerful countries.

The salary is not bad.

So she drops off her resume.

Then she puts down her phone and goes to sleep.

The moonlight pours in front of the window, like slippery silk, soft and delicate. It is so quiet in the middle of the night.

The woman in the bed gradually falls asleep. A beam of white light pours into the courtyard from outside. Then a Maybach arrives and stops.

The door is opened and a tall man gets out of the car. As he enters the house, he staggers a bit and walks in an unusual way.

He pulls on his collar, his mouth a little dry. He enters the room and pours himself a glass of water. His hard Adam's apple moves with each swallow. His deep eyes become a little red from the alcohol. After finishing the glass of water, he quenches his thirst. He drank a lot of white wine during a business dinner and a few more glasses of red wine for Leila's birthday.

Even though he is a good drinker, he seems to be drunk.

He takes off his jacket, throws it on the couch and goes straight to the bedroom without going through the bathroom.

The room is not lit and it is dark. But he knows well the place where the bed is.

He goes to bed right away.

In her sleep, Mia hears a noise. But it soon becomes quiet. She curls up and goes back to sleep.

In the early morning.

Light, like golden threads, illuminates the room.

Both of them are sleeping deeply.

They are like a couple of lovers.

The eyelashes of the man twitch a little. The latter opens his eyes. Because of the hangover, he has a headache. He needs a shower to cool off. He wants to get up. But when he lifts his arm, he finds something there.

He turns his head and sees a woman in his arms.

The girl's black hair is silky and smooth, spilling down her arm. She has pale cheeks and eyelashes curled like butterfly wings.

She opens her pink lips a little, with a steady breath.

He slowly runs his eyes over the woman from top to bottom: the thin neck and the delicate collarbones.

Hearing the rhythm of her breathing, he finds her a little seductive.

He swallows his saliva unconsciously. He has a desire he never had, even with Leila.

He frowns, seeming displeased with this uncontrolled physical reaction. But he can't look away.

In her dream, Mia is in the African savanna. A ferocious lion is staring her right in the eyes and seems to want to eat her.

She wakes up with a start.

However, when she opens her eyes, she sees deep eyes with a forced calm.

She is puzzled for a moment.

She suddenly widens her eyes and covers her chest. Panicked, she asks:

- You... why are you here?

The man calmly looks away and slowly lifts the blanket.

- This is my house.

Mia wants to reply, but stops and looks around.

- Didn't you go to your girlfriend's birthday party? Why did you come back?

Mia gets out of bed and stands beside the bed.

She has a questioning tone.

After Chloe told her yesterday that he wouldn't be home for the night, she let her guard down and slept soundly later.

She didn't even realize he came into the room.

In fact, she slept yesterday in the same room as this man.

Thinking that she slept in his arms last night, she turns red as a tomato.

She bows her head.

Joseph unbuttons his shirt, which he did not take off last night. It still smells of alcohol, wrinkled and stuck to his skin, which makes him uncomfortable. He glances at the perplexed woman standing next to the bed, then says with a sly smile:

- Is my girlfriend's birthday more important than the wedding night?

Mia doesn't know what to say.

It's just an exchange and they're not a couple. What is he talking about? the wedding night?

Joseph takes off his shirt.

Mia turns her head hastily. In fact, this man is undressing in front of her.

Since that night, she particularly hates men, especially when she is close to them.

She starts to panic.

- I'll go out then.

Then, she runs out of the room in a wink.

Joseph doesn't pay much attention. He unbuckles his belt and enters the bathroom.

He needs a shower to cool off.

The sound of running water comes from the bathroom. After an hour or so, the steam and fragrance of the shower gel is released. After the shower, his short hair gets a little wet and messy. The bathrobe wrapped around his slender body, he leaves it open a little, revealing his well-tanned skin and his great masculine charm.

He goes to the wardrobe and opens it. Taking out his clothes, he finds an unknown bag with sunflowers printed on it.

He stops. Does this bag belong to this woman? And with flowers printed on it? She is really childish.

And she put her things naturally in his closet.

He frowns slightly and takes out his clothes to put them on. While putting the hanger down, he accidentally touches the bag.

The zipper was not closed properly. When he drops it, all the stuff inside comes out of the bag: simple clothes and everyday items.

He crouches down to pick them up. At that moment, he finds the results of the ultrasound.

"Mia Lambert, F, first trimester pregnancy, six weeks."

Is she pregnant?

Joseph frowns, feeling cheated.

Chloe is already up. In the living room, she is preparing breakfast.

She sees Mia sitting alone on the couch in her pajamas. She gives her a big smile.

- Did you sleep well last night?

She thought Joseph wouldn't come home from Leila's last night. But when she heard a noise in the night, she got up to take a look. So she knew that Joseph had returned and was still sleeping in his room.

Mia is the woman Mrs. Cosey has chosen for her son. She is therefore naturally a perfect wife. Finally, Mr. Cosey is married. Chloe, who has taken care of him for years, is therefore very happy.

But Chloe looks too warm, even weird.

Embarrassed, Mia puts on a smile.

- Yes, very good.

- So hurry up and get changed. I'll make breakfast and we'll eat later.

Chloe enters the kitchen and starts to prepare breakfast.

Mia looks down at her pajamas. The clothes she brought are still in the bedroom.

Now he's certainly dressed already, isn't he?

She gets up and heads for the bedroom. Standing in front of the door, she raises her hand and knocks on the door.

He does not answer.

She knocks again, but he still doesn't answer.

She can only try to open the door. Since the door is not locked from the inside, she easily opens it by pushing it.

Once the door is open, she is immediately struck by an intimidating coldness. She feels a chill run down her back.

The man, sitting on the edge of the bed, has a cold look fixed on a sheet of paper.

This sheet of paper...

Quickly, Mia realizes what he is holding in his hands. She then sees the messy stuff on the floor. She feels humiliated by this intrusion in her private life. Then she rushes to grab the sheet and asks him:

- You have no right to go through other people's things without their consent. Do you understand what privacy is?

Joseph chuckles.

- Privacy?

The way he snickers is frightening.

- You married me while carrying an illegitimate child. And now you're talking to me about privacy?

- I...

Mia tries to explain, but can't find the right words.

Joseph stands up and walks calmly at a steady pace. The closer he gets to her, the more stressed she gets. With an angry look, he asks:

- Tell me, what do you want?

Is she doing it so that he becomes the father of her baby? This way, this child will be Master Cosey's first grandchild, right?

And their deal is part of this plan?

Thinking about it, he takes on a somber look.

Mia purses her lips. She shakes and recoils, her hands covering her belly, afraid he will hurt the baby.

- I didn't want to hide it from you. It's just because we're in a white marriage, I didn't say. There is absolutely no intention behind it.

Joseph asks in a sinister, intimidating tone:

- Is that true?

Mia protects her belly and backs away quietly, keeping her composure.

- It's true. It's impossible to hide it. If I had a hidden agenda, I'll be damned. Besides, even if I lie to you, you'll certainly be able to handle me, won't you?

Even though she is discreetly protecting her belly, Joseph perceives it. He glances at her belly, which is well protected by her.

He fixes his eyes on her face.

- Why didn't you say anything about it?

Joseph does not trust her easily.

Her hands, protecting her belly, slowly clench. This baby is unexpected for her, but it's the one she's related to by blood. She has already lost her brother, so she wants to have this baby.

In the future, she can live with her mother, just like before, in a family of three.

When she remembers that night, she can't help but shake and get cold sweat in her hands.

- I just found out too.

She didn't even dare to tell Jeanne, or leave the ultrasound results at home, for fear that Jeanne would find out.

She didn't expect it to cause such a fuss.

And it made Joseph suspect her motives.

She is too young to be pregnant.

And she's been so reckless.

Joseph looks grim and warns:

- For a month, behave yourself. If I find you plotting...

- No, I'll never do it. I will behave. If I go too far, do whatever you want to punish me, Mia promises immediately.

Even if she can't gain his trust, she can't make him doubt her motives.

She's already in a tough spot. If she makes even more enemies, it will be harder for her to get her property back.

Joseph stares at her with a questioning look, seeming to assess the credibility of what she has told him.

Knock, knock, knock.

Chloe is knocking on the door right now and says:

- Breakfast is ready.

Joseph looks away and calms down.

- Pick them up.

Then he turns and walks out.

Once Joseph leaves, Mia's legs are limp and she leans against the dresser behind her. It takes her a moment to regain her strength. Then she crouches down to pick up the clothes scattered on the floor.

Looking again at the ultrasound results in her hand, she sheds tears, which fall onto the sheet and wet it.

She wipes her face. She must not cry, because it is a sign of weakness.

She does not allow herself to be weak. Her mother and the baby in her belly need her.

She folds the sheet and puts it in her bag. Then she changes and goes out.

The dining room is empty. On the table are an empty cup of coffee and an empty plate. He must have eaten and left.

Mia naturally breathes a sigh of relief. It's depressing to be with this man.

She goes to the table and eats.

After breakfast, she goes out. She promised to go home. She is afraid that Jeanne is worried about her.

As soon as she goes through the door, Jeanne catches her and asks:

- Mr. Cosey...

"Mom", Mia says curtly, not wanting to talk about it, "he is very nice. Don't worry about me."

Jeanne sighs. Her daughter is old enough to make up her own mind and doesn't want to listen to her anymore.

- I care about you.

She is afraid her husband will treat her badly.

Mia hugs her. She didn't do it on purpose. It's just that confronting Joseph and convincing him has taken all her energy and she feels tired.

- Mom, I'm just a little tired. I didn't do it on purpose.

- I understand, I don't blame you.

Jeanne strokes her back, seeming to sense her fatigue.

- If you're tired, get some sleep.

Mia nods. Although she doesn't want to sleep, she feels tired. She goes back to her room and falls asleep without realizing it.

At noon, Jeanne prepares lunch and calls her to eat.

Sitting at the table, Jane serves her daughter lunch.

- I made the fish you like.

Jeanne feels guilty. She gave birth to her daughter, but did not give her a good life and let her suffer with it.

Mia looks at the lemon fish prepared by her mother on the table. She liked the sweet, slightly acidic taste. But right now, the smell of that fish makes her want to vomit.

She can't help herself.

- Mia.

Mia doesn't have time to explain. She covers her mouth and rushes into the bathroom. Then, she stands in front of the sink with a gagging heart.

Concerned, Jeanne follows her. She has been pregnant before. She sees her daughter's reaction and the pale face, but can't believe it. Her daughter is very reserved and honest. She is a cautious girl who has never had a boyfriend at school.

Jeanne asks in a slightly shaky voice:

- Mia, what's wrong with you?

Mia suddenly freezes. She grips the edge of the sink and clasps her hands. Since she has decided to have this baby, Jeanne will have to know sooner or later.

She turns to look at her mother and gathers her courage.

- Mom, I'm pregnant.

Jeanne loses her balance for a moment and takes a step back. She can't believe it, because her daughter has just turned eighteen.

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